
Continuity mistake: The first time Clark fails with the lights, Ellen's mother says she hopes the kids see what a waste of resources it is. During this scene the level of her martini changes.


18th Dec 2018

Die Hard (1988)

Visible crew/equipment: McClane runs up the stairs and looks on floor 31. He goes up another floor as the camera follows. The camera operator's shadow is blatantly visible left screen.


18th Dec 2018

Die Hard (1988)

Visible crew/equipment: As the terrorists arrive, there is a shot of two vehicles pulling up. The camera is tracking along with the vehicles. At the very end of the shot its shadow and a crewmember's shadow are visible on the concrete.


18th Dec 2018

Die Hard (1988)

13th Dec 2018

Hostiles (2017)

13th Dec 2018

Mac and Me (1988)

13th Dec 2018

Mac and Me (1988)

Revealing mistake: When the huge explosion happens, it is blatantly obvious that Eric and his wheelchair are superimposed in the shot. When the main scene shakes a bit, the superimposed wheelchair does not move. This same explosion minus Eric and his wheelchair appears in an alternate ending. It's the same exact shot.


13th Dec 2018

Mac and Me (1988)

Continuity mistake: Out in the desert, just before MAC points out the sign, everybody sees horses. In a wide shot both the horses and sign aren't there.


13th Dec 2018

Mac and Me (1988)

13th Dec 2018

Mac and Me (1988)

Revealing mistake: When Eric fails into the water, you see MAC sit up into the shot. This was obviously done by rear projection, with MAC inserted into the shot. Notice the difference in contrast between MAC and the other shot in front of it.


13th Dec 2018

Mac and Me (1988)

Visible crew/equipment: When Eric falls off the cliff, the little girl comes to the rock and calls for help. The camera operator's shadow is visible next to her in the overhead shot.


13th Dec 2018

Mac and Me (1988)

12th Dec 2018

Talk Radio (1988)

12th Dec 2018

Talk Radio (1988)

Continuity mistake: Dan is talking to Barry about how he is the boss. In one shot, Barry is looking down with his eyes wide open. In the next immediate shot, which is wider, his eyes are closed.


12th Dec 2018

Talk Radio (1988)

29th Nov 2018

UHF (1989)

Audio problem: When RJ's son is attempting to throw Stanley out and is taking his mop, he is saying a few things. His mouth doesn't match.


Continuity mistake: When Clark gets pulled over for killing Edna's dog, the sun angle changes constantly, and it even appears the car switches sides of the road. Watch the shadows and the background.


Factual error: As the family is pulling into Coolidge, KS, mountains are visible in the background. Kansas doesn't have mountains.


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