Correction: I've watched the film three times and the birthmark stays on his right upper chest throughout the film. There is one scene where Caesar is looking at himself in the mirror; when they show a close-up it is the image in the mirror, making it look like the birthmark has moved to the left side.


Corrected entry: One of the female apes in the ape sanctuary who was taken to the lab was named Cornelia. This probably would become Caesar's future mate and probably produce the scientist ape called Cornelius in Heston's "Planet of the Apes."


Correction: The original film takes place in the in the year 3978. Not possible that a mating of Cornelia and Caesar in the present day would produce Cornelius, who lives in the distant future. Also - this is speculation, not trivia. Considering how many references they make to the original film it is most likely that "Cornelia" is mash-up of the names "Cornelius" and "Zira"; the two scientist apes from the original.


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