
27th Aug 2001

Vertigo (1958)

Corrected entry: When Mr. Elster is telling Scottie that his wife's car showed she drove 94 miles on the speedometer, he should have said odometer.

Correction: This should be classified as a "Character Mistake."


Correction: The fact that he said speedometer instead of odometer isn't a movie mistake. He simply misspoke, which is something people do all the time.

Corrected entry: In the movie Jack gets the compass from his former captain when he is dying in the battle with Salazar. In the second film we saw that Jack got the compass from Tia Dalma/Calypso.

Correction: At some point in time, Jack lost possession of the compass. He later bartered it back from Tia Dalma who'd acquired it.


27th Jul 2017

Wonder Woman (2017)

Corrected entry: Both Diana and Steve go to sleep on the sailboat at the same time. Who is making sure that they stay on course? Navigating a sailboat is vastly different than a power boat, which is why someone is always "on watch" to make sure the boat stays on course. If they're both asleep they could end up anywhere.


Correction: Many people have sailed solo around the world, and presumably they sleep at some point during the voyage. The tiller can be locked into position to keep it on course for short periods of time.


3rd Jul 2017

Wonder Woman (2017)

Corrected entry: When Steve is bathing after the first fight on the island, he has a bandage on his shoulder suggesting a wound, but his shirt is not torn at the shoulder.

Correction: He could have been wounded in such a way that did not damage his clothing - a severely strained muscle or torn ligament, a deep bruise from a blunt force impact, etc.


25th Apr 2017

Passengers (2016)

Corrected entry: Given all the passengers are supposed to be in hibernation, and the hibernation pods are "fail safe", why would the ship's computers be programmed to announce scenic views in the middle of the voyage, such as passing the star Arcturus?

Correction: The pods were not "fail safe" as evidenced by Jim's pod being opened due to the malfunction. Once Jim is awakened and starts moving around the ship, utilizing different functions, and so on, the ship's computer would be triggered and act as if all passengers have been awakened. It starts providing its normal services, such the hologram greeting Jim and giving information, entertainment, Arthur working as the bartender, and passengers being informed when there is an interesting astronomical event to watch.


Correction: The whole premise of the movie centers around the belief the pods are fail safe. If the engineers and programmers believed the pods to be fail safe, then there is no reason to program in sight seeing subroutines for locations passed in the middle of voyage when everyone is believed to still be in hibernation.

The ship, once it happened to be activated by Jim and Aurora for passenger mode, may have sensors that then identify and announce any scenic view it encounters on its journey. The ship follows a pre-set path to and from the planet, and every astronomical object would be catalogued in its computers, regardless of whether it was intended for passengers to see it.


3rd Jan 2017

Passengers (2016)

Corrected entry: When Aurora is dragging Jim towards the Auto-Doc it suddenly appears close to the floor when the camera angle changes. Then back to normal when the angle changes again. For me it's obvious Aurora didn't have the strength to lift Jim that high so they had to lower the chamber.


Correction: It appears that way, but as Aurora enters the medical clinic dragging in Jim, behind them the Auto-Doc's cover can (barely) be seen sliding open just as it is starting to lower itself to floor level. Presumably advanced sensors detected an emergency situation. Once it was fully lowered, Aurora put Jim inside. The device then raises itself to normal height. Most hospital beds, gurneys, and exam tables are adjustable, so it's reasonable to assume the Auto-Doc would have that same capability. Granted, Aurora would need tremendous strength to drag a 220 lb. Man that far and then get him into the device even at its lowest level, but it's feasible.


Corrected entry: During the burning of Atlanta scene, Rhett and Scarlett are escaping in a wagon. The horse stops, spooked by the fire, so Rhett throws Scarlett's shawl over the horse's eyes. The mistake is that as soon as Rhett grabs the reins, the horse throws off the shawl, and suddenly no longer is afraid of the fire. (01:22:15)

Correction: After Rhett jumped out of the carriage and grabbed the horse directly by the bridle, the horse became calmer once it was being led forward by a human, regardless of whether on not the blanket was still covering its eyes.


19th Feb 2017

Passengers (2016)

Corrected entry: It is said that the crew wake up 4 months before they arrive at Homestead 2 and the passengers 3 months, but the crew and passengers wake up at the same time at the end of the film and they are almost in orbit around Homestead 2.

Correction: The passengers had not awakened yet.The computer can be heard saying that it is initiating the crew wake-up sequence. The shot of the people on the concourse are only the crew members and it is somewhat prior to the ship's arrival at the planet. That is when they discovered what happened to Aurora and Jim. Aurora's words from her book (heard by us in a voice over) is addressed to both the crew and passengers, however. Before that scene, there is a quick filler shot of the Avalon nearing Homestead II that shows us that passengers and crew have safely reached their destination almost ninety years later. It is not meant to be a strict linear timeline.


29th Oct 2015

The Strain (2014)

The Born - S2-E7

Corrected entry: Dr Goodweather is treating his gunshot wound on his left shoulder. Later on the wound is on his right shoulder.

Correction: Eph was shot in the right shoulder. When he is first seen self-treating his wound, he is looking in the mirror, and it is his reflection the audience sees, making it look like the wound is on the left side. Later, when he is seen normally, the wound is on the right side.


Corrected entry: Blythe doesn't need to escape - thus endangering fellow escapees and taking the place of another man - since the Geneva Convention (which the Luftwaffe generally adhered to as the Allies held many German prisoners) required that all POWs who suffer severe disability that would prevent them from fighting were to be repatriated.

Correction: Blythe hid his condition. He was essential to planning the escape and would not want to desert his comrades. The Germans didn't release him because they didn't know he was visually impaired. No one did until it was discovered shortly before the escape. Also, Blythe wasn't actually blind. He'd become severely myopic (near-sighted), which had progressed fairly quickly, and was only able to see things extremely close up. His vision could have been corrected with strong prescription eyeglasses, but a POW camp did not have that kind of medical care. His condition was such that if he was repatriated to the Allies, he could, with corrected vision, once again be an active soldier in some capacity and would have substantial knowledge of the enemy's POW camps locations inside Germany and their operations.


13th Mar 2015

Twilight (2008)

Correction: You don't have to see ice for it to be there. I live in the same part of the country where the story takes place. It rains a lot here and the temperatures can then drop into freezing. Wet pavement develops a thin ice layer that is nearly invisible. It makes driving and walking extremely hazardous because it is hard to see. This is sometimes called "black ice."


29th Dec 2013

Saving Mr. Banks (2013)

Corrected entry: Travers Goff and little Ginty are sitting by the river in what appears to be a remote area after she visits him in the bank and yet she is licking a large, perfectly shaped, unmelted ice cream cone.


Correction: I would have to disagree. First, they are living in what was then a small, back-water town that probably has only a a few main streets and is surrounded by little else. A river could be right next to the town. Second, in the shot with the ice cream cone, Ginty and her father are sitting against a tall river bank, and the embankment behind them is too high to see over or any of the surrounding geography, so there is no way to judge if this is a remote area. They could easily have gotten the ice cream and walked a short distance to the river before sitting down. Third, Ginty's ice cream is half-eaten, nearly down to the rim of the cone, its rounded shape is from her having licked it, keeping it from melting all over her hand.


29th Dec 2013

Saving Mr. Banks (2013)

Corrected entry: When the limo driver first greets Mrs. Travers at the airport, he takes her suitcases, and escorts her to the waiting car. He puts the bags down by the car, helps her in, and drives away without putting the bags in the trunk. Of course, they are somehow in the trunk upon arrival at the hotel.

Correction: That is incorrect. Ralph, the driver is shown opening the door for Travers and then shutting it. The scene immediately cuts to a long view of the limo driving on the highway. The shot never showed Ralph driving the car away from the curb and out of the airport. He would have put the bags into the trunk, but this was not shown.


14th Jul 2014

The Client (1994)

Corrected entry: Reggie says her kids were taken away because she was an alcoholic. Yet she actually started drinking after her kids were taken away.

Correction: That is incorrect. Reggie tells Mark that right after her divorce, she drank somewhat and also took prescription sleeping pills but one night accidentally took a few too many. Her ex-husband then claimed that she tried to commit suicide. The court declared her an unfit mother, and that was when she lost custody of the children. Following that, she began drinking heavily before getting help.


Corrected entry: The Hogwarts' school supply list mentions the Lockhart book, "Wanderings With Werewolves," but later, Lockhart refers to the book as, "Weekend With a Werewolf." (May be corrected in later editions of the book).

Correction: Lockhart wrote many books and is likely referring to another one about his (fake) experiences with werewolves. The two titles are quite different from one another and a weekend with a werewolf is not the same as "wandering" with them, which would happen over a longer period of time. It therefore seems that these are two different titles.


20th Sep 2014

The Maze Runner (2014)

Corrected entry: Spoiler: At the end, Gally shoots Chuck, and Minho throws a spear through Gally's chest, killing him. A minute later, when Thomas looks at Gally, the spear is nowhere in sight.

Correction: I had to watch this several times on DVD, but the spear is always there. As Gally falls to his knees, dying, the end of the spear, which was at a slight angle away from his body can easily be seen because light is on it. As he turns more to the camera, the shaft is covered in shadow and blends into his dark clothing and can barely be seen, but it is there the entire time.


1st Oct 2014

Apollo 13 (1995)

Corrected entry: When Ken Mattingly is watching the launch from a field, he is seen next to a gold and black corvette. The gold and black corvette was a paint scheme chosen for the astrovette which was leased to the Apollo 12 mission crew for a dollar for a year. There were three of these cars, leased to astronauts Pete Conrad, Richard F. Gordon, Jr., and Alan Bean, not Ken Mattingly.

Correction: He could have borrowed it from any of those men, had ridden with one of them, or was just standing next to it.


Corrected entry: In the letter from Bella to Renesmee she says Jacob can teach her Ticuna legends, but he's not Ticuna. Jacob is a member of the Quileute tribe.

Correction: Bella did not make a mistake, The Cullens learn that there may be information about half-mortal, half-vampire children within the Ticuna culture. What Bella means (and she is assuming she and the other Cullens will be killed by the Volturi) is that Jacob, as Renesmee's protector, will be able to discover more about this and can then share that with Renesmee. It will help disprove the Volturi's accusation that she is an "immortal child."


They did not know about that at the time Bella wrote the letter to Renesme. She was preparing a backpack with money and passport with the thought Jacob would be taking her somewhere mid battle. They didn't know about Tacuna tribe until the very end of battle scene.

It was mentioned earlier about the Ticuna tribes and their legends regarding immortal children, which is why Alice and Jasper went there.


22nd Jul 2006

The Godfather

Corrected entry: The age of Tom Hagen when he moved in with the Corleones is never consistent. At the start of Book I, Michael says Tom was 12 when Sonny brought him home and demanded they take him in; later in Book I, Tom says both he and Sonny were both 11. Then, in Book III, when recounting how Sonny had taken part in an armed robbery when he was 16, Don Corleone says that Tom had been living with them for three years at this point, which would place Sonny and Tom at 13 when Tom moved in.

Correction: It's not really a mistake. For one thing you're being too precise about the timeline. People's recollections of exactly when something happened or how old a person was many years before, is often vague or generalized. (I often don't remember how old I was when certain things happened in my childhood.) Michael, being the youngest Corleone child would have been around five or six-years-old when Tom Hagen moved in and may simply remember it incorrectly. Also, Tom could have been just weeks shy of his 12th birthday, technically making him 12-years-old and just a little over one year after that he'd be turning thirteen. Also, the Don was getting older at this point and his memory was not as sharp as it used to be and he may have remembered Tom as being around 13 when he moved in.


22nd Mar 2014

Disturbia (2007)

Corrected entry: The cop has been shown the entire movie to have it out for Kale. Always showing up as soon as possible to catch him when he goes outside the boundaries. Then, at the end, the one time that Kale WANTS him to come ASAP, the cop takes his own sweet time. Of course, the cop has no idea that Kale wants him there to save him from a murderer. So it is very out of character for him to suddenly not care about catching Kale violating the house arrest.

Correction: Doing something that is out-of-character is not a plot hole. The cop could have had any number of reasons for not showing up right away. He may simply have gotten tired of responding all the time or felt that Kale was yanking his chain, expecting him to come running every time he stepped over the boundary.


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