
Corrected entry: In Beckett's office there is a picture of an 18th century naval battle. How could he have the painting if they are in the 17th century?

Correction: Because they are not in the 17th century. The filmmakers have said the film is set somewhere between 1740-1760. That is the 18th century, not the 17th.


Corrected entry: Although the Aztec curse was lifted in the previous movie, thus making all the previously afflicted pirates 'normal' again, the monkey remains cursed without apparent reason throughout the second film.

Correction: This is not a mistake. Watch the brief "Easter Egg" scene in the first movie (following the end credits). After the curse is broken and the pirates are mortal again, the monkey reaches into the chest and steals a coin, cursing itself once again. Only the monkey is affected.


Corrected entry: After Harry comes out of the pensieve, Dumbledore stares straight ahead while he is talking, as if Harry is clear across the room, rather than looking directly at Harry. In the next shot, however, Dumbledore's body is turned slightly, and he's leaning down, looking directly at Harry, yet no time has passed.


Correction: Time has passed--just enough so that in the second or two it takes between shots, Dumbledore could turn his body slightly and look down at Harry.


28th Nov 2001

The Firm (1993)

Corrected entry: When the fax arrives in the firm's security office about Tom's brother released from prison, it curls and falls to the floor parallel to the front of the fax machine. When the fax is found the next morning it is parallel to the side of the fax machine.

Correction: The fact that it is lightweight and curled into a cylinder means it could be moved around by air currents passing under the fax machine stand. For example, when the heat or air conditioning blows through a floor vent or when the door is opened and closed by the Firm's security people as they come in to search the office it could move. It is possible.


29th Nov 2005

Flightplan (2005)

Corrected entry: It appears that entire kidnapping is dependant on Kyle and Julia moving to the back rows to lie down. Had they stayed in their seats Julia would have been next to the window and it would have been virtually impossible to move Julia without waking Kyle had she fallen asleep. It seems a little strange to have an entire plan based around the assumption that back rows would be free and that Kyle and Julia would move there.

Correction: They probably had a number of schemes on how they would kidnap her once she was on the plane. Kyle and Julia moving to the rear seats may have provided an unexpected opportunity. As for kidnapping Julia without waking Kyle, they could have knocked them both unconscious while they were sleeping, or they could have sedated both of them.


How did they kidnap Julia without waking Kyle? It's possible they had done two things: Knocked Kyle unconscious while she, and Julia were sleeping, or they sedated Kyle while they sedated Julia.

Corrected entry: When the Durmstrang ship sinks into the water at the end, there is no disturbance in the water once it's below the surface. When it arrived there were plenty of waves and ripples, so it can't be an enchantment to prevent it disturbing the surface.

Correction: The submerged ship was moving at a much slower speed for their departure, and there would be less visible wake. When Durmstrang arrived, they were traveling at a fast pace to make a dramatic entrance. They could also have used magic to ripple the water for a more theatrical effect and to announce their arrival. When they depart, the mood is much more somber.


Corrected entry: If the plan to restrict the age of entry for the tri-wizard tournament was for safety reasons, why does nobody at Hogwarts have the least problem with tying Ron, Hermione, and Fleur's sister (all underage) to the bottom of the lake as part of one of the trials? This seems especially significant as the implication of Harry's rescuing of the sister is that without him she would never have escaped at all.

Correction: The students who were underwater were protected by magic and closely monitored by school officials; the triwizard contestants were not. It only appears that Harry rescued Fleur's sister. She was actually never in any danger. In HP and the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione criticizes Harry for acting foolishly, telling him he often blindly rushes in to be the hero - a trait that makes him dangerously predictable to his enemies and eventually leads to tragic consequences.


Corrected entry: After the second task Dumbledore awarded Harry second place, but at the beginning of the third task Dumbledore says Harry and Cedric are tied for first.

Correction: Harry is awarded second place only for the underwater task (Cedric was first). Harry was first in the dragon event, and Cedric was in second place. The competitors' overall standing before the final task includes how well they scored in "both" the first and second challenges. That is why Cedric and Harry are tied for first place at the start of the final event.


27th Jul 2005

The Island (2005)

Corrected entry: If the real Jordan was such a world-famous supermodel, why is her clone able to walk around and mingle with the public, yet no-one recognizes her face? (Other than the real Lincoln and her son.)

Correction: Models can look very different in real-life as opposed to how they look on TV, the fashion runway, and in print ads. Hair, makeup, lighting, photo retouching etc., create drastically different images. And not everyone is interested in knowing who the super models are.


14th Nov 2002

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: When Alan Grant and the children are running from the Gallimimus (towards the camera) you can clearly see tracks made in the grass where the camera vehicle filming them has been. (01:31:10)

Correction: The tracks could have been made by Jurassic Park gas jeeps. The game keepers would regularly be out in the field checking on the animals. In fact, gas jeeps are seen early on when Dr. Grant, Dr. Satler, and the others first arrive on the island (and see the brachiosaurs) and also when the vet and Dr. Satler are checking on the sick dinosaur in the field.


13th Jul 2005

War of the Worlds (2005)

Corrected entry: After Ray gets the gun from under his bed, we are shown a close-up of Ray putting the gun in the back of his pants and untucking his shirts to hide the gun under them. Later on, when Robbie, and Rachel have arrived at their mom's house with Ray and are about to sleep in the basement, Ray pulls out his gun to put it behind the pillow. However, both his shirts are tucked in, and the gun is in front.

Correction: Just because Ray first put the gun in the back of his pants doesn't mean he wouldn't reposition it at some point during the trip to his kids' house. He had any number of opportunities and reasons to move the gun, readjust his shirt, etc., and it would be uncomfortable and dangerous to drive a vehicle with the gun in his back pocket.


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