
Trivia: This film sees Wolverine travelling to the distant past instead of Bishop, as Wolverine is determined to be the only suitable candidate. In the 90s animated series that similarly adapted this storyline from the comics, Bishop is the one who ends up travelling to the distant past, as he is determined to be a better candidate than Wolverine.


Trivia: Although it's not explained in the movie, it was revealed in behind-the-scenes interviews that Magneto was the one that reapplied the adamantium to Wolverine's claws. In the comics, Magneto actually removed the adamantium from Wolverine's skeleton.


Trivia: When Quicksilver is breaking Magneto out of prison he states that his mom used to know a guy that could control metal, implying that Magneto is Quicksilver's father, just like in the comics.


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