
9.6/10. The best of The Creature From The Black Lagoon trilogy. Here he's the victim against man who wishes to hold him in captivity, experiment on him. They even torture him when he doesn't obey. I rooted for the Gill Man as he was only fighting to escape and return to the lagoon and his sense of sanity. I liked Lori Nelson,charming.Still she was part of these cruel experiments so her character was evil too like the men's were.Clint Eastwood's first movie role, more actors should do small roles like this, would keep them humble. The Gill Man is one of the best Universal monsters.


9.9/10. One of the best sports movies ever made.It does the Rocky theme of going the distance excellently. Walter Matthau plays the grizzled minor league player turned coach brilliantly with a touch of warmth. You can see he cares for the kids like a kindly uncle albeit a drinking one. I think the best scene is when he's training them only with an actual caring attitude. The movie also seems to predict the future of the pain in the butt sports obsessed parents who care not a whit about their kids well being too. The Bears are positively hilarious when celebrating going the distance at the end. This movie ranks up there with Hoosiers, Rocky, Chariots Of Fire, etc.


10th May 2020

Clue (1985)

9.6/10. A gem among B movies. Tim Curry and Madeline Kahn really make the movie work. It feels like a nice mix of detective genre with humor. It never felt dull as it moved along with a nice brisk pace. Wadsworth was like Sherlock Holmes only with a funny personality and frenzied energy. Clue is one of those misunderstood movies of the 80's when it should be viewed as a comedy, a good one too, with a good cast, script, and well made. I enjoy this sort of attention to a project, it shows the work and passion of people who care.


9th May 2020

Halloween (2007)

8.8/10. A well done different take on the original. It's not a remake more like a different version of the story like fairy tales which have different versions. Rob Zombie shows his talent in understanding the source material. Malcolm MacDowell plays an excellent take on Dr. Loomis, a bit greedy but still caring some. Scout Taylor Compton plays a feisty, funny but still strong Laurie Strode. This is a pretty decent movie, like a grind house movie.


9th May 2020

Still Alice (2014)

10/10. The best movie Julianne Moore's done ever. She deserved that Oscar for this perfect movie. Dr Alice Howland faces Alzheimer's bravely, shown in the journey most people have going from shock to depression to acceptance. I would call it one of the best movies of 2014 as well as of the decade. She's long since proven herself quite good in movies like The Forgotten, Boogie Nights, Chloe, The Hours, etc. I consider Julianne Moore to be one of the best actresses of all time and one of my favorite actresses too. If you watch it you'll probably love it like I did.


9th May 2020

Miami Hustle (1996)

7.6/10. I consider this the best movie Kathy Ireland's ever been in as the lead. Sure she's not a great actress but she tries better than the regular ones like Kristen Stewart. The movie plays like a crime noire with a 90's vibe in this south Florida city. Kathy shows she's more than a pretty face, shows some potential. She does this as well as other movies for fun like a few other models do, Angie Everhart, Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson, and Pauliina Porizkova. Give this a try on Friday or Saturday night.


9th May 2020

Halloween (1978)

9.8/10. A horror masterpiece. My second favorite of Carpenter's movies. He creates a chilling picture of suburban America where evil like this could exist. Myers represents our deepest, darkest fears. He could be a metaphor for us unleashing our innermost demons, anger, anything upon others. Jamie Lee Curtis should always be remembered as one of the best Scream Queens of all time. The creepy breathing of Myers works well, as if he's merely a shell of a man going more on killing instinct than feelings and actual thought. Curtis plays the scared but determined babysitter well, showing that the least likely of us can survive with enough determination. Myers shows the dark side of man well.


8th May 2020

Sleepaway Camp (1983)

9.8/20. One of the best horror movies of the 80's. It still holds up well today. Felicia Rose says so much with her blank expression without saying anything. It should be held up in high esteem alongside Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The atmosphere of the camp is chilling, almost saying evil's on the prowl. The opening orchestral score is excellent, Aunt Martha is funny despite being a disturbed woman. I would definitely recommend this one to anyone who's looking for a forgotten horror movie from the golden age of horror from 1974's Black Christmas to 1991's Freddy's Dead:The Final Nightmare.Excellent.


9.7/10. One of Uma Thurman's best movies of the 2000's. She plays The Bride well alongside a great cast consisting of David Carradine, Vivica Fox, and Lucy Liu. The whole thing is a tribute to spaghetti westerns, foreign revenge movies, and martial arts too. One of the best scenes is the blood soaked fight between her and The Crazy 88's, well done choreography here. I would definitely recommend it for only hardcore fans of such movies, nobody under 18 or faint of heart. Uma Thurman's great here.


9.3/10. A pretty decent follow up to Nemesis 2. Sue Price still has better acting chops than Cory Everson or Rachel McLish. Alex still has that mix of bad ass warrior and woman trying to survive in a post apocalyptic setting. Now she faces Sharon Bruneau and Debbie Muggli as twin bounty hunters. They added charm to this sequel, making it fun just like its predecessor. People forget not to take these seriously, they're B movies with low budgets, I salute them for having integrity to not cater to studio demands. Albert Pyun did well here too. If anything, he made a fun B movie franchise that admittedly borrows from bigger movies but the big ones do this too. Sue Price still continues to be the spoon that stirs the drink here.


6th May 2020

Hannie Caulder (1971)

10/10. Hands down my favorite Raquel Welch movie. She plays the harmed woman turned bad ass rather well. The whole cast was exceptional though without her this movie may not have done as good. It's an unfairly forgotten Western, more people remember The Quick And The Dead than they do Hannie Caulder. Forget that garbage and watch Raquel Welch in this instead. She's more convincing in this type role than Sharon Stone. I definitely believed her becoming a rather good gunfighter, fun romp.


9.8/10. My favorite movie of John Carpenter's movies. He does a good job of creating this chilling atmosphere as people seem to be stuck in a last stand against the forces of darkness seemingly. The Street Thunder are chilling in that they never speak even once. They seem to hollow husks of people who live only for destruction. The main theme for the movie is excellent, just as good as Superman's.


29th Apr 2020

Problem Child 2 (1991)

9.6/10. I loved this sequel. It's absolutely hilarious. Junior proves to be still a source of mayhem causing hilarity. He has an equal in Trixie, also funny kid. John Ritter and Amy Yasbeck still have this great chemistry, you love how well they gel together. If anything Problem Child 2's a sequel that got overlooked and that's a shame.


29th Apr 2020

Insurgent (2015)

9.6/10. I still think this is best entry of the franchise in book and movie. Naomi Watts really adds to the story quite well.This was a sequel that stood out like Terminator 2, it surpassed its predecessor. Everyone seemed really at ease here, having perfected the characters. Honestly this is best work both pains in the butt Ashley Judd and Kate Winslet have ever done. Jeannine Mathews is a pretty good villain. I enjoy the books and the franchise, you might like it too even if you're an adult like me. Give it a shot.


24th Apr 2020

Wicked Stepmother (1989)

8.7/10. A fun romp with Barbara Carrera easily leading the way. She, Colleen Camp, and Tom Bosley seem to have a ball with the movie. I feel it was a fun movie with no insult to the audience. Bette Davis was OK but Barbara Carrera is easily better. She seems committed more than Davis did. It's one of those gems that's better than what the critics claim.


24th Apr 2020

Adrift (2018)

10/10. The best movie Shailene Woodley's done so far. She plays Tami Oldham Ashcraft well, almost like seeing the real woman herself. She's great in going from being helpless to becoming filled with resolve to survive the journey to Hawaii. I only wish Woodley had won an award or two for this excellent movie and that she keeps picking good scripts like this.


9.7/10. My favorite of all the TMNT movies. I grew up on the the original cartoon, the toys, the original movie trilogy. I never felt this movie ruined my childhood, rather I felt like a giddy kid again. Megan Fox was great as April, she really put a lot of effort into the role as did everyone else. One of the best scenes, chase down the mountain by the Foot was so cool. The Turtles look was incredible, they were well done. I understand some people's views, perfectly fine, but some, like myself, just loved having the Turtles back on the big screen. Turtle Power.


9.8/10. My favorite of the franchise. I felt it was well rounded and directed excellently by Tom McLoughlin, who's underrated as a director. C.J. Graham as Jason was superb, he really threw himself into the role. Jason rising from his grave was a nice touch like old Universal horror movies. I know it was some other guy doing my favorite kill, triple decapitation, but it was still cool. No matter what, the likes of Jason Voorhees can never die out due to loyal fans and websites dedicated to them.


10th Apr 2020

Nemesis 2: Nebula (1995)

9.5/10. The best of this 4 movie franchise, don't count the fifth one. Sue Price is the best female bodybuilder to act, better than Everson or Mclish. True it takes from franchises like Terminator and Predator but so what? It's just something that everybody does, borrowing stuff. I enjoyed it immensely as the movie was never boring nor slow paced. It had a solid story, a sequel succeeding expectations and outdoing its predecessor. I consider this my second favorite sci fi franchise behind Resident Evil in a tie with the 3 movie Terminator franchise, then Robo Cop. I insist you give it a try. Sue Price was great.


7th Apr 2020

Little Darlings (1980)

-10/10. I don't know where they come up with this junk, best word I can use here. This got heavily praised in 1980? I can't believe anyone would think it's OK to watch two 15 year old girls betting on who'll lose herself first. The director, writers, everyone involved who was an adult should be ashamed of pushing such garbage on the public. This is one of the worst movies of both the 80's and of all time.


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