
1st Jan 2021

Hidden Figures (2016)

-50/10.They could've done something good here.The first black women to work at NASA does sound like an interesting story to tell.What does Hollywood do?They make this into a movie about race with the usual gripes.It sickens me and others, no doubt, that in this day and age Hollywood's still obsessed with race.They take another good story and make it into a lousy movie.


30th Dec 2020

Jennifer's Body (2009)

8.5/10.A seriously underrated horror movie of the 2000's.I enjoyed the idea of a popular girl inhabited by a succubus.Then, making it further complicated.her nerdy best friend has to stop her.The premise is good, set in small town America as if imitating Stephen King's books which also happen in small town America.I would say the whole movie's good with an exception.Adam Brody tries taking up too much of every scene he's in as if scared to be a co-star, He seemed threatened playing behind Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox.What I enjoyed the most was the chemistry of Seyfried and Fox.They played well off each other, seemed like actual childhood friends who become enemies because of evil.I wish they'd do something else together.This is definitely a pretty good and vastly underrated movie.


8.3/10.Whereas it's a bit weak, I still liked it.Typically Gonzo has to play second or so violin to the others, here he's the main character.It's got its problems like having Hogan and Griffin in cameos but not as bad as The Happytime Murders.I like the idea of Gonzo finding out he's from space, longing to reconnect with his family.A subtle message here is family is whoever you live with and love as they love you.Gonzo is and always will be my favorite of The Muppet characters.


29th Dec 2020

Friday the 13th (2009)

7/10.I found this a pretty decent reboot.It does do a lot of things of the previous movies but that was to please the fans.If they didn't do things like knucklehead teens fans would complain.Jason runs here like he did in Parts 2-4, nothing wrong with that.I found making him a bit more clever an original and good idea.The dislike I don't get since I enjoyed it, One thing that was interesting, at least to me, was the final girl looked like his mother.That almost seemed like a nod to Part 2 only here she looks sort of like Jason's mother.Dererk Mears, who plays Jason, was pretty good at it.


26th Dec 2020

Secretary (2002)

-70/10.How they ever got this garbage off the ground is beyond me.James Spader constantly humiliates former mental patient Maggie G who grows to like it, She stays as his secretary and marries him.It's just bad, one of the worst of the 2000's alongside Battlefield Earth.


-60/10.I grow weary of movies where the guys seem to be nothing but deadbeats, abusers, losers, molesters, etc.If you like that sort of interpretation of us then you'll love this movie.If you're like me you'll avoid it.Judd and Portman match each other in total blandness.


22nd Dec 2020

First Wives Club (1996)

-70/10.What was the point here?That it's funny for women to hate their ex-husbands and carry grudges?I doubt one would be as highly praised if the genders had been reversed.That supposedly good song was lame, no point other than to drag this turkey put.Three way past their prime actresses just hamming it up so much you could stuff them with cloves, using I Love Lucy joke there.This is nothing more than another feminist gripe about men saying it's OK for women to be petty towards men.


18th Dec 2020

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

3.6/10.One sad thing here is Kristen Wiig, they should've gotten Judy Greer, seems to put out the best effort.Personally I think she took it out of desperation after the disaster that was Ghostbusters 2016.Gal Gadot's performance remains as bland as before only now she's a producer which I disagree with as most actors haven't a clue about directing, writing, or producing anything.The plot, what plot?Nothing more than griping about the 80's supposed culture of greed here. Pedro Pascal who matches Gadot in blandness,p;ays the cliched greedy businessman.Chris Pine's brought back for really no reason, still being the wuss he was in the last one.Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright are back as they probably got a 3 picture deal, add nothing though thankfully not as much screen time as before.Lynda Carter surprised me in the sense that I thought she'd play the President, not some bit part as an Amazon.Then there's Kristen Wiig, oh boy do I hate this walking cliched stereotype.Nerdy, insecure woman who just wants to be hot then goes all psycho once she obtains it, She also goes back regular by the end, ripping off Amazing Spider-Man's Lizard, far superior character in both comics and movie.I at least admit they were smart on three things:1.The design of Cheetah, pretty good.2.Kristen Wiig is pretty, no denying that, best part of this clunker.3.Bringing back the Amazons for the beginning.I'm sure all those teenage and 20 something guys who make these blockbusters possible thank them too.That all said it's still annoying, preachy, sloppy written, and pretentious.I admit to being wrong about Kristen Wiig, best part of the movie here.I still plan on obtaining it on DVD in several months to join my collection of "So Bad They're Good To Watch And Laugh At Movies."What annoyed me here was how much they ripped off:1.Amazing Spider-Man:Scientist becomes half animal monster.2.Amazing Spider-Man 2:Nerdy brief friend becomes villain,3.Who Censored Roger Rabbit:Wishes come at a price only a stone here instead of a magic lantern.4.Frankenstein:Monster starts out good,goes bad.4.Lord Of The Rings:Magical object corrupts a person's mind.5.Aqua-Man:Flashback of hero quite young in training.Then the big one.The Dark Knight Rises.Just where the heck do these overpaid dolts,Jenkins and Gadot,get off on lecturing the rest of us on greed?.Gadot works as both and a producer here making 10 million,far more than what any actor should ever get.I would claim to be surprised but I'm not.This whole thing was just anti American as its predecessor,more anti male here and also anti President Trump.Those of us with sense will laugh at them all day and night long.Patty Jenkins may be one of the most overrated directors of today.


8.2/10.A pretty decent prequel/sequel follow up to its predecessor.I liked the idea of the sisters ancestors hiding out in a fort while werewolves are prowling about outside.Katharine Isabelle and Emily Perkins play again off each other really good.They play the same characters just not goths while trying to escape the hell and curse of werewolves.I would say the isolation here plays into the movie rather well.Ignore Ginger Snaps 2, Perkins and Isabelle work best together in this movie and the first one.Just disregard Ginger Snaps 2.


7th Dec 2020

The Help (2011)

-80/10.What a load of b.s. this was.Emma Stone and Bryce Dallas Howard keep showing they lack any sort of talent when headlining a movie, better as co-stars.A shame on Ms Sissy Spacek for doing this trash.Why she did, I'll never know.Ha, ha, what a great gag, one maid puts her waste in the pie her ex employer is eating.That's disgusting and immoral, doesn't help the cause of civil rights.This whole thing was a pointless waste, made only to make money.Yes change needed to happen and it's good that did.But this is just another hack movie trying to stir up old wounds, without this sort of junk how else would some people like Jackson and Sharpton make their livings?We'd all be better off without trash like this being made.


-70/10.It's bad, really bad.I can say one positive thing about Elizabeth Banks here, she stood by this disaster even with an attitude of immaturity.How many other directors, etc, would do that?The plots of the ones seemed to try a little harder.Here it just expects you to accept it's a reboot or whatever without a second thought.Just awful, plain and simple.


1/10.A witless and pointless entry into comedy.It's also insulting to think an unfunny hack like Ben Stiller could truly make it on talent and not by a lot of brown nosing.Robert De Niro, truly one of the phoniest tough guys ever, adds nothing to this.He's like an old cranky uncle who you visit once a year because your parents make you.Avoid this movie and its sequels at all costs.


5th Dec 2020

I, Tonya (2017)

9.8/10.One of the best movies of 2017.Margot Robbie cared so much about telling this story that she spoke with Tonya Harding for accuracy.She trained hard on skating, came close to looking like her.I also give kudos to Allison Janney who plays the evil mother rather well.This is one of the best sports movies I've ever seen and as well as one of the best made.Margot Robbie showed so much passion playing Tonya Harding, she just grabs hold of you with her brilliant performance.She should've won both the Golden Globe and Oscar for Best Actress.


9.5/10.A sequel that's on equal footing with its predecessor.Forget Die Hard 2 as that concept of the hero confined to a plane works better with other movies.Bruce Willis again delivers brilliantly as Det John McClane going against one great villain in Jeremy Irons.Here you can again feel your adrenaline rushing as you watch him race around New York trying to foil the villain's plans.I actually enjoyed Samuel L.Jackson here, most of his stuff I don;t watch.But here there's excellent chemistry between Willis and Jackson.


4th Dec 2020

Back to School (1986)

9.6/10.Possibly one of Rodney Dangerfield's best movies.I liked the idea of this self made millionaire going to college to make up for lost time with his son.It's touching at times while still being funny.One of the funnier gags they ever did was when Rodney was making a hoagie at this posh party his wife was hosting.If anyone who wanted to go into comedy wanted to learn the art of the straight line watch this movie.I would say it's possibly one of the most overlooked comedies of the 80's.


3rd Dec 2020

Overboard (2018)

8.5/10.A decent remake only brought down some by Eva Longoria.I otherwise found it quite funny due to the efforts of Anna Faris.She just brings this charm to everything she does, almost has this passionate energy that inspires everyone involved to do their best.Pretty good watch.


3rd Dec 2020

Overboard (1987)

9.7/10.A nice funny comedy that showed Kurt Russell's comedic acting chops after his previous two great action movies The Thing and Escape From New York.He plays it well, often the straight man to Goldie Hawn's zany antics.True it does the cliche of happiness is more important than wealth or success but here it works because Hawn is a spoiled empty woman.Russell helps her change and for the better.Director Gary Marshall does an excellent job here.


9.7/10.A great sequel which had so much ambition.I enjoyed it more than the original because it gave us more than the original such as different Gremlins like Daffy, my favorite one.The cameos like Dick Butkus, Bubba Smith, etc, were a nice touch.The story and cast were solid as I felt this sequel was trying its darndest to upstage or at least to match its predecessor.The only shame is that it failed at the box office due to coming out six years after the original.I still like it, would put it on my list of 20 Best Sequels.


1/10.While I can understand the desire to recreate the magic of a hit movie, particularly in horror, I can't understand the logic behind this one.The original was a masterpiece of 80's horror, I rank in the Top 10 of my 50 favorite horror movies.Pamela Springsteen seems awkward here, like she's doing this for laughs and playing another character instead of Angela Baker.Felissa Rose is far superior, way better than this inferior impostor.I would say this is for those who watch movies so bad they're good to watch and laugh at.


6th Nov 2020

Basic Instinct (1992)

1/10.Dumb as all get out.Get Sharon Stone naked several times and what else is there?We're supposed to believe she's a deadly psychopath or whatever.Michael Douglas should be embarrassed by this debacle as Sharon Stone can't act.She drags everything she's in down except for Total Recall.


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