
Question: Can someone share some light on the prison scene at the start of the 2nd movie. Where is this prison? How does Jack know about it and who runs it? It is a scary looking place that is well designed but has next to no explanation or further role in the movie past this scene.

Answer: There is no explanation given about where the prison is, who runs it, or how Jack knows about it. Its only significance is that it is a plot device that sets the movie's story into motion. Jack needed the drawing of the key that will eventually lead to the Dead Man's Chest. He finagled his way into the prison solely to steal the drawing, then he escaped. There is no need for the audience to know more details about the prison or how Jack learned about the drawing's existence and its meaning.


Question: When Davy Jones summons the Kraken after Will escapes with the key, why does Bootstrap Bill not scream "No" until after Davy Jones announces what he's doing (..."and let this day be cursed by we who are ready to wake... The Kraken")... He must know what the Kraken hammer does, why doesn't he react when they first start charging it up?

Answer: I would say it was about timing and building up to the dramatic effect so the audience knows why Bootstrap is reacting that way. If he screamed out too soon, it would be confusing about what he was upset about.


Question: Why did Will specifically need the Black Pearl to free his father? The only thing the Pearl had going for it was the speed. Wouldn't a ship fitted with more firepower be better suited for taking down the Dutchman?

Answer: The Black Pearl is the only ship that can catch up to the Flying Dutchman.


Answer: As you mentioned it is the fastest ship. Other reasons, it's a ship Will knows it is one that he has an opportunity to bargain for by betraying Jack Sparrow to his enemies.


Also, Will would have very little opportunity or the means to acquire another ship.


Question: Why did Beckett have Governor Weatherby Swann arrested?

Answer: Because he helped his daughter Elizabeth escape jail and Port Royal.

Answer: Because he was starting to ask too many questions about why Beckett wanted the Dead Man's Chest. Governor Swann had been forced into helping Beckett, and his usefulness had run out.


Question: When the crew are in the two cages hanging down and then start climbing up the side, Will is talking about getting to the black pearl. Someone in the other cage says something like, "actually it can be done with six", followed by "oh dear". All the men in both cages suddenly start climbing frantically. What was said exactly and what was the joke?

Answer: Will says that once they escape and get back to the Black Pearl, it will take all of them to sail the ship. Leech, the pirate in the other cage, corrects him, saying that, actually, a minimum of six men could crew it. Leech's, "Oh dear," comment is when he and everyone simultaneously realise that whoever escapes first will take control of the ship. Will, Gibbs, and the rest of Jack's crew know that Leech and the other pirates have no loyalty to Sparrow, and if they commandeer the Black Pearl, they'll strand everyone else on the island. It then becomes a race to reach the cliff top first.


Answer: Will says "we'll need all the men to launch the pearl" Leech corrects him saying they'd only need about six. Both cages realise that they only need one cage, and can leave the others to die. This is why Leech says "oh, dear." And why he tries to continue to climb up after the tribesmen appears on the bridge. Will, most likely wouldn't have left the others though.


Answer: Earlier, during the conversation between Will and Gibbs, Gibbs says "Jack's life will end when the drums stop." This is what Leech (the man who says "oh dear") is referring to, as the drums stop.

Answer: The joke is that it has now become a race to escape as either group can getaway without the other and will leave them behind.


Question: When the crew is at Tia Dalma's, what does Jack mean when he says "My eyesight's as good as ever, just so you know" after Mr. Gibbs, Pintel, and Raghetti do the superstitious spin thing?

Answer: He thinks it looks like herpes. So to make sure nobody else thinks he's got an STD he says 'my eyesight is as good as ever'. Herpes is known to cause loss of vision.

Answer: When the Black Spot on Jack's palm is revealed, Gibbs, Pintel, and Ragetti, all being superstitious types, panic and, each in turn, spin around spitting and chanting, "The Black Spot!" in an attempt to ward off its evilness. Jack's retort was implying that they did not need to overstate the obvious.


Question: Jack steals a ring at Tia Dalma's when he is getting a jar of dirt from her in dead mans chest. Is this ring ever brought up again/mentioned/used? Possibly in a later movie?


Chosen answer: There is no indication that the ring will play any part in future story lines. Jack's taking the ring is just a means to show his character - he is a pirate and there is no honor among thieves. If he wants something, he feels entitled to take it, even if it is from a comrade of sorts.


Answer: There is significance to the ring Jack took. According to the wiki, the ring was originally a gift *from* Jack, to Angelica (who we meet in the 4th movie- On Stranger Tides). She traded that ring (the ring of Thieves) to Tia Dalma in exchange for the Ritual which would help her in her quest to find the Fountain of Youth (the plot of the fourth movie). Not to mention, when Jack takes the ring, you see Tia Dalma's locket, the one which Davy Jones also carries, which foreshadows quite a lot. Lots of significance to that small scene.

Question: I think I have figured out the answer to this question, however, I would like further verification. After Jack sends Will onto the Flying Dutchman and Will is captured, Jack is watching through his telescope and Davy Jones sees him then suddenly they are right in front of each other. Did Davy Jones and his crew transport onto the Black Pearl and leave Will and the other prisoners on the Flying Dutchman?

Answer: That is correct. Davy Jones and his men have a supernatural ability to transport themselves from one location to another. That is how Bootstrap Bill first arrived to deliver the Black Spot to Jack Sparrow.


Answer: Jack came into possession of a drawing of a key after killing the warden of the Turkish prison that he infiltrated. All he knew was that the real key would open a chest containing something valuable. He then went to see Tia Dalma, who told him that the key opened Davy Jones' chest containing his heart.


Question: When Elizabeth tries to board the Black Pearl at Tortuga, Jack is extremely unwilling to let her on. I know there's the element of what he has done to Will, but why doesn't he just let her on, and trade her as one of the 99 souls he needs? I mean, if he can leave Will on the Flying Dutchman to serve for a hundred years in his place, why can't he do it to Elizabeth?


Chosen answer: Jack is reluctant to have her on board because he knows she has her own agenda (to save Will) that could upset his plans. He is aware that Elizabeth is intelligent, strong-willed, and determined. She knows better than anyone how Jack operates, and would use any advantage to achieve her goal. It is only when Jack realizes that Elizabeth can lead him to the Dead Man’s Chest, that he allows her to join his crew. Also, having any woman on board a ship creates its own set of problems, and Jack, in particular, could be distracted by her. It's also questionable as to whether or not Davy Jones accepts female souls aboard his ship, as none have been seen. Jack may also feel enough loyalty to Elizabeth to want to spare her from that fate. He did try to retrieve Will as part of his bargain with Jones. Of course, Jack knows it is unlikely that he can collect enough souls by the deadline, and his intent is to find the Dead Man’s Chest so he can control Davy Jones, thus relieving him of his debt and controlling all the seas.


Question: Did i miss something? In the 1st pirates movie, the pirate with the glass eye tried to get rid of Jack and his crew. But in this movie they are part of his crew. I know they sneaked onto the ship, but nobody who saw them questioned them or recognized them as the pirates who tried to kill them before.


Chosen answer: Pintel and Ragetti (the one with the wooden eye) are pirates. They are basically loyal to themselves and adapt to whatever the situation is that best serves their own purpose, rather than out of loyalty to anyone else. They'll serve under whoever offers the best motive or profit for doing so. The same goes for the captains. If they need a crew, they will utilize whoever is available at the moment, even if they know they've been disloyal in the past, as was the case when Jack allowed them back on his ship. This is a bit of a "running gag" in the series that the characters are constantly betraying one another.


Question: Who were the people standing around Tia Dalma's hut at the end of the movie, and what was their purpose?

Answer: They are the inhabitants of the swamp where Tia Dalma lives. They are there to mourn Jack's passing. Tia Dalma has supernatural powers and no doubt she knew of Jack's demise before the Black Pearl crew arrives. It also appears she foresaw them coming.


Question: In the first movie, when Elizabeth falls off the wall, you hear Jack telling the guards "and then they made me their chief." Does this mean that he has been to the island before? Will they explain this further in the third movie?

Answer: Yes, this is the same island (Pelegosto) Jack was telling the two marines about. That is why he is able to (somewhat) speak the natives' language. The film's writers confirm this in the DVD commentary. It's also a reference to the Fast Show, a favourite of Johnny Depp.


Question: When the Kraken attacks the ship near the end, several unnamed "extras" are manning the cannons, getting killed, etc. My question is where did all these sailors come from? All the unnamed sailors in Jack's original crew died on the cannibal island, and they picked up a maximum of four in Tortuga.

Answer: We only saw the four that were recruited on Tortuga. Additional sailors could have been added before they set sail, although far from the 99 that Jack needed to save his soul.


Question: What is it that Jack Sparrow wants more than the Dead Mans Chest, the thing that his compass is pointing to?

Answer: It points to Elizabeth.


Question: Who was that weird guy in the wall that helps the group?

Answer: He is Wyvern, one of Davy Jones' crew. The longer one serves on Jones' ship, the more they are transformed into the ocean environment. This guy has served so long that he's become almost completely absorbed by the ship.


Answer: Norrington didn't lose his commission. He felt he disgraced himself by failing to capture Jack Sparrow and resigned from the Navy. Then he aimlessly wandered the Caribbean, sinking further and further into despair.


Question: Several times, people refer to something about the Black Pearl, that Jack Sparrow made some sort of deal with Davy Jones to raise it from the ocean floor. Am I right, or is there something I haven't picked up on?

Answer: Jack made a pact with Davy Jones to raise the Black Pearl from the ocean depths and to be her captain. Jack agreed that after 13 years, he would surrender himself to Davy Jones and serve on his crew for 100 years.


Question: In the corrections page one supposed mistake was about Barbossa's monkey becoming cursed once again. Is it possible that the monkey somehow resurrected Barbossa? If not then how did Barbossa come back?

Answer: No explanation has been given yet as to how Barbossa was resurrected. However, since the monkey has been with the Black Pearl's crew, it seems unlikely it helped Barbossa. We only know that Tia Dalma has played some part in bringing him back. When Jack and the crew first visited Tia Dalma, there's a brief shot of the monkey running into the bedroom. A man's legs can be seen on the bed. Presumably this was the recuperating Barbossa.


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