Soylent Purple

18th Aug 2005

Timecop (1994)

Corrected entry: At the beginning, the black guy stands in front of the panel and states that time travel has been invented and must now be policed. Instead of spending money setting up the TEC, training recruits etc, surely it would have been quicker and easier to seize the prototype of the time machine from the inventor. Assuming he only made one, this would then prevent any other time travel occurring.

Correction: You cannot 'un-invent' something. Once someone has created it, and the cat is out of the bag, others will follow in their footsteps. Look how many countries have nuclear weapons. The US didn't sell their plans to other countries. They knew it was possible and built their own devices. On top of that you do not know that in 1000 years in the future, someone else will not invent Time Travel after the world is a very different place. I thought the plot of the film was that all Time Travel WAS made illegal, so their job is to police any future inventions that may be made. The device used by the enemy in this film was a hidden prototype. As it was hidden it would have made no difference what they had done.

Soylent Purple

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