
10th Oct 2020

Halloween (1978)

Question: I may have forgotten this but how come in all the incarnations of Myers he never speaks? There some reason, maybe it was to make him seem less human, maybe seem even more spooky?


Answer: In a meta "behind the scenes" context, Michael was more or less intended to basically be the pure, simple personification of evil. He's basically the closest thing there could be to a "real life boogeyman." Choosing not to have him speak was a way for the filmmakers to keep his evil "pure" and simple. He has no real personality or motivation - he simply does evil things for the sake of doing them. His actions speak for him, so to speak. It is also arguably frightening to imagine why someone who could speak would choose not to. In terms of the movies themselves, it's never really 100% explained. It's implied that he stopped speaking and basically lost all traces of humanity after killing his sister. The closest we get to any sort-of direct explanation is in the 2018 sequel that "Halloween" creator John Carpenter approved and produced, in which Dr. Sartain clarifies that Michael can speak, but simply chooses not to for reasons unknown.


Question: Assuming anyone saw this deleted scene on the DVD special features. Why would Lacy even go to Smallville?


Answer: Lacy had gotten tired of her dad's newspaper, big-city life and decided to move to Smallville because she wanted to experience life at a much slower pace and even decided to live on a farm.

6th Oct 2020

Spider-Man (1994)

Answer: In the comics, Hobgoblin's true identity was kept a mystery for a long time intentionally and while many fans deduced it was Kingsley, and creator Roger Stern was leaning that way, Stern left the series in 1984. In 1987 Hobgoblin's identity was revealed to be Ned Leeds and then Macendale became Hobgoblin. It wasn't until 1997 that Sterns wrote the mini-series "Hobgoblin Lives" and retconned Kingsley as the original Hobgoblin.


Answer: I could be wrong, but I believe the Hobgoblin in Marvel Comics around the same time this show was airing was also Jason Macendale. I have a Hobgoblin trading card from around 1992 or 1993, and it identifies him as Jason Phillips Macendale when listing his real name.


Question: Why does the probe even wish to talk to humpback whales?


Answer: It's stated by Spock in the movie, even if he is just speculating. He mentions that humans are not the only intelligent special on Earth, and that it's human arrogance to assume that the probe's signal, "Must be meant for man." The point is, the aliens were communicating with the whales, and when that communication stopped, they sent the probe to find out why.


Answer: There is a hypothesis by Spock that the probe was perhaps sent to find out why they didn't hear the whale song any more.

Answer: It was never explained, but as whales are highly intelligent animals capable of communicating with one another, the visiting aliens somehow were once able to establish contact. Perhaps the alien's form of language was more compatible with the humpbacks.


Answer: Wouldn't you if you could?


Answer: Yoda isn't "better" than Sidious, they are at roughly the same power level. Sidious and Yoda fight to a stalemate. Yoda leaves because he does not believe he can kill Sidious. Yoda chooses to go into exile and regroup with Obi-Wan to develop a plan to be able to stop Sidious in the future.


28th Sep 2020

Joker (2019)

Answer: Murray Franklin is loosely based on Johnny Carson. He can also be seen as sort-of a general reference to nighttime talk-show hosts. Robert De Niro has also said he played the character as a bit of an homage to his character Rupert Pupkin from the 1982 film "The King of Comedy." (Though he stresses they are not meant to be the same character).


21st Sep 2020

Twins (1988)

Question: Who could they return the money to? The guy who paid Vincent was killed.


Answer: The money would be returned to the police and used as evidence. Even though Beetroot is dead the police still need to do an investigation to close the case. Since the $4 million was used in a felony (conspiracy and theft), the money would be impounded by the city.


21st Sep 2020

Wonder Woman (1976)

Show generally

Question: Diana worked with both Steve and his son. What're the odds the son wouldn't find something suspicious about her given that his father may have told him about her when he was a kid?


Answer: Suspicious about what, the fact that she's the same Wonder Woman from the 1940's. She explained, she was over a thousand years old or the fact that same Diana Prince worked for him, as his father. She could explain she's her own daughter.

Question: What was Shredder's plan? Surely he'd have the Foot go beyond petty thievery eventually. I never saw it addressed in the movie.


Answer: It's not really petty thievery. Shredder essentially has control over a large crime syndicate which is involved in pickpocketing, burglary, and highjacking. And that's just the gang itself. The Foot Clan itself is probably involved with other activities that we haven't seen.

17th Sep 2020

Goldfinger (1964)

Question: Surely the Federal government would realise Goldfinger's involvement once he tried selling them his gold? That and what does China promise him for creating economic chaos in the West?


Answer: He wouldn't have to sell the gold. He would keep it and become the new Fort Knox. He'd become the richest man in the world, worth billions, back in the 1960's, it was unheard of.

Answer: Yes, the U.S. government would realise that Goldfinger was involved. The movie's plot is deliberately unbelievable and merely intended for entertainment, not reality. Audiences are expected to employ a "suspension of disbelief." China promised Goldfinger the nuclear bomb so that he could carry out his plan. They wanted to create economic chaos in the US while Goldfinger's own gold would become far more valuable.


11th Sep 2020

American Dad (2005)

Show generally

Question: Why would the CIA be after Roger? They handle foreign problems. The FBI looks into alien and UFO sightings.


Answer: This series is hardly an accurate depiction of the real CIA (or FBI, for that matter); for example, Avery Bullock would never be deputy director given his mental instability, and Stan would have been fired many times over for his incompetence.


Answer: I always thought it was a play on words. They're harboring an alien, which could mean someone who isn't a citizen. But Roger is an outer space alien.

Question: Why did the magnet in the junk yard look upset as the master was picking his old stuff up?


Answer: Because it was the magnet's job to pick up the trash to be crushed. He didn't like seeing his items being taken away.

11th Sep 2020

Supergirl (2015)

Answer: For one, it's usually cheaper to film in Vancouver because of the tax breaks. But all the CW Arrowverse shows (with the exception of "Black Lighting") are/were filmed in Vancouver. So it makes it easier and cheaper for sharing set designs, crossovers, etc ("Black Lightning" filmed in Vancouver during its crossover). Originally "Supergirl" wasn't part of the Arrowverse when it was on CBS, but it was too expensive to produce and wasn't reaching the wider audience the CW shows had. So CBS moved it to its sister company, The CW.


10th Sep 2020

Supergirl (2015)

Show generally

Question: Does Kat ever wise up again to Kara's secret? That and why did she (Flockhart) leave the show only to come back?


Answer: Yes, s02e22. As Kara leaves her office, she said "go get them, Supergirl" to herself. After season 1, the show switched from a CBS production to a CW production and filming moved from L.A. to Vancouver. Flockhart isn't really a fan of traveling to shoot, and didn't want to be away from her family for so long.


Question: When the TX tastes a sample of John Connor's blood at Kate's vet clinic she seems stunned. How is this possible on a cyborg and why look so surprised?


Answer: Advanced Terminators occasionally show signs of emotion: T-X also exhibits frustration, anger, and genuine malice, as well as smirking mischievously on two occasions. When she samples John Connor's blood, she's stunned to come across her primary target, whose whereabouts Skynet was unaware of.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: Her goal/duty was to terminate John Connor. She must first find him in order to terminate him. Identifying John's blood - fresh blood, in fact - meant he was nearby and she was getting close to achieving her goal. This excited her. There was a stimulus and response, similar to Pavlov's dogs who salivated when they heard the bell indicating that food was coming.


9th Sep 2020

Venom (2018)

Question: If Venom got hit by fire at the end how'd he survive?


Answer: It's not really explained, but I think we are just supposed to assume that Venom didn't completely burn up. Enough of him survived that he was able stay bonded with Eddie and live.


1st Sep 2020

Halloween (1978)

Question: Three here: 1. Does Myers pick Laurie for any specific reason? 2. His mask symbolic or something? 3. Why waste time killing Annie and Lynda if he was fixated on Laurie?


Answer: The movie doesn't provide any reason why he targets the three girls, which I think is a wise decision, but you can interpret that Myers chose those three because of Annie's "Speed kills!" wisecrack. It was enough to get him to stop the car. Good enough reason as any.

Answer: (1) In the context of the movie, no. Michael is, as Loomis puts it, "purely and simply evil." He pretty much picks the girls as a target seemingly at random after Laurie drops the keys off at the Myers house. While future movies tried to provide him with a reason (such as saying Laurie is Michael's sister in "Halloween 2"), in this movie, it's pretty much just because Michael is a psychopath and they just so happened to become his target. That's part of what makes him so scary in this film. (2) The mask was picked by the filmmakers because it was the most unsettling. (A clown mask was also considered.) It also had the added bonus of having a vacant, emotionless face that also happened to reflect Michael's vacant, emotionless state. (3) Michael is a psychopath and simply decides to kill all of the girls and save Laurie for last for reasons unknown.


I think Michael zeroed in on the 3 girls from when Annie yelled at him while they were walking home from school.

1st Sep 2020

Face/Off (1997)

Question: Why wasn't Castor Troy cuffed to the bed and watched by several agents? And how did he know which agents knew of the switch and thus kill only them?


Answer: For the first question, in the chance that he did wake up (which he did). He's a very dangerous man in a coma and could wake up and escape if not watched or cuffed. Second question, he would have watched the video seen when the doctor comes in and saw which agents were there, as well as would have tortured the information out of the doctor about it.

Quantom X

Good answer to the second question, but the first one asked why Troy WASN'T watched and cuffed. In the film, he wakes up alone and unrestrained.

Ah fair point. I misread and miss remembered a little bit. I'll have to see it again as it's been a while then.

Quantom X

1st Sep 2020

Halloween 4 (1988)

Question: Did Jamie acting like Michael at the movie's end happen because of the night's events, or when she touched his hand, or what?


Answer: I think it's really up to the viewer to decide. I personally always took it as she simply snapped and briefly lost her mind and became just like her uncle for an instant. But given she and Michael share a psychic connection in the sequel, I've seen other people suggest that perhaps she was under his "influence" in some way.


Answer: You would need to be more specific as to which inmate to get an answer as to who possibly belongs in the mental ward. In general; usually the only mentally ill prisoners who go to the mental ward are inmates who show obvious psychotic breaks like Loli and crazy eyes as, with the conditions of prison, it's often difficult to tell who is mentally ill and whose frustrated from the conditions. Many of them are also only there temporarily. Crazy Eyes, first example, was in the mental ward. Her mother fought and won to get her out.

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