
9.4/10.My one and only favorite movie of the MCU.I find it so pretentious that they all have to be connected.why not just make a good movie with no connection to another one? Ed Norton's the best Hulk actor on the big screen alongside Live Tyler who plays Betty Ross a lot better than Jennifer Connelly did.I liked the look of the Abomination, pretty good.The movie plays out better than Ang Lee's Hulk did.It's well done.


23rd Sep 2020

Robocop 3 (1993)

7.9/10.While this is a weak sequel I've seen worse, Dark Knight Rises anyone?True it was a blockbuster but tried lecturing people on the economy and class warfare.Robocop 3 just tries to be entertaining and they seem to succeed with some decent effort.A great emotional scene is Nancy Allen of Officer Ann Lewis dying, necessary to further not only the story along but also help push Murphy into remembering being an officer's about justice even if it sometimes gets murky.Jill Hennessy as Dr Marie Lazarus is surprisingly good as she is one of the few good actors from that whole lousy Law and Order franchise.She plays the scientist who prefers doing what's right over what a company wants.I found the story a slight retread of what they'd done, this seemed to be lacking on being the payoff.If anything the climax needed tweaking, Still it's an enjoyable watch.


23rd Sep 2020

Robocop 2 (1990)

9.4/10.A vastly underrated sequel.This one takes delight in poking fun at annoying self righteous parent groups who'd rather wreck everyone else's fun instead of keeping their kids away from the wrong stuff.This further explores Murphy's difficult task of not losing himself to his cyborg self.The idea of a drug lord using a kid didn't bother me as Communists used kids in the likes of Vietnam so this was quite realistic here.Nancy's Allen's still great here, she helps further in moving the story along.Tom Noonan tries hard to be a bad guy and at lest he's OK. I felt the true bad guy was Belinda Bauer's Dr Juliette Faxx.She plays a mix of mad scientist and hellbent feminist nicely.If anything, it should've been her fighting Robocop at the end in an advanced suit of armor.It's still a good sequel never the less.


23rd Sep 2020

Robocop (1987)

9.7/10.One of the best science fiction movies of the 80's.Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, and Kurtwood Smith were great.I found Clarence Bodickker to be one of the best and most chilling movie villains of the 80's.I'd rank him up there with Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Chucky as one of the best of that decade.This became an instant sci fi classic as it showed the idea of making man more machine even at the risk of him losing his soul.Peter Weller plays the character superbly.You can see his humanity struggling to overcome the cyborg part of him.This alone makes the movie excellent.Nancy Allen's presence is great as she tries to help him remember his true self.


23rd Sep 2020

Die Hard (1988)

9.7/10.One of the best action movies of the 80's.The movie that launched Bruce Willis.He plays Det John McClane well, as if he'd been ready to play him for some time.The setting in a several story office building works well as they took advantage of this and did great.Hans Gruber is among of the best movie villains of the 80's.This is definitely one meant to be watched at Christmas if you're not into sentimental stuff, I;m not for the most part.


9.6/10.An absolutely perfect sequel.It's got Beop, Rocksteady, Krang, and Dr Stockman.C'mon what more could you want? The plot's pretty good in the turtles trying to prevent an invasion of New York by Krang.Shredder looked pretty good, recruiting Bebop and Rocksteady, both of whom were played brilliantly.The public can be cruel as this was one of the best movies of 2016.It's also been one of the last good ones Megan Fox has done for some time.There's nothing wrong with this sequel as it hits all the right notes on everything good about the turtles.I hate that they chose not to another sequel which stinks as I still remain loyal to these great characters.TMNT still rocks even after all these years.


23rd Sep 2020

Bad Moms (2016)

-10/10.One of the flat out worst movies ever made.Whoever came up with this should be barred from writing movie scripts as well as not allowed to be a parent.Mila Kunis alone is trouble as I consider her acting to be the same as a dead fish,they both stink.This whole idea of mothers going crazy just because they think they should is ridiculous.My mother and grandmother handled motherhood with a lot less complaining.Here Kunis,Kristin Bell,and Kathryn Hahn act so bad I feel sympathy for their real life kids.What can I say,they're three horrible actresses who shouldn't be here.Nobody expects nor wants a perfect wife/mother but we want don't a bad one either.This is part of the problem with society nowadays,nobody wants to try at parenthood,they think they're entitled to treat their kids poorly.I would daresay this degrades mothers,fathers,and kids due to Hollywood's hatred of the family.These three idiots,if they're mothers,have no clue about motherhood,probably dumped their kids on nannies.This was an outrage and further degradation of the family by mainstream entertainment.


22nd Sep 2020

The Assignment (2016)

8.2/10.The best leading role Michelle Rodriguez has had. She really plays the role with the right mix of bad guy turned vigilante.She really does seem to go good killing off the associates of Dr Jane.This is also the best role Sigourney Weaver's had since Alien:Resurrection.The dynamic of a hitman turned into a woman by a brilliant but insane Dr Frankenstein type had me intrigued.This movie proved you don't have to always be a box office smash hit to be good.It's just that too many people rely on movie critics when they should trust their own judgement.Michelle rocks here.


22nd Sep 2020

Mr. Deeds (2002)

9.7/10.My favorite Adam Sandler movie.The guy's just funny. Here he works great with Winona Ryder, far better than the three times with Drew Barrymore. The story's well done with solid performances by everyone especially Adam.Yes I've heard of Jack And Jill but everyone's got a few bad movies, all the good actors anyway.Longfellow Deeds is the sort of guy you'd want as a friend as he cares more about using his wealth to help people than to buy them.This is the sort of message we need especially in these troubled times nowadays.One of Adam Sandler's best movies, he rocks.


8.6/10.An epic here.The Amazons portrayed as they should be:cold blooded warriors who care for nothing but conquest and killing men.Here they constantly terrorize the local villages for tribute and to forcibly rape the men to reproduce.It's a much more accurate portrayal of them than anything that dopey character Wonder Woman could ever do.Here they're not about peace and love, they're about domination and bloodlust.They care only for the expansion of their empire and use men as a means to an end to ensure their race survives.The ending's one of the more chilling one's I've seen in a sword and sandals movie.


6.9/10.A pretty good Amazon movie.I can understand some people not liking it due to its cheesiness.But I enjoyed it thoroughly as it was an amusing watch and perfect cheesy movie of the 70's.They seemed to play it up some like a Looney Toons cartoon.A pretty decent effort.


21st Sep 2020

Suicide Squad (2016)

8.5/10.It's a bit of a mess sure but I've seen worse. Ghostbusters 2016 anyone?Here they're trying to be faithful to the source material with a well rounded cast who match each other pretty good.I would say the best two here are Margot Robbie and Will Smith in one of the few good movies he's had outside of Men In Black and Independence Day.The real star is Margot Robbie who brings Harley Quinn to life perfectly.If anything positive should be said here it's that Margot Robbie proves herself as a very good and capable actress with the right material.Sure it's not on The Avengers level but I still prefer Suicide Squad to The Avengers.


21st Sep 2020

The Enforcer (1976)

7.1/10.A decent third movie in the Dirty Harry franchise.Clint Eastwood still remains great as Dirty Harry Callahan.Here he tackles the subject of women as cops with Tyne Daly who's actually pretty good here. I never felt like they got it across to the audience what the bad guys wanted.Still it's a pretty good effort here that shouldn't be ignored.


21st Sep 2020

Scary Movie 3 (2003)

7.7/10.The last good Scary Movie.I found the presence of too many famous cameos distracting particularly Jenny McCarthy, Pamela Anderson, Queen Latifah, Eddie Griffin, and all those rappers.Anna Faris still carries the movie with no hint she might be tiring of it.Regina Hall also shows the same enthusiasm as before with Simon Rex being a surprising break out actor here.I found his character of George Logan funny as hell despite the presence of Charlie Sheen, another unnecessary person here.If anything this should've been the last one in the franchise were it not for studio greed.Still I regard as a pretty decent sequel just not on the level of its two predecessors.Leslie Nielsen's a wonderful addition as President Harris.If would've been hilarious if President Harris had gotten his own movie, imagine the hilarity there.Still this is a pretty good send off, which is how I regard Scary Movie 3, the end of the franchise.


21st Sep 2020

Scary Movie 2 (2001)

9.5/10.A pretty good sequel to an already excellent satire.Here Anna Faris is again with the same level of zest and she brings the best out in everyone else in the cast.Tim Curry's presence was a nice touch as he seemed to be game for this.Satirizing the like of The Exorcist and Poltergeist isn't easy but the Wayans, to their credit, did pretty good here.I found it solid, not lacking in laughs or in acting.Anna Faris does another great job here.If anything this would be a sequel that came close to topping the original.


21st Sep 2020

Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)

7.2/10.A pretty decent direct sequel to the original.I thought it was nice that they had Gunnar Hansen there as well as screened it for Tobe Hooper.Alexandra Daddario is a break out star here.Clearly she got the material and ran with it.They focus on what made the original great and crafted a well told story here.The idea of making the Sawyers sympathetic was an novel concept that paid off.If anything I was entertained, never bored, this worked well even if they never do another sequel.


21st Sep 2020

The Village (2004)

7.1/10.Pretty good.I thought it was decent though two mistakes bothered me.One being is how they're just sequestered away from the real world and Bryce Dallas Howard as the lead.She shouldn't have been there.She did a decent job though I would've preferred Judy Greer, who plays her older sister, as the lead.If not for her last name, Bryce wouldn't be getting any work.Judy Greer should've been the lead here.I otherwise found it a pretty decent movie regardless.


21st Sep 2020

Cursed (2005)

8.9/10.One of the better day werewolf movies made.Christina Ricci and Judy Greer really sell this movie.They play well off each other.The look of the werewolf was well done for modern day effects.I liked the nods to the original Wolf Man, the godfather of werewolf movies.Wes Craven, despite interference by the Weinsteins, crafted a rather good, chilling werewolf movie.


10/10.Possibly one of the best biographical movies ever made.Sissy Spacek shows her great acting range here.She's superb as Loretta Lynn, her singing's pretty good.I definitely thought I was seeing Loretta Lynn.She's one of the best actresses of all time, deserved the Oscar she won for this movie.If anything else this is one of the only biographical movies I've seen and liked.Watch it for yourselves, you might like it, I sure did.


21st Sep 2020

The Fifth Element (1997)

7.4/10.An underrated sci fi movie.One of the first big movies for Milla Jovovich.The Leeloo character was a cute innocent type who could charm anyone.Bruce Willis does great here as Korben Dallas, one of his best roles outside of John McClane.One of the few negatives here is the over the top character played by Chris Tucker who reminds me of that freakish RuPaul.The best parts are the interactions between Willis and Jovovich, sort of like Jane and Tarzan.If anything it succeeds in being entertaining.


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