Matthew Madden

29th May 2006

Windtalkers (2002)

Revealing mistake: In the Saipan village, during the surprise Japanese attack, the Christian Slater character is wrestling on the ground with a Japanese soldier. When another Japanese soldier charges in with his bayonet, Christian Slater turns his wrestling foe up on top of him to take the bayonet. As soon as the bayonet strikes, you can see the bloody special effects 'wound' charge go off in the wrong spot - about 3 inches HIGHER than the bayonet strike. When the shot changes, the SFX mistake wound is no longer there.

Matthew Madden

27th May 2006

Windtalkers (2002)

Factual error: When the Christian Slater character is introducing himself to the Nick Cage character while running on the beach, he mentions that his nickname is "Ox" because he comes from Oxnard, CA. He then explains that Oxnard is "just north of Hollywood a ways". But look at a map - Oxnard is practically due WEST of Hollywood, not North. Someone from Oxnard would know that.

Matthew Madden

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