
6th Feb 2017

Split (2016)

Split trivia picture

Trivia: SPOILER: If you place the poster for this film next to the poster for the film "Unbreakable", you'll see that some of the cracks on each image line up.


6th Feb 2017

Deadpool (2016)

Trivia: In the comics, Negasonic Teenage Warhead's powers are vastly different than what is shown in the film. In order to get Marvel's approval to change her powers for the film, Fox was forced to relinquish the film rights to the character Ego the Living Planet, who was packaged with the Fantastic 4 film rights. Ego will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 portrayed by Kurt Russell. Similar to Negasonic Teenage Warhead being named after a Monster Magnet song, Monster Magnet has a song named after Ego the Living Planet, which can found on the same album.


16th Jan 2017

X-Men (1992)

Trivia: The team roster depicted in this series is largely made up of members of the Blue Team (Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast, Gambit, Rogue and Jubilee) that was established in the first issue of X-Men Vol. 2, with Storm and Jean Grey representing the Gold Team. Most of the characters' designs are also based on artist Jim Lee's redesigns.


12th Nov 2016

The Simpsons (1989)

Bart to the Future - S11-E17

Trivia: Adding to the list of jokes on this show that ended up becoming true in real life, this episode made reference to a Donald Trump presidency a full 15 years before Trump first announced his candidacy for President. The episode also accurately predicted that a Trump presidency would lead to an economic recession.


11th Oct 2016

The Simpsons (1989)

Two-Face (1) - S1-E17

Trivia: Harvey Dent's demanding of a mirror to see his scarred visage at his doctor's reluctance is very similar to the Joker demanding a mirror from his surgeon in the 1989 "Batman" film. (00:20:30)


Indecent Dick - S4-E8

Trivia: When Don and Dick are lamenting about their respective girlfriends posing nude for photos, they unwittingly recite some of the chorus lyrics to the song "Centerfold" by the J. Geils Band. A portion of the song can also be heard during one of the episode's transitional animatics.


30th May 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

Trivia: SPOILER: The Essex Corporation shown in the post-credits scene is a reference to the classic X-Men villain Mister Sinister, whose real name is Nathaniel Essex.


21st May 2016

X-Men (1992)

13th May 2016

X-Men (1992)

Trivia: When the film was first announced, it was jokingly called "Captain America: Serpent Society" before its actual title was revealed a few minutes later.


2nd May 2016

X-Men (1992)

Trivia: Despite the character's current massive popularity, Deadpool only made three unofficial cameos on this show, as the character was not nearly as popular in the early 90s. Once as a mental projection during a psychic session between Professor X and Sabretooth in the season 1 episode "Deadly Reunions"; as an illusion created by the dark side of Professor X's consciousness in the season 3 episode "The Phoenix Saga Part 2: The Dark Shroud"; and as form that Morph took during a confrontation with Wolverine in the season 2 episode "Whatever It Takes." Deadpool was set to make his first official appearance in a television series in the second season of "Wolverine and the X-Men", but that show was canceled before this ever came to fruition.


8th Mar 2016

Deadpool (2016)

Trivia: This film spent several years in development hell largely because Fox wasn't sure that the film could be profitable, based in part on the character's negative reception in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and desire by the filmmakers for it to be rated R. It wasn't until computer animated test footage was leaked online to universal praise that the film was finally given the green light. Despite the hurdles the film had to overcome to get made, it ironically became not only the highest grossing film in the X-Men franchise (both domestically and worldwide), but the highest grossing R-rated film of all time worldwide.


2nd Jan 2016

The X-Files (1993)

Trivia: The rock band Filter contributed music to this show, including their hit single "Hey Man Nice Shot" being used in the season 3 episode "D.P.O." as well as appearing on a couple X-Files soundtracks. Filter's lead singer Richard Patrick is the younger brother of Robert Patrick, who would later be cast in this show as Agent John Doggett.


21st Dec 2015

Jessica Jones (2015)

Trivia: In the comics, Kilgrave's code name is the Purple Man, due to his purple skin. His skin is never purple in this show, except once when shouting at the very end, but his comics counterpart is referenced by the fact that much of his wardrobe consists of purple clothing.


14th Dec 2015

Spider-Man (1994)

The Alien Costume: Part 1 - S1-E8

Trivia: When Peter Parker is testing the costume changing capabilities of the symbiote, he suggests "that guy from Aerosmith," and materializes a suit similar to what Joe Perry from Aerosmith wears. Joe Perry composed the theme song for this show. (00:14:20)


18th Nov 2015

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Trivia: When being played on basic cable or regular TV, John McClane's catchphrase "Yippee ki yay, mother fucker!" is sometimes oddly redubbed as "Yippee ki yay, Mr. Falcon!" Falcon is the call sign for General Esperanza's original flight, which half explains the odd wording.


16th Nov 2015

X-Men (1992)

Trivia: Jeremy Ratchford, the actor who voiced Banshee, would go on to portray the same character in the 1996 made-for-television film "Generation X."


16th Nov 2015

X-Men (1992)

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