
-40/10.Possibly one of the biggest deceitful acts ever pulled in the world of sports.An old man playing someone young to be his daughter.It's long since been suspected Riggs threw the match to Jean to pay off debts to the mob.He was too old and out of shape and he knew it.She was also lousy in cheating her manager/lover out of money owed to her then fired her.Both Emma Stone and Steve Carrell are lousy in most movies they do, this is just another stinker for them both.


28th Sep 2020

Malabimba (1979)

7.2/10.An erotic Italian horror movie version of The Exorcist.This is both bad and good.Bad in the sense Italian cinema couldn't think up their own idea.They appeared to have ripped off the said American classic and merely inserted in erotic scenes.Good in the sense that in the setting of a castle estate somewhere in a private part of Italy it feeds into the isolation and dread.Marinangela Giordano as Sister Sofie and Katell Laennec as Bimba Caroll do well here.The love scene between them seems more genuine than most at the time in erotic movies were.


28th Sep 2020

Black Scorpion (1995)

8.5/10.A pretty good movie and staple of late night TV and B movies.Joan Severance as the title character is excellent as she fights crime.The costume is one of the hottest I've seen next to Supergirl's from the 1984 movie.Detective Darcy Walker fights crime as The Black Scorpion with no restraints, a mix of Batman and The Punisher.If anything, the movie's a good watch for Friday and Saturday nights.


27th Sep 2020

The Fourth Kind (2009)

9.3/10.An interesting sci fi movie. Milla (formerly Jovovich) Anderson proves her range beyond that of the action adventure genre.Here as Dr Abigail Tyler she delves into cases of three patients who claim to have gone through alien abduction.Whether or not these actually happened I found irrelevant.The idea here for the movie was intriguing with good acting by everyone especially Milla and Elias Koteas. If you like sci fi movies and Milla Anderson movies then this is one for you.


6.2/10.The most overrated of The Nightmare On Elm Street franchise.What should've been a good idea fell flat.The kids are all unlikable.Patricia Arquette, whose family name alone has gotten her around, was the worst as she matched Heather Langenkamp in blandness.Robert Englund and John Saxon really tried hard but they couldn't save this mess.I rank this just barely above The Dream Child as the worst of the franchise.The presence of the Nancy Thompson character bothered me as she's putting these kids on pill reliance while doing the cliche of doctors know nothing while somebody outside of that field does.Heck, Stacey Alden as the nude nurse in her brief appearance out acted both Langenkamp and Arquette.This was a mess.


6.5/10.The most overrated entry of the franchise.I truly hated Corey Feldman as Tommy Jarvis and Kimberly Beck as his sister Trish.I also didn't care for single mother Tracy Jarvis played by Joan Freeman, as if horror needs to further the idea that being a single parent is easy.Ted White was pretty good as Jason, he being one of the only tolerable cast members alongside Camilla and Carey Moore.Kimberly Beck said she hated the horror genre and called this a "C movie" with me wondering why she'd even sign up for it.I truly found her to be in a tie with Dana Kimmell as the worst femal leads in the franchise.She too badmouthed the series.Still it's fairly decent despite the presence of Feldman and Beck.


9.1/10.While this one does seem crammed with villains it's still solid.It does a decent job with Electro as Jamie Foxx is pretty decent here as is Paul Giamatti as The Rhino.The one that stood out was Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn/The Green Goblin.He's never called that but it's obvious.The suit was pretty good along with the way he gets it.Andrew Garfield still delivers here, seems quite focused as Spider-Man.The main problem, I felt, was Emma Stone.She seemed to be phoning it in as if bored.Gwen is now possessive of Peter like she was in the comics which always bothered me.I felt they shouldn't have done this as we know what happens in these movies with that kind of attitude.Her death scene seemed just like the comics only as least we see her look of sadness whereas in the comic she was unconscious.The sequel may not have been as good as its predecessor it's far from being bad or terrible.


9.4/10.A pretty decent reboot.I finally got to see The Lizard, my favorite of Spider-Man's foes brought to life.It was timed nicely, coming out the year of the character's 50th anniversary.He's one of, and still is, best comic book super heroes of all time, ranking up there with Bat Man and Super Man.Rhys Ifans as The Lizard was perfect as he maintains the goal of the comic book character wanting to regrow his arm and help humanity.Here it's Oscorp that's the true villain in that they cared only about profit, heck with people and proper testing.The only time I could tolerate Martin Sheen, was a decent Uncle Ben though he was no Cliff Robertson.Sally Field, as Aunt May, is bearable here too, one of two times for me.Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy was also OK in one of her few good movies.Andrew Garfield himself plays Peter Parker like a rebel which is fine.I don't mind character changes like that as long as they're not too ridiculous.The Lizard design itself was excellent along with his plan of making everyone like him just like in the animated series debut of the character.Clearly director Marc Webb, like Sam Raimi, loved and respected the source material, he did an excellent job here.


-20/10.My second review to give a movie or show a negative score.They should enjoy the honor, this rancid franchise.That and a sequel that outdoes its predecessor in tackiness and degradation of the family. Why do they keep writing and making garbage like this?It can't solely be for profit because more than enough people hate this junk.I figure it's because Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell,Kathryn Hahn,Christine Baranski,Susan Sarandon,and Cheryl Hines need the work,even if it's garbage.All that happens here is the same as the last one.Three pain in the rears who should've been sterilized are misbehaving again only now it's around Christmas and they've thrown in three past their prime actresses to mug for the camera too.Written and directed by the same two brain dead guys, Scott Moore and Jon Lucas, one gets the impression they've got mother issues.Here it's ninety minutes or more of them, mainly Kunis, acting like imbeciles, saying vulgar things and behaving like teenage delinquents.Sadly too many critics probably played kiss up to this like the last one.Oh how the times have changed.In 1984 they, as well too many parents, bellyached about the horror classic Silent Night Deadly Night.failing to remember it was a horror movie not meant for kids and talk to their kids about it.Here trash like is praised and makes a profit.Unbelievable.Christmas is sacred except for morons like these who've got no respect for anything or anyone.These people should be like Thelma and Louise, go jump off a cliff.Now they're doing a third one?.I can guess it'll be three more way past their prime like say Jane Fonda who'll be raunchy grandmothers as all three generations will probably hit Miami for spring break.


26th Sep 2020

Licence to Kill (1989)

9.9/10.My second favorite of the Bond movies.Timothy Dalton's great in his second outing as he matches wits with Robert Davi.I would've given it a 10 but I didn't really like either love interest of Talisa Soto or Carey Lowell.They both have a connection to one of the worst TV franchises ever, Law and Order, and they really aren't that good.Still it's great fun with Dalton proving he's as capable as his predecessors playing 007 James Bond.My three favorites are in this order:1.On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969 George Lazenby) 2. License To Kill (1989 Timothy Dalton) 3. Dr No (1962 Sean Connery).


26th Sep 2020

Dr. No (1962)

9.9/10.The first James Bond.Sean Connery was suave and elegant, possibly the book Bond brought to life.Here he's fighting a madman bent on wrecking the US space program.It set the groundwork for the future Bond movies as they had a solid plot, gorgeous ladies like Zena Marshall.good fights.If you're a Bond fan then this one is owed so much respect for it's the one that started it all.


26th Sep 2020

Monk (2002)

0/10.This was truly an awful show.I, as an Obssessive Compulsive Disorder person can tell you, having this condition isn't funny nor should be laughed at.We're people who should be treated with some dignity and respect not yelled at to change nor be snickered at.If anything, we're more sensible than the rest of the world filled with too much violence, politics, thug and terrorist appeasing dolts, welfare recipients, intolerance, etc.The show's episodes pretty much are the same:Monk fears something, will have to deal with it by the end in order to solve the crime.The characters here:1.Monk:A self pitying type whose sole purpose in life is to complain about the world around him and try making the rest of us as gloomy as he is.One episode, Mr Monk Meets The Playboy, illustrates this as he wrecks a party with the on going cliched TV show gimmick of reminiscing over his long dead wife.They truly expect us to believe one OCD'er could have all these phobias and barely function, right.2.Stottlemeyer:A blowhard whose function on the show is to look stupid as the barely functioning ex cop makes him, and law enforcement in general, look stupid.3.Disher:The epitome of dumb cop, with being dumb as his gimmick, made me cringe.4.Sharona:The cliched single mother doing quite well who dressed and sounded like a New Jersey hooker with a barely developed son.5. Natalie:A rewrite of her predecessor only better looking with a daughter, who, like the son, is also barely developed.They all act so ridiculous it's a miracle they went on for 8 or more seasons.I'm ashamed to say I watched this before I eventually caught on to the idiocy and left this whole mess behind me.This was hardly different from any other cop show of the last 30 years where cops are either incompetent, corrupt, or willing to break the law to preserve it.Just an awful mess here.


26th Sep 2020

Frasier (1993)

0/10.I hate this show.Just hate it, hate it, hate it. I hate all five characters, every ridiculous plot, hate even most of the minor and guest star characters.The main five characters :1.Frasier: Arrogant, pompous, self righteous blowhard whose main goal it seems besides listening to the sound of his own voice is to bed every woman out there, with barely any thought about their feelings, just biological needs then move on.2. Roz:A middle aged harpy whose main goal is to do the same, sleep with every man out there with no serious commitments.3.Niles:A whiny middle aged adolescent type who mooches off a rich wife while lusting for a dodo brain.4.Daphne:A dimwit with an annoying accent who's there solely as eye candy, no character development at all.5.Martin:Like Crankshaft he's there to annoy the world around him with nobody wanting to respond back for fear of looking like a jerk for yelling at an old man.The plots range from idiotic like Frasier being with Patricia Clarkson's Claire French only to want Jean Smart's trashy Lana Gardner to being full of it like A Lilith Thanksgiving with them brown nosing the dean of an academy to get their son enrolled there.The famous people as radio callers is pointless other than to act smug about how many famous people they know.I also hated the new stereotype they did with Lilith, as if her being pompous and ice cold wasn't enough, hey she's suddenly Jewish.That doesn't help their image out, being portrayed this way by this female version of Frasier.I would say the show had no long lasting legacy but that's not true.Its true legacy is like that of too many sitcoms showing how men are in heat 24/7, would do anything for sex, single motherhood's no big deal, and mainly how, with good lawyers, to keep a crummy show like this on the air for 10 or more seasons.I really hate, hate, hate this awful, stupid, audience insulting show.It didn't need to exist other than to entertain moronic people who could feel smug like Frasier, as they would later on with The Big Bang Theory.


26th Sep 2020

Cat People (1982)

8.7/10.A pretty good horror movie here set appropriately in the big easy.New Orleans is as one of the spookiest cities in America so it's appropriate.Malcolm MacDowell lends an air of dignity to this remake as does Annette O'Toole with grace to boot.Cat People is similar to The Wolfman which I consider as a compliment to the Universal icon.This is a pretty good watch.


26th Sep 2020

Hoodwinked (2005)

9.5/10.A funny take on the original fairy tale.The only movie I like starring Ann Hathaway and Glenn Close.Here they're in the center of a mystery regarding disappearing baked goods recipes.The two that stick out are David Ogden Stiers and Patrick Warburton as Det Nicky Flippers and Wolf W. Wolf.The different points of view work well here within the mystery as does the idea of Wolf being like Chevy Chase's Fletch.If anything, this was one of the better animated movies of the 2000's alongside the likes of Shrek.


26th Sep 2020

Happy Together (1989)

9/10.An underrated Helen Slater movie.She's gotta be one of the most underrated actresses ever.Here as a drama student sharing a dorm room with uptight student Patrick Dempsey she shines.Helen's just one of the loveliest and most talented actresses I've watched.A real pleasure seeing her act as a free spirit here with the grace and dignity so many are lacking nowadays, I don't care much for Patrick Dempsey but here he was pretty OK, they played well off each other.


8.3/10.Possibly one of the best Jane Seymour movies.I liked the idea of a romance between a ghost and a living woman.They handled it clumsily as they paired Jane with this dork of a guy for a husband who we're supposed to believe is a loving, caring husband.Yeah right and she's not gonna become a prudish type by the 90's only to later on claim she feels sexier in her 60's than her 20's as a desperate means to hold onto to her youth at the expense of her dignity.Here the best parts easily are her being alone with the ghost since this was as erotic as Seymour would and has ever gotten.I wouldn't be surprised to learn she demanded extra for the shower scene alone.It's still a decent watch.


23rd Sep 2020

The Faculty (1998)

9.4/10. Well made movie here.The faculty of a high school becoming possessed by aliens of another planet's actually well done.I actually got invested in it as I might not have as a lot of late 90's horror didn't care about quality.Here though they really do care.Elijah Wood, Robert Patrick, Famke Janssen, Jordanna Brewster, Josh Harnett, and Clea Duvall did great.The T-1000 facing off against Frodo is amusing as is the nephew of Michael Myers against Jean Grey, Three scenes that stuck out for me were:1.Famke Janssen being sexy, putting Josh Harnett in his place,2.Famke Janssen's head crawling along during her possession and 3. The alien queen revealing herself to the future Frodo.This is a gem of the 90's that deserves the recognition it gets.It should've come out during the golden age of modern horror from 1974-1991.


8.2/10.The final Creature From The Black Lagoon and the weakest.They were repeating Revenge Of The Creature here just in a different part of Florida.I would say the main scientist, who's also nuts, plays well as a Dr Frankenstein type only he's obsessed with speeding up evolution.The new look of the Gill Man was pretty OK, as he's been burned then operated on to make him a land dwelling creature yet they dress him like a man.If anything could be said here it's man shouldn't try to speed up things nature took its time on perfecting.God, after all, took his time, seven days, to make things after all.We therefore shouldn't speed everything up in hopes of progress.A pretty decent final movie here.


8.8/10.It's still a classic, Creature From The Black Lagoon.I would say it belongs one the list of all time greatest horror movies.I confess to preferring the first sequel Revenge Of The Creature more but this one shouldn't be overlooked.The chilling contact the Gill Man makes, touching the leading lady's ankle underneath the water was chilling, made my spine tingle the first time I saw it.The Gill Man's like King Kong in that people have invaded his home to bother him and he's merely defending himself.A sad ending when he seems to sink to the bottom of the lagoon dead, it's also a strong ending too.


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