LuMaria 1

Question: What tune is Thumper whistling after launching a ball on the table of the frat boys? Is it from a song?

Answer: He whistles "Rock-A-Bye Baby" in order to menace the frat boys.

LuMaria 1

Question: This movie confused me. I know that when Evan blacked out was actually when he went back, but what I don't get is how he got back or why the hemoragging happened. I also don't get the whole scar thing. Wouldn't he have hemorrhaged from having the scars or is it only at major changes that he hemorrhages?

Answer: He hemorrhaged because his brain had a hard time adjusting to all the memories of an entirely new lifetime. The doctor explained it when he showed how very little memory space Evan had left near the ending of the movie (the brain scans). The scars would've healed by the time he got to each new reality.

LuMaria 1

Question: After seeing the directors cut (I haven't seen the theatrical) we know that Evans mother has two still births, could this be Evans brothers who have lived similar lives to Evan, made the same choices, come to the same conclusions, travelled back to the womb and killed themselves?

Answer: Yes, it is in fact two brothers of Evan's. They travelled back and killed themselves the same way Evan did. This is explained in the Director's Cut DVD commentary by the writers.

LuMaria 1

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