
30th Sep 2019

The Craft (1996)

Question: Who put Nancy in the asylum? That and how did Bonnie get those scars on her back?


Answer: Bonnie's scars were the result of a previous auto accident. As for Nancy, it's not specifically shown how or by who she was committed to a psychiatric hospital.


28th Sep 2019

Power Rangers (2017)

Answer: It is implied that she has died, her body freezing as it drifts towards the moon.


Answer: No, she's not dead. This show seems to be following similarly to the original TV show. In the show, she was in a stasis like state trapped in a "trash can" on the moon. After she escapes this prison, she sets up her evil base with Lord Zed on the moon and continues to attack Angel Grove and the Rangers from the Moon. So her being blasted towards the Moon at the end of this reboot is a set up for her establishing a similar base of operations like in the show in the sequels. If the sequels ever get out of development hell.

Quantom X

Question: Given how organized she's supposed to be why didn't she sign those papers prior to going home for Jake's signature? That and why not tell her boyfriend the truth? He looked like he'd understand.


Answer: Melanie didn't sign the papers because, deep down, she still loved Jake, and probably, subconsciously, hoped they'd get back together. She didn't tell her fiance' because she mostly was in denial about the state of her feelings and her marriage. She'd fooled herself into believing she had signed the papers.


Answer: If Melanie was happy, why did she take her engagement ring off when she stopped by Jakes and it's obvious he was still her everything seeing as she went there first before her parents.

She took off her engagement ring so Jake wouldn't see it, not knowing his reaction, which could complicate the situation, as well as anger and upset him. She wanted to end their relationship as quickly and easily as possible. She went there first just to get it over with.


Answer: Also the director made a point it was never about rediscovering herself or Jake, it was choosing between what she had planned and what she truly wanted. The director also talked about how she did not pack enough clothes, so she wore her old clothes, she was supposed to be there for a long weekend but she wanted to be there, so it was obvious she wanted to stay.

Answer: She didn't sign the divorce papers on purpose. That is why Jake never signed them because then he might have to face the fact that it was over. That is why Melanie never went home, she might have to accept that it was over and Jake might have moved on, that is why she said yes to Andrew's proposal. Also when Melanie did not sign the papers at the wedding, when she dumped Andrew, that was the first time that Melanie was honest to herself and the people around her about how she felt and what she had longed for, for the last seven years.

The only reason Melanie said yes to Andrew's proposal is because she did not know that Jake felt the same way. The reason that Melanie did not sign the papers at the wedding because she had to be honest with herself and the people around her about how she felt and what she had longed for since she left.

28th Sep 2019

30 Rock (2006)

Answer: There's probably lots of reasons why Liz stays - money, lack of other job prospects and so on. The reality is, if she left, that would adversely affect the story line and the comedy within it. Tina Fey was one of the stars, and her character is an integral part of the show.


28th Sep 2019

X-Ray (1981)

Question: What happens to Harold? We go from him killing a classmate to present times where he works as an intern in a hospital. Surely he'd have been in juvenile hall then prison or in a psych ward.


Answer: It is never explained but the implication is that he has somehow escaped justice for his earlier crime and is using a new identity.


23rd Sep 2019

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Show generally

Question: Why in the world would they be comfortable working for a guy they never see? What made them not think he could be a crime boss who only had them take down former associates of his or use them to punish disobedient flunkies? Why does he even start this detective agency anyway?


Answer: Charlie had testified against some very powerful men, and they were sent to jail based on the evidence he collected and his testimony. These men were released from prison on a technicality, so Charlie went into hiding. Charlie believed anyone who knew his whereabouts or had seen his face were also in jeopardy. So that's why he only calls on the telephone and they never get to see his face. The reason why these 3 women would work for a man they never met is because after they graduated from the police academy due to sexism they were only assigned duties like a crossing guard, filing, and answering the phone as police women.

Answer: There is no rational, realistic reason why Charlie is never seen or his real identity known or the reason given about why he started the agency. This is just a gimmick for a silly TV show that is meant to intrigue the audience and to keep them guessing about who he is.


Answer: It's never explained why Charlie is never seen, but there have been hints to his past as a cop. In one episode the Angels meet up with a bitter cop, who says, "When Charlie and I started out together, we were two rookie cops walking a beat. Twenty years later, he gets a Rolls-Royce and I get a bleeding ulcer."

Well do they ever say where he got his money? Stock market, inheritance, being a televangelist? Just kidding on the last one.


Question: Why doesn't JJJ look like himself? True he's being played by JK Simmons but here he's bald without the trademark Jameson hairstyle.


Answer: This is a different version of JJJ, not the one from the previous Spiderman movies, just like PP.


Thanks folks though it's still weird looking since he should have his brush top look.


I agree. But I'm already glad it's JK Simmons and not some other actor.


Answer: The general movie-going audience doesn't always know the difference between MCU movies and movies that are based on Marvel properties made by other studios. Jameson's different look might have been done to avoid confusing fans into thinking that this iteration of Spider-Man is somehow connected to the Sam Raimi films.


23rd Sep 2019

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Answer: After going through a number of cast changes that failed to improve the show's slumping ratings, Tanya Roberts' character was added as "street-wise" former model. This was probably an effort to give a different and edgier character dimension to the show.


18th Sep 2019

Prom Night (1980)

Question: Why in the world is Alex, when unmasked at the end, wearing lipstick? Symbolic or something?


Answer: Alex is not the typical one dimensional slasher serial killer, but rather a complex individual with conflicting motivations. The lipstick is a symbol that he is portraying the hurtful people from his past even as he kills them.

Answer: The film doesn't provide an answer (which I think is a good thing). My interpretation is that Alex has somehow absorbed his sister's spirit, symbolically (not literally), and is avenging her death *as* Robin, in a way. Her name is his last word before he dies. A scene was shot but cut which revealed that Robin and Alex were twins. That scene was added back to the television edit of Prom Night.

I thought they said that when Kim was telling Nick on the hilltop where the beach was that Alex and Robin were TWINS! And what happened to Mr. And Mrs. Hammond? They "disappeared" after Kim and her father danced! So many QUESTIONS! And when did they say LOU was KIM'S EX? Missed that one.

12th Sep 2019

The Faculty (1998)

Question: Why are the aliens in that town? If they come from a oceanic planet then why not go directly into one of our five or so oceans?


Answer: The aliens needed fresh water. All the infected were drinking bottled water. When the gang were examining the slug in the garage, it dried up and died from salt, like a snail.

Answer: Whales and dolphins also lack manipulating appendages and the ability to survive on land.


Answer: The aliens need to infect intelligent life to thrive. There is no intelligent life in our oceans.


That is not exactly true. Whales and dolphins are considerably intelligent, arguably near human-level, and live in complex social groups.


Answer: Well if they need to stay hydrated whales and dolphins make more sense than inhabiting people.


Dolphins and whales are also far less numerous. With populations numbering fewer than 10 million total across all species versus nearly 6 billion at the time for humanity.


Answer: It could be the salt or pollution. The aliens were drinking nothing but pure bottled water.

Good answer. Dang all you guys on this site are pretty good at this. I enjoy these answers you give since hardly anybody ever listens to me.


Question: Why would April abandon Splinter and the turtles to the sewers? If they were her pets why abandon them? Why not take them home?


Answer: She was trying to send them away to save them from the experiments. The first place to search if some experimental animals get lost are the houses of the people that are involved.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Question: If Aayla Secura's a Jedi Master then why does she wear a skimpy brown leather outfit? She should be dressed more like the other Jedi masters.


Answer: In-universe, it is the typical clothing of a Twi'lek female. Jedi are allowed to wear whatever clothing they want, though most choose the robes fitting the ascetic life of a Jedi.


Answer: Several possibilities. There are cultural differences in how the different races dress that may supersede the traditional Jedi uniform. However, and more likely, movies often sexualize women characters by dressing them in skimpy, skin-bearing costumes, even when it is out-of-sync with how others are dressed.


Answer: Going along with LorgSkyegon's answer, the clothing is common for female Twi'leks. Many Jedi observe a few traditions, customs, etc. of the worlds they came from. Since they are guardians of peace across the galaxy, they need to respect all cultures. It can be helpful for a Jedi to acknowledge their background, especially if they ever need to deal with a situation involving their species/homeworld.

Question: Given that Las Vegas is the bigger more glamorous and more well known on sporting events, why didn't The California Dolls vs Toledo Tigers Tag Team Title match take place there instead of Reno?


Answer: No reason is given but there could be any number of factors involved in why this location was chosen. However, it appears to be less about the plot than about real-life logistics. The event takes place at the MGM Grand Hotel in Reno. MGM financially backed this film, so this was an opportunity for them to showcase and promote their expensive hotel in the movie. Also, filming on MGM property would have given the production greater freedom on when, where, and how they wished to film, avoiding many of the costs, restraints, and restrictions often encountered when filming a movie.


Question: Do they ever say why Mysterio's doing all of this? Perhaps revenge on Stark, making himself into a hero? What's his reason for causing all this chaos?


Answer: That pretty much sums it up yeah. He wants credit for his work. He felt cheated by Stark that he wasn't given credit for his invention that Stark so lovingly called B.A.R.F. Stark was Iron Man and a world renowned hero, savior of the world multiple times... even literally saving half of the entire universe from Thanos. Quentin Beck wanted to upstage him or make himself into a hero, but had no real ability to do so. So he manufactured conflicts with illusions and special effects to make the world appear to be in peril with a problem that only he could solve. This would allow him to swoop in, appear to save the day and be the only one that could have done it, and have the world praise him the way they did Stark. He's motivated by vanity, jealousy, and a desire for a passive aggressive revenge on Stark.

Quantom X

29th Aug 2019

Wonder Woman (1976)

Answer: The transformation twirling was invented for the 1970s TV series only, to explain her quick change from Diana Prince to Wonder Woman. However, it would have been nice to do a little spin homage in the movie.

Answer: She does. However, if she were to use any of her abilities as Diana Prince, everybody, including her enemies would be able to make the connection that Diana Prince and Wonder Woman are the same person which could be used to get revenge on her. By not using her abilities in her civilian disguise, nobody would suspect anything at all and she could keep herself and her friends safe.

So it was more a choice that she decided an Ice Skating move was less conspicuous than say, ducking in a phone booth like Superman? If Clark Kent enters a a phone booth, and Superman comes out, don't you think even the dull of mind would get the connection?

That's because Clark Kent has super speed so he can easily run into a phone booth quickly and leave as Superman as quickly too or whenever Clark does need to change into Superman out in the open, there's never around to see him change. It's a plot device that's really effective.

Could one man or gal. We're supposed to just believe almost everyone these two are around can't figure out of the obvious. Characters like Spider-Man and Batman can do this because of their masks, so these excuses just don't pass with me.


Answer: As Diana Prince she didn't have the super powers that Wonder Woman has, although as an Amazon princess she does have greater strength than normal humans. Diana's mom taught her how to transform her ordinary clothes into her Wonder Woman outfit (as opposed to just doing a quick change like Clark Kent does). Her outfit, which her mother gives her when she leaves includes the "golden girdle of Gaea." The girdle provides enhanced strength and heightens her other abilities. As to why she spins, it was a stylized choice to add something extra to the show and hadn't been done in the comics. Although they did change it up a bit due to budget and time. Later, Wonder Woman comic writers would include the spin into the comics, but by then it was generally to put her into her secret identity, not to give her her powers. But as to why Diana Prince doesn't have super powers in the 70's show, as opposed to other incarnations of her; the original TV movie pilot had Diana powerless like the character was during the Bronze Age of Wonder Woman (late 60's) when Diana decided to stay on Earth and became mortal. That series was not picked up, but a 2nd attempt at it, starring Lynda Carter, was and the series loosely based Diana on the first pilot but through magic could transform into the superhero Wonder Woman.


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