
8th Sep 2021

Georgia Rule (2007)

-70/10. You've got a movie starring a treasonous tart, a putz from a lame ABC "sitcom"and one although decent looking, failure of an actress, what else can be said?


7/10. Essentially a retread of The New Scooby Doo Mysteries of the late 70's where Scooby and the gang solved mysteries with stars of back then like Don Knotts, Don Adams, etc. Heck other Hannah Barbara characters like Speed Buggy guest starred even the Three Stooges. This is that only in modern times and is pretty OK.


-30/10. A pointless idiotic movie that wastes the talents of Conroy and Hamill. Here they're just ripping off elements of Burton's Batman while doing the cliches of doomed romance movies. I can't fathom why anyone would consider this greatest Batman movie ever made. It's not well thought out, the plot's so stupid, and once you see the love interest you know she's the killer. There's no debate, she's a bad guy in this bad schlock fest.


30th Aug 2021

Partners in Crime (1984)

3/10. A run of the mill detective show that's better than Cagney and Lacey in that the male audience members can watch Lynda Carter and Loni Anderson without paying attention to what they say. Here we're supposed to believe these two well dressed women can run a detective agency of their late ex? Come on, I've seen beer commercials that were more believable. Lynda here is trying to prove she can go beyond Wonder Woman while Loni's trying to prove herself outside of WKRP In Cincinnati. Major spoiler here, they don't. I would recommend this only to die hard fans of either one as they keep alive the concept of T&A TV here which was slowly dying off by the early 80's.


5/10. Possibly the best movie Geena Davis has ever done. Sure it's goofy but it knows this and has fun. Jim Carrey is the true star here with his usual zany manner. I would say this was a good preview as to what he could do with goofy comedy.


17th Aug 2021

That's My Boy (2012)

-80/10. I really didn't want to write this. I like Adam Sandler, he's a funny and genuinely nice guy. But this is his worst movie ever. Forget Jack And Jill,8 Crazy Nights, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, or both Grown Ups movies, this is his big stinker. I mean there's nothing funny about a guy who's a slacker trying to use his son to get money for his gambling debts. Nor is it funny that he had an affair with his teacher at age 13 or so. This will be a huge black mark on Adam's filmography as well it should be.


10/10. The best horror show ever made. Talent like Kathy Ireland, Shelley Hack, Mariel Hemingway, Tim Curry, Christopher Reeve, David Warner appearing on the show tells a lot about it. John Kassir as the Crypt Keeper was brilliant as his performance was always top notch. If anything, most episodes showed the ability how to write horror properly, in a good way be it flat out scary like And All Through The House to black comedy like The Assassin. I would not only call this the best horror show ever made, but would call it one of the best shows of all time for any list.


15th Aug 2021

Snatched (2017)

-50/10. This is what Goldie Hawn came back for? Just to work with a foul mouthed comedian? This ranks as one of the worst comebacks since Hanoi Fonda's in Monster-In-Law. I'd describe the plot more but won't because it's so ridiculous and Siskel and Ebert would do a better job anyhow. Both Hawn and Schumer fail to be funny as one just looks old and tired while the other suffers from a foul mouth.


13th Aug 2021

Glitter (2001)

6.7/10. An underrated movie that, granted isn't for everyone, but if you're like me and into smaller movies, some of them being box office bombs give this one a try. I got this way before I learned of Carey's diva behavior. It's not good but not bad, I'd venture and call it an OK movie that got sidetracked probably due to the fact they had Mariah Carey as the lead. I would go further and say it's easily better than anything the likes of Barbra Streisand, Jennifer Lopez,Whitney Houston, and Maddonna have done movie wise. The only other singers that have done movies I like are Kylie Minogue, Tiffany Darwish, and Debbie Gibson. Honestly this movie's unfairly picked on and so's Mariah.


7th Aug 2021

Scooby-Doo (2002)

7/10. A pretty decent movie adaptation of the long running cartoon. I can understand the dislike of Scrappy Doo but I place the blame on Hanna Barbara which is where it should go. Hey they created him. I found the movie a pretty good watch, easily likable cast here.


8.8/10. The second best animated Scooby Doo movie. Tim Curry's a welcome addition to the Scooby Doo universe as he's quite the talented actor. I liked his presence as he seemed to dominate the movie. The idea of him as a warlock, descended from a witch is an interesting idea. This, to me, is the pinnacle of good Scooby Doo animated movies as they start going down hill courtesy of the greed of Hanna Barbera higher ups and parent groups who worry too much over nothing things like this.


9.4/10. Possibly the best animated Scooby Doo movie ever made. I liked the atmosphere of an island seemingly isolated in the center of a Louisiana swamp. Throw in some zombies and were cat creatures of centuries old cultists and it's a pretty good watch. Everything seemed to have been well thought out from characters to plot. The scene of the three were cat creatures dying may be disturbing for children so parents should be careful what age their kids are before they see this. The one negative was Shaggy's voice which sometimes got on my nerves but that's a small negative at best.


28th Jul 2021

The Uninvited (2009)

8.2/10. A pretty decent one. One of the few decent ones Elizabeth Banks has done outside of the Spider-Man trilogy and Our Idiot Brother. It's on the level of M Night Shyamalan's The Village. Emily Browning was also pretty decent. It's a good watch.


-70/10. A mess. An idea that should've stayed buried. This doesn't do any good for women or men in prison. Just a gripe session for women in prison.


28th Jul 2021

Power Rangers (2017)

4.5/10. Something of the 90's revived that truly didn't need to be revived. Elizabeth Banks looks like Aquaman's sister with a Fu Man Chu nail fetish. Watch it if you're a hardocre fan, for me it was "Ehh. "


-40/10. Calling this a movie is the equivalent of calling Madonna a good singer, it's not true. Not only do they disregard the source material such as Tom and Jerry not talking they also have both claim they want to only be friends which was never the case in any of their many cartoons. It's just atrocious.


24th Jul 2021

Super Size Me (2004)

-80/10. One of the most dangerous documentary movies ever made up there with Bowling For Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11. What's the point here? That eating too much fast food is bad for you? Wow, what a killer idea by Joe Spurlock. He's truly an idiot for doing this.


9. 7/10. An unfairly forgotten and picked on horror movie of the 80's. Here's a thought to the parents groups, don't let your kids watch these movies, not a hard thing to do. Billy's an underrated slasher as he's actually quite sympathetic. He loses his parents to a thug dressed like Santa Claus who his crazed grandfather has said would punish all naughty kids. Then he's abused by this evil woman passing herself as a nun for years until he snaps. It's a well done movie guaranteed to please slasher fans.


22nd Jul 2021

Hot Pursuit (2015)

-60/10. The best they could've done with the ultra annoying Witherspoon and barely coherent English speaking Vergara is have them become a lesbian couple in this dud.


22nd Jul 2021

Enough (2002)

-60/10. Whenever I see a Jennifer Lopez movie I know it's automatically going to stink. This movie doing the cliched ex husband's an jerk thing. Why can't they move beyond this now real old angle? Right, like the wives can't be abusive. J'Lo's a lousy singer and a lousy actress.


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