
1/10.I can't believe what they allow on the big screen nowadays.Here it's just puppets being used to say and do some of the crudest and vulgar things possible. Don't get me wrong, I found the jokes mocking Hollywood people amusing, hence the one out of ten here.But let's face it, being vulgar, crass, and gross is all Matt Stone and Trey Parker know how to do.It's what's made them millionaires today.This is nothing more than a South Park spin off just with puppets instead of the crude paper doll animation.It's abysmal.


18th Sep 2020

Twins (1988)

9.3/10.A fun Schwarzenegger movie and the only time I could tolerate Devito. The whole idea was so silly in that's what made it work.A man created to be perfect sounds part mad scientist part Nazi thinking.Here though it come off harmless and funny especially when a second child's born.If there was a message it's man shouldn't try to create a perfect person because he can't.The best one can do is raise a child with love and understanding not like an experiment.The love interests here of Chloe Webb for Devito and Kelly Preston for Schwarzenegger were great.I found Ms Preston to be one of the best leading ladies in any of Schwarzenegger's movies.She will be missed.


9/10.The second Muppet movie and it's quite good.I was entertained as the Muppets are for everybody from young to old.The plot itself worked well with them causing mayhem in England.If anyone proved themselves here it was Diana Rigg.She'd been a Bond girl, had her own TV show, now doing this.If anything, she became immortalized just like when she was in the sixth James Bond movie.I would say to anyone if they asked me to name the five best Muppet movies here would be my list:1.The Muppet Movie,2.The Great Muppet Caper,3.Muppets In Space, 4. Muppets Take Manhattan,5.Muppet Treasure Island.They are and always be American icons.The Muppets were and still are part of a lot of people's memories because of the genius of Jim Henson who should always be remembered.


18th Sep 2020

Chloe (2009)

9.7/10.One of the best erotic/part mystery thrillers I've seen.Yes it's a remake from an earlier french movie Nathalie but so what?.Here we get Julianne Moore seduced by Amanda Seyfried into a night of hot, passionate lovemaking.I would say the remake's better.The paranoia of Moore's Dr Catherine Stewart over her husband David's infidelity is well written and performed.Julianne Moore, when she's got the right scripts, proves herself as one of the best actresses of the last 30 years.She plays the role with the right mix of strength and vulnerability hence how Chloe could seduce her character.Amanda Seyfried's like her in that she too can be great with the right scripts.Her character of Chloe is cloaked in mystery.We as the audience can see she's a hooker but one who seems to aspire beyond that and find someone who counts, someone who she could love, who'd love her.If anything it also took cues from Desert Hearts of a straight laced up tight woman who seems to unwind in the presence of a younger carefree woman.They seem to exist only for each other for awhile, forgetting the world.The love scene subtly spoke on various things.One thing was relationships and how sometimes people may have gotten with the wrong person instead of waiting.Second was letting go and just seeing where a situation takes you.Third was how, even in this day and age, too many people are uptight about going with their own feelings and being happy opting to stay in a bad relationship or situation.This is made for people who like the genre of erotic mysteries.


18th Sep 2020

Godzilla (2014)

9.7/10.The Godzilla we should've gotten in the 2000's.Still it was worth the wait.I had no problem with Godzilla not appearing soon enough, it was like the shark in Jaws, to fuel our imagination.If anything it worked, then Godzilla showed up it paid off.Aaron Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Ken Watanabe, Sally Hawkins, and Bryan Cranston were a well put together cast.I liked the look of the MUTO's who seemed to be fueled from nightmares.The idea of such creatures having roamed the earth before man who're now revived certainly worked in the realm of science fiction.Godzilla himself is as good here as he was in the original 1954 version.Forget the 90's disaster with that doofus Mathew Broderrick, this is the true Godzilla.One of the best scenes was when he's leaving after seemingly having died.He stops at the water, then lets out his epic roar before diving in and swimming off.That shot was magnificent and made me eager for the sequel.It too would be well worth the wait.


6/10.Possibly an interesting idea that fell flat somewhere along the way.I could sense the obvious bitterness in Wes Craven's direction here as well as Heather Langekamp's performance.Sure it may stink if you're known for only one role as an actor or movie as a director but so what?It's better people remember you for one role/movie/show than to forget you.Robert Englund and John Saxon were positive here as they seemed gracious about being there since the movies made them popular.The idea of a demon taking Freddy's form was interesting but the story seemed to drag it down.If anything, Wes Craven should be remembered as an iconic horror director who sadly turned bitter years later but his genius shouldn't be forgotten.Heather Langenkamp here still remained the same, wooden with little to no expression or range.It's an OK movie.


7.7/10.One of the most underrated and misunderstood sequels of all time.Director Danny Steinmann was unfairly picked on here despite doing a good job.I liked the idea he had of toying with the audience"Jason is alive or has Tommy Jarvis gone over the edge?"If anything it should be looked at with appreciation because it's entertaining with mystery to it like the original.I wasn't upset it was an impostor because the killer had a motive similar to Pamela Voorhees' motive in the original.It should be looked at as important for it filled in the gap between Final Chapter and Jason Lives.A necessary sequel to help resurrect Jason Voorhees from the dead.


9.5/10.It ends.Sad but it was necessary as Alice couldn't go anywhere else.I was glad they had Albert Wesker, Claire Redfield though I wish Rain Ocampo had made one more appearance.Hey I liked Michelle Rodriguez in these movies, she fit perfectly.Some said it was a messy finale I disagree.If anything I understood it, enjoyed immensely.Sure they did a sort of open ending, I chose to interpret it as Alice achieving peace.I would rank it high on my list of 20 Best Sequel Endings:1.Spider Man 2,2.Friday the 13th Part 6:Jason Lives,3.A Nightmare On Elm Street 2:Freddy's Revenge,4.Resident Evil:The Final Chapter,5.Godzilla 2:King Of The Monsters,6.Rocky 4,7.Insurgent,8.Beverly Hills Cop 2,9.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2:Out Of The Shadows,10.Kung Fu Panda 2,11. Halloween 2 (1981),12.Dirty Harry:Magnum Force,13.Problem Child 2,14.Sharknado:The Final One,15.Bride Of Frankenstein,16. The Naked Gun 33 1/3:The Final Insult,17.Die Hard With A Vengeance,18.Star Trek 4:The Voyage Home,19.Shrek 2,20.Gremlins 2:The New Batch/Scream 2 (a tie here). Sequels often come with people's desire to continue the story the way you would with fairy tales.True some do it out of greed but I feel more people care about continuing with something that works well.They could try a spinoff or a reboot but it wouldn't work.It shall always be Milla Anderson, nee Jovovich, as Alice in a dystopian world.


8.8/10.Here they take Alice's super powers away from her which I liked the idea.She should be struggling against the undead not killing them with ease.If anything it places her back in a vulnerable state that she hadn't been in since the first movie.I found the scenes showing Alice seemingly acting like a typical mother amusing, a gotcha to the audience.Sure some people were getting bored by this point but not me.If anything I liked it seeing Michelle Rodriguez brought back in as she was great in the original.It's never dull.


9.7/10.My second favorite of the franchise.I liked the idea of Resident Evil meets Assault On Precinct 13.Alice and company fighting zombies inside an old prison. Milla shows no signs of slowing down, if anything she shows a renewed interest in the character.Ali Larter is a welcome return from Extinction.I found it the weakest of the franchise though I found her performance and solid on par with Milla's.If anything else can be said about Retribution is that reignited the franchise after the seemingly dipping low third one.


7.3/10.The weakest of the franchise.The main problem here is it takes place in the desert when these should always take place in a walled off lab or city like its predecessors or successors.It's not bad as everyone especially Milla give it their all.I giver her credit for wanting to reprise the role again as most actresses, especially ones of today, would refuse to do so.She's one of those who remembers what made her famous.Still the fighting zombies in the desert didn't work.Maybe for another movie but not for the Resident Evil franchise.


9.3/10.An absolute classic of B movies.Admittedly the idea of living tomatoes attacking and killing people is silly.But that's what makes it work.I would say this belongs on the top 20 list of best B movies ever made alongside The Toxic Avenger, Critters, and Killer Klowns From Outer Space.The sequels, I ignore, since they never matched up to the hilarity of the original.If you like all of them that's fine.I would suggest watching Attack Of The Killers Tomatoes in a marathon with The Toxic Avenger, Critters, and Killer Klowns From Outer Space.This is a movie definitely for die hard B movie lovers.


14th Sep 2020

Elektra (2005)

6.8/10.A decent spin off from DareDevil. Jennifer Garner revives the Elektra character pretty good.I wish though she'd gone against The Hand's leader instead.Sort of like Vader vs his son.The movie itself while not perfect is far from bad like Superman 3 or Steel. I would say it falls in between decent and good.The biggest problem here is Garner who, at times, seems like she's almost delivering a half hearted performance as if bored.This from someone whose biggest movie up to this point was 13 Going On 30.She should've been more grateful.Still she's better than Jennifer Lawrence who seemed zombie like in X-Men:Apocalypse.


14th Sep 2020

Double Jeopardy (1999)

5.6/10.One of those that goes with the tiring cliche of "poor woman set up by a b-word of a man."How tiring this truly is. It makes me wish that once they'd do it the other way just to show women can be devious too.That aside it's pretty OK with Tommy Lee Jones showing he can carry a movie even if the script should've been tweaked before filming.Ashley Judd comes off here more like herself than an actual character.I sometimes rooted against her as she showed this air of arrogance with a hint of superiority to those around her.If anything I laughed more than once figuring her husband set up her just to get away from her, what a whiner.The absurdity of her serving little time for murder was also ridiculous.Make the character a man he'd have done 10 years before maybe being paroled.I watch this to laugh at Ashley Judd.Pity since she was good in Kiss The Girls.


13th Sep 2020

The Initiation (1984)

9.5/10.An unfairly overlooked gem of the 80's.Daphne Zuniga blew me away in this.She plays both good and bad here in an excellent performance.I overlook things like how the father escaped, how he ended up in prison, etc.It delivers pretty good here.Part of why it was overlooked was because of Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday the 13th, the big name horror movies were starting that year or seemingly coming to a close.Nevertheless I highly recommend this movie mainly because of Daphne Zuniga who would've made a great scream queen.


12th Sep 2020

Alligator (1980)

9.5/10.One of my favorite of the big monster movies.Obviously it took inspiration from Jaws and also Godzilla.It's a priceless big monster movie.Here the alligator's the victim from the dislike of a girl's father to the crazy experiments of a company headed by your cliched greedy businessman.Still the best performances are by the leads Robert Forster and Robin Riker. They seem just work well together, should've done another movie together.The alligator itself looked pretty good for the times.I loved the wedding massacre scene, the alligator finally got his long overdue revenge on those responsible.If anything, it's a classic that shouldn't be overlooked.Ramon, what a name for an alligator, it's catchy.


12th Sep 2020

Black Christmas (2006)

6.8/10.The second Black Christmas.It's obviously not as good as the original which was more mystery blended with little gore.Here gore's thrown in our faces for the sake of gore.The Weinsteins had to butt in much to director Glen Morgan's frustration.He reportedly hates boo scares.I liked the backstory, Billy hated by his crazed mother due to his appearance from jaundice, killed his father with her boyfriend, imprisoned him in the attic.He, in turn, escapes to murder and maim his sister/daughter.Now he comes home, a nod to Halloween, to kill the sorority girls living there.My attitude though is i find quite watchable.It may not be as good as the original but it does the idea of remake well by being its own movie.I would still watch it over the anti male hate filled one of 2019, just dreadful.Andrea Martin's the real star here, she's fun.It's still a decent watch.


9.6/10.The first Turtles movie and it doesn't disappoint.If anything it exceeds all expectations.I loved it as a kid, the turtles looked real to me.I only wondered what Shredder's plot was beyond stealing stuff.But I digress as that's secondary to the movie itself.The acting's great mainly on Judith Hoag and Elias Koteas' parts.They handle the idea of being friends/allies to ninja turtles well without batting an eye.The Shredder's just as impressive and scary as his counterparts in the comic books and games.If you're a fan of the turtles and haven't watched this one yet then you should.I would honestly say this one got me interested in the superhero genre, it lead me to Spider-Man.So obviously I still hold TMNT very dear.


12th Sep 2020

I Love Lucy (1951)

10/10.The greatest sitcom ever made.It's humor and jokes were perfect, genius lay in the chemistry between Lucy, Ricky, Fred, and Ethel.I would gladly say this is still superior over all these horrible ones of the modern era. From All In The Family and Maude to Roseanne to Friends and The Big Bang Theory, they all stank.The reasons are numerous mainly because they viciously insulted each other with no hint of actual caring as well putting politics in there.It'd have been absurd for I Love Lucy to defend either position on The Korean War for example.You got the feeling watching them they were more like family than friends, almost like they lived together.I would suggest avoid Season 6, not very good as well as the two spin off shows unless you're a serious die hard fan.I saw this show in reruns on Nick At Nite during the summer on Tuesdays when I was a kid, loved it.Most episodes typically focused on Lucy then Ricky then Ethel.Barely any focused on Fred, my favorite character.He played the straight man to them all brilliantly.This show was perfect otherwise.Some, myself included, shall always view this also as one of the greatest American made shows of all time.


9th Sep 2020

Monster (2003)

0/10.I don't know what it is about Hollywood and giving some groups special treatment.Here you have sympathy given to a deranged serial killer.Patty Jenkins is an absolute joke as a director, another pretentious type who thinks her junk is art when it's just junk.I can laugh at one thing though. Charlize Theron had to get fat for this, won her Oscar for playing a fat person, and hasn't really done much since then.If they'd done it more like real life there'd be no controversy.Apparently they thought controversy would sell tickets.Well this is still inexcusable. I almost forgot, Jean Smart did the role first and was better at it, that twanging sounding hick type from one of tv's worst and most pretentious sitcoms of the 80's Designing Women.Frankly I wish Patty Jenkins would disappear already, she's lousy.


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