Deconstructing Harry
Movie Quote Quiz

Harry Block: The two most important things are the work that you choose and sex.

Harry Block: Between air-conditioning and the Pope, I'll take air-conditioning.

Harry: Cookie, do you know what a black hole is?
Cookie: Sure, that's how I make my livin'.

Harry Block: Does the president think of fucking every woman he meets? Oh sorry, bad example.

Doris: It's tradition.
Harry Block: Tradition is the illusion of permanence.

Joan: So now you're blaming me because I don't go out with you enough, to meet strangers to fuck.

Harry Block: Tradition is the illusion of permanence.
Doris: You have no values. Your whole life, it's nihilism, it's cynicism, it's sarcasm and your orgasm.
Harry Block: You know in France, I could run on that slogan and win.

Harry's Sister: You never forgave him because you thought he was a bad father.
Harry Block: He was.
Harry's Sister: Thanks for stopping by.

Harry Block: You're air-conditioned here?
The Devil: Sure! Fucks up the ozone layer.

Doris: You're a self-hating jew.
Harry Block: Hey, I may hate myself but not 'cause I'm jewish.

Ken: You can't bullshit me like your shrink, he only knows what you tell him.

Harry Block: And then, after their child was born, she became what he called "Jewish with a Vengeance."

Harry Block: The most important words in the English language are not "I love you" but "It's benign."

Harry Block: Six shrinks later, three wives down the line, and I still can't get my life together.

Cookie: How come you got all this money?
Harry Block: I always keep hooker money around, you know, 'cause I once paid by check years ago and the I.R.S. killed me.

Harry Block: Every hooker I ever speak to tells me that it beats the hell out of waitressing. Waitressing's gotta be the worst fucking job in the world.

Harry Block: Look, I was merely explaining to you why my choice of necessity is confined to your practice.

Harry Block: This guy is too old for her.
Richard: He's younger than you are.
Harry Block: Hey, I'm much too old for her, it's ridiculous. But, because of my immaturity I have a boyish quality that works.

Harry Block: Can I be honored and then arrested?

Lucy: You schmuck, you bastard. I'd like to cut your fuckin' head off.
Harry Block: You're upset, right?

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