
29th Dec 2019

King of the Hill (1997)

Question: Why do Harry and Marv: 1. Go after Kevin when they should remember the misery he caused them before and 2. Be stupid enough to tell him what their plans are?


Answer: Harry and Marv go after Kevin probably to even the score for a kid having outsmarted them once before. They tell him what their plans are because they're not particularly bright, believe it doesn't matter, and simply because it serves as a plot device. Kevin has to somehow learn their plan, otherwise he could not thwart them.


Answer: Marv and Harry say in one of the scenes that Kevin is not at his own home meaning "he doesn't have a house full of goodies" to hurt them with (quoted from the scene). So they felt like they were safe from any havoc because he didn't know where he was, of course they underestimated him.

18th Dec 2019

Wonder Woman (2017)

Question: If she can destroy Ares with her hands then why does she even need a sword and shield? Perhaps for merchandise?


Answer: For the majority of the movie, Diana believes the sword to be the only weapon capable of killing Ares. She doesn't realise until she fights him that the sword is just an ordinary weapon and thus, useless against a god. She carries the shield because it is useful. She uses it in combat most prominently to block gunfire.


18th Dec 2019

Law & Order (1990)

Show generally

Question: Why did they keep changing female ADA's? I personally think Wolf may have been a bad boy and most of them didn't want to play his game.


Answer: It was an open secret that Jack McCoy slept with his female assistants. It's reasonable to assume that as he tired of them or they moved on in life, he found a new assistant. In the case of Serena, she became a lesbian and was eventually fired for being too emotionally involved with defendants.

17th Dec 2019

Three's Company (1977)

Show generally

Question: If Roper wouldn't rent to Jack unless he faked being gay then what made him not suspect the girls of being gay?


Answer: Possibly because in the 70s/80s, no-one would bat an eye about two girls living together, or 2 guys living together.

Answer: Because they've had various boyfriends and dates over the years. How he never noticed Jack had a stream of women coming to The Apartment is another issue.

Brian Katcher

17th Dec 2019

King of the Hill (1997)

Answer: It's not uncommon in real life for spouses to be unhappy in their marriage and resort to extramarital affairs. I haven't seen every episode of this show yet, but the vibe I get is that it's not so much funny that she cheats on Dale, but how painfully oblivious Dale is to it, to the point where he can't even tell Joseph is obviously John Redcorn's son and not his.


The main joke is that Dale is so fascinated with mysteries, the paranormal, conspiracy theories, etc, he is too busy to notice his wife having an affair. He does not see the "conspiracy" of Nancy and John, happening right in his own home.

Answer: Nancy has stated that she loves Dale "in a 'lights-on' sort of way" (season three - "Peggy's Headache"), and other episodes make it clear she cares about him. It could be a case of her "having the cake and wanting to eat it, too." She can enjoy her affair with Redcorn while Dale takes care of Joseph, due to him not always working much. Perhaps she needs an escape from Dale's reckless adventures and conspiracy theories. An affair is not a good way to deal with this, in my opinion, but there are people who do it.

Answer: He does eventually when Marie teaches Debra how to make her meatballs, but changes the spice label.

Answer: Unlikely. It's shown numerous times Ray is scared of upsetting his mother.


17th Dec 2019

Wonder Woman (1976)

Answer: Yes, on the first episode of season 2, she is shown on the island, when another plane crash lands, she says, "They sound different from WW II". Later in the same episode a woman gathers background information on Wonder Woman. The woman says, "From 1942 to 1945, she helped the Allies win the war."

11th Dec 2019

Batman and Robin (1997)

Question: How does Ivy get Nora's snowflake necklace without getting her costume soaked in the cyro fluid or whatever it is?


Answer: Maybe she drained the cryo-tube first? Maybe she did get wet but had dried off by the time we see her again? Maybe Bane did it for her? Pick whatever answer works best for you. It's a really small, insignificant detail in the film with plenty of potential answers.


Thanks though keep in mind she wouldn't have a clue as to how it works since she's a botanist not a scientist in cyro genetics.


She pulled the plug on the thing so Nora died and the tank drained (either automatically or Ivy did it). She just took the necklace off the body.


Answer: She most likely used her mind control potion on someone and had them do it for her.

Answer: Amy does not wear pants because Mayim Bialik does not wear them in her personal life. She is Jewish and observes the Judaic custom of modesty and only wears skirts. The Big Bang producers allowed her to incorporate this practice into her Amy character.


Thank you, I didn't know this. My apologies if I offended anyone.


I don't think anyone is offended. I had to do a little research for the answer as I became curious about the reason for this.


Answer: Character choice.


11th Dec 2019

Black Christmas (2006)

Question: If Billy's mom hated him and her husband then why not leave? That and why not kill Billy instead of imprisoning him?


Answer: Billy's mom is insane and does not possess a fully rational mind.


11th Dec 2019

A Christmas Story (1983)

Question: Why does Ralphie's father win a weird lamp instead of money and why is his mother jealous of it? Why not tell him how she feels about it? He might've listened.


Answer: The weird lamp was the prize, there was no cash prize. Just the hideous lamp. The mother is not jealous of the lamp at all, it is tacky and ugly and she doesn't want it displayed in her home. The dad only says she is jealous because he is being defensive and argumentative after the lamp is broken. The dad was very proud of his prize so telling him how she felt about it would hurt his feelings. Whether or not she intentionally broke the lamp is a mystery.


Question: What was with the ending? He melts down to a regular looking boy when in the original he was shown as deformed. I hate this ending, consider it the weakest and worst of the franchise.


Answer: The side effects of being washed away with toxic waste?


The Enforcer - S2-E13

Question: Why send only one enforcer? Hera surely know what he can do so why not send a dozen to be sure? She can't have been that arrogant.


Answer: It's a matter of plot. Having multiple characters who basically would have the same purpose, to kill Hercules, complicates and confuses the story line. It would lose the focus on the characters themselves and the interaction between them. In film and literaturea, characters, plots, scenes, etc. have to be crafted in a way that serves the story in an understandable and satisfying way for the viewer.


Question: Why doesn't Ralphie's father realise he's the one who unintentionally taught his son how to cuss, much less buy his lame excuse?


Answer: Because it's a funny look at real life. It's common for parents to cuss around their children, then be shocked when the kids start using the language themselves.

Exactly right. My parents cussed quite a bit when I was a child, but the first time I ever swore in front of my mother, she thought I learned it from watching The Real World with my sister.

immortal eskimo

True. I'd forgotten I learned how to cuss from my folks.


Answer: I think he did know. When he tells Ralphie to get in the car after saying the bad word, he kinda laughs to himself. It's only after Mom razzes him about taking too long to change the tire that he decides to share that Ralphie swore.

Question: How can Jason go into the lake in Parts 6 and 7 if he's afraid of water due to drowning? He'd freeze up from the sight right?


Answer: Jason being afraid of water is not portrayed consistently throughout the series. Continuity between sequels was not a major concern when making this series.


Answer: I think that Jason is actually afraid of unpredictable situations with water. He is familiar with Crystal Lake after living in the forest for so long. He might be less hesitant to enter this lake sometimes.

4th Dec 2019

Critters (1986)

Question: The movie's called Critters yet they're referred to as Krites. Which name is correct and why the two names?


Answer: "Krite" is the official name of the creatures, but "critters" is an apt explanation of what they are. The audience would have no idea what a "krite" is, because it's a made up word. So the title of the movie is "Critters" because they are disgusting little creatures. The fact that "krite" sounds similar to "critter" is wordplay on the part of the film-makers.


Question: Why does Ann blame Ginny for her mother leaving? She should be angry with her father and Ginny's mother.


Answer: Like all spoiled and mean girls, she blames everyone around her for her problems, when in fact it has nothing to do with her. She wants what she wants, her perfect family with her as the center of attention. The only daughter.

4th Dec 2019

Grease (1978)

Question: Why didn't Danny try to go after Sandy at the dance? He should've stayed. It was just a dumb contest.


Answer: Like many high school kids, he chose popularity over her. He was getting lots of attention.

Answer: This is just one of many plot holes in the film. Whether she was at the edge of space or actually beyond the atmosphere, she shouldn't have had enough oxygen to remain conscious.

Originally, he wasn't supposed to take her into space, but into the skies high above Metropolis.

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