
9th Aug 2022

Prison Break (2005)

The Key - S1-E19

Plot hole: C-Note says about pulling a simple bump and grab on The Key like they did before. However, when Abruzzi and his men get The Key the 1st time, C-Note wasn't in the group then. It is extremely unlikely they would divulge this trivial piece of information as the issue is long since resolved. (00:03:50)


18th Jun 2019

Prison Break (2005)

Rendezvous - S2-E10

Plot hole: Linc is arrested in Wilcox, Arizona and is rescued by his father's people. They then take him to Trinidad in Colorado, an 8 and a half hour journey by car - they are seen in the same van. However in those 8 hours, it's not noticed that a) The police unit had been attacked and b) Lincoln Burrows, one of the 8 most wanted men in the USA, had escaped. Surely in 8 hours someone would have noticed. (00:07:35)


26th Mar 2019

Prison Break (2005)

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