
28th May 2013

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Corrected entry: Jarvis tells Tony that crews have arrived with cranes to start removing debris to reach the basement lab. With the number of suits stored there why couldn't the suits just dig or blast their way out under remote control? 99% of the house fell into the ocean so there wasn't so much rubble that the suits couldn't free themselves.


Correction: A majority does fall into the sea but not 99% - the rest collapses onto the basement. Stark probably had some blast proof doors to keep people from getting in, so his armors wouldn't be able to blast out.

28th May 2013

Fast & Furious 6 (2013)

Corrected entry: The commander of the Army base seems surprised that the bad guys stole a tank in an attempt to secure the computer chip. However he never explains why the tank was in the convoy in the first place or why such a massive truck would be used to transport a small handheld case.


Correction: The convoy was a regularly scheduled convoy that the bad guys infiltrated in order to steal the chip. The reasoning was that if the chip was held by by what appeared to be a random soldier (the army brass not realizing they were compromised) in the convoy, the people after the chip would have a harder time finding it if it was surrounded by the convoy. They basically used an existing planned convoy for transport, rather than sending a single operative, thinking there would be safety in numbers. That's why the tank was in the convoy. He wasn't so much surprised there was a tank in the convoy, but that it was stolen.


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