
12th Oct 2006

Sin City (2005)

Corrected entry: When the girls of Old Town interrogate Marv Wendy says: "What did you do with Goldie and the other 6?" referring to the severed heads on the wall in Kevin's basement; except there were only 5 heads on the wall, so where's girl No.6?

Correction: There are several possibly explanations here. Goldie got the number wrong, the sixth girl didn't go missing because of Kevin, or her head simply hadn't been hung up on the wall for whatever reason.


22nd Feb 2006

Sin City (2005)

Corrected entry: When Miho stabs her swords into the car, there is a delay between shots of her stabbing down and the blades coming through the roof of the car.

Correction: Yes there is a delay, but it is entirely intentional. It is within standard convention for a movie to repeat, especially action shots, from different angles or different perspectives.


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