
21st Apr 2014

Roseanne (1988)

Correction: Jerry is still an infant and Andy is a toddler, so the family would not need to book seats for them. They would sit in their mothers' laps (or the other family members) on the plane. Therefore, the family would actually need nine seats.


Plot hole: The aliens provide coordinates for a place to make a rendezvous with humans but do not specify a time. It's possible they're monitoring and will arrive when they see enough humans gathering at Devil's Tower, but the humans seem to expect the aliens to come more or less exactly when they actually do, somehow.


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Suggested correction: Scientists were prepared for the aliens and knew when and where they would arrive, as seen by the extensive complex built at Devil's Tower. However, as Claude Lacombe, the French scientist, speculates towards the end, hundreds of humans may have had the Devil's Tower image recently implanted in their minds, saying they were "invited" but never made the connection. Neery figured it out and was compelled to go there at that time. Neery was then allowed to join a group of trained volunteers that were already prepared to go on the ship, while the previous "abductees" were being returned to Earth.


The aliens had not given a time to meet. The scientists may be taking it on faith that the aliens will know that they've arrived at Devil's Tower and are ready, but the way the subject of timing is left unaddressed on screen feels like an oversight.


We don't know for certain if the scientists were given a specific time, but it appears they were, or at least a general window. The long-lost objects, like the ship and the military aircraft, suddenly showing up in the desert, is an indication the process has started. If humans were given the precise location where the alien ship would arrive (Devil's Tower), then, logically, the aliens would also communicate when. The scientists were communicating with the aliens using tonal sounds. Early on, the scientists received map coordinates through dish satellites as repeating pulses. They would likely receive time information the same way. As often happens in movies, this info may be something that got edited out of the film, causing an inconsistency.


This might be one of those edge cases. Under most circumstances I'd agree we could assume arrangements were made off-screen by virtue of the fact that the rendezvous occurs successfully in the first place; but in the context of this movie, in which any and all forms of contact with the aliens is treated as profound and significant, leaving it unaddressed (not even with a line of dialogue) comes off like a plot hole. I suppose we'll just have to let our fellow website readers decide.


27th Feb 2021

Gladiator (2000)

Factual error: Early in the film Maximus walks through a cereal crop trailing his hands against the heads of grain. Except that dwarf varieties of cereal were only bred in the 20th century. Before this a crop would have been up to a man's shoulders.

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Suggested correction: No doubt the scene was shot with a modern variety, but it turns out that it is a good approximation of the wheat grown at the time of the story. Two varieties of wheat grown in ancient Rome, the Emmer and Eikorn varieties, reach only 2-3 feet at maturity. These were originally wild wheats that had been cultivated for 8-10 thousand years BCE.

Suggested correction: The crop may not be fully grown yet.


Heading occurs right before ripening. It wouldn't be at various heights. It might grow a few inches before ripening, but not a couple feet.


17th Feb 2021

Friends (1994)

Correction: Chandler's suit changes because he's wearing different ones over multiple days. He attempts to fire Nina, then chickens out, then tries again on another day and fails, then finally musters the courage to do so on a third attempt after his boss confronts him.


No, if you watch the scene you will see that on the second attempt the suit changes colour between camera angles. This is not because it is different days.


I just streamed it again. I don't see that the suit changes color from grey to green, but it does look different when seen from either the front or the back view. However, it looks like this is just from the set lighting. There's a strong light source coming from the left-hand side that makes Chandler's suit look lighter from the back. The front is more shadowed.


Correction: He wears the same suit throughout the scene, but the light hits it differently when he moves around the office.


21st Jan 2015

The Hunger Games (2012)

Corrected entry: In the scene when Katniss cuts the branch with the Tracker Jackers, the branch falls down with the swarm attacking those on the ground. Katniss climbs down from the tree, and the Trackers are all instantly gone.

Joseph Long

Correction: Because the people in the ground getting stung took off running for their lives and in pain. The tracker jackers chased them and left the hive behind.

Quantom X

Correction: Everything in the game arena is artificial and is created, controlled, and continually changed as needed by the game technicians. Just like the killer mutts seen at the end, the tracker jackers were created artificially by computers and were added and removed instantly. The gamers put the hive in the tree after Katniss was trapped there so it could be used as a weapon (Rue pointed it out to her). Earlier, when Katniss escaped the fire, that was also an environmental condition created by the gamers, and once it served its purpose (to steer her back to the other tributes), it was extinguished and the damage repaired. The mocking jays that Katniss and Rue heard in the trees were also artificial.


Corrected entry: When Loretta hears a caller from outside and then heads out to the front porch to see who's calling her name, the man coming up the hill is wearing coal mining gear. However, in the next shot, it is a different man dressed in a navy sweater and freshman's cap.


Correction: This is not a mistake. Loretta and Doolittle did not have a phone and would use their neighbor's as needed (he complained about it). Loretta hears her name being called and, going outside, sees someone in the distance who looks and sounds like her coal miner father coming toward the house. The image changes as she realises it is actually the neighbor, who is coming to relay the news that her father passed away. Loretta was having a premonition/vision of her father's death moments before learning he died. He had been ill with a lung disease (from coal dust), and she was likely expecting the bad news at some point.


11th Jan 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Character mistake: When Barbara gives the hilarious back story of the wishing stone, she mentions that "Romulus, the last emperor of Rome, he had it on him when he was assassinated in 476." That's an amazing historical find in itself, because Romulus Augustulus (just "Romulus" is not really correct) was never assassinated; he had to abdicate the title in that year, but then lived the rest of his life in exile. It's worth noting that the novelization of the movie talks about Romulus, Rome's FIRST ruler, and his 'mysterious disappearance'. (01:27:45)


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Suggested correction: Not a mistake in the movie for Barbara to give inaccurate information on history, since she is rushing through all of it without fact checking everything. He focus is the stone, not what happened to Romulus.


I don't see what's wrong with saying it's a character mistake, really. By that logic, any bit of historical context provided in a movie could be incorrectly stated as long as it comes from someone who is in a rush. I find more interesting to report when something said in a movie for a serious purpose is wrong and not challenged.


She's not an educated historian, OK for her to be mistaken. If she however says wrongful things about something she is supposed to be an expert in, that's a character mistake.


It's not OK for her to be mistaken because when you specifically research for something (she has super-fast reading powers now and her task was to do some complex history research, it was not a random mistake playing Trivial Pursuit) there's no way to get that piece of information wrong; she is tracing the path the stone took, the fate of its last known owner is important. That being said, I don't particularly care about her status as expert (which she is, having done a specific research as said); dramatically speaking it's the bit of historical context the movie provides, it should not have mistakes in it when they do not have a payoff.


I agree with Sammo. It's a character mistake.


6th Apr 2017

Double Jeopardy (1999)

Plot hole: For a convicted murderer who violated her parole and assaulted her parole officer while escaping custody, Ashley Judd moves around the country and even boards airplanes with little to no problems.

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Suggested correction: She was simply careful. There's constant manhunts for much more serious felons and parolees on the lam who seem capable of moving around without getting caught.

How did she keep the gun if she flew across the country?

She likely put the gun in her bag and then checked it with other passengers' luggage at the airport. As long as she wasn't carrying the gun on her, it would go through.


30th Jun 2010

Sex and the City (1998)

Hot child in the city - S3-E15

Corrected entry: When Jenny and her friends greet Samantha and the girls at the restaurant, Jenny says 'I didn't know you knew Carrie Bradshaw.' But she also mentions that she loves Carrie's column, implying that she reads it every week. If Jenny really was reading Carrie's columns on a regular basis; she would already know that Samantha is one of Carrie's best friends, as Carrie writes about her constantly. (00:12:35)

Correction: It is never mentioned that Carrie refers to her friends in the column by their full names, nor would she likely do so, therefore Jenny would not know that it's the same Samantha.


Carrie's column was based heavily on the lives and adventures of herself, and her friends. She used their full names during voiceovers, showing the content of her published writing. Samantha is not a common name, and she wouldn't likely be referring to another Samantha. Obviously this is a plot contrivance for the scene. If the girls regularly read Carrie's column, they would know that Samantha was one of her best friends.

Carrie's voiceovers are not the content of her column, though it may reflect it generally. The voiceovers serve as narration for the episodes. Also, Samantha is not that unusual of a name.


25th Mar 2008

Friends (1994)

The One With The Flashback - S3-E6

Corrected entry: In the flashback episode, Chandler and Monica are in the bar (which is soon to become Central Perk) and Rachel is in the same bar with her friends before she is due to marry Barry. When Chandler overhears Rachel - a complete stranger - say she wants one last fling, he tries to flirt with her, but she dismisses him. Monica then says "I know her" and talks to Rachel briefly with Chandler present. In fact, as revealed in later episodes, Chandler and Rachel knew each other when he was in college with Ross and Rachel was in high school with Monica - in fact they even made out at a college party.

Correction: Then the mistake is in subsequent episodes, not this one. In any case, Chandler simply didn't recognize Rachel.

JC Fernandez

Or since Rachel was drunk at the college party, she has very vague memories and doesn't remember that night very well.

Rachel and Chandler had previously met several times before the college party and she was sober. Chandler was at the two consecutive Thanksgiving dinners at the Geller house when both Rachel and Monica were in high school. Rachel gave Monica hints on how to get back at Chandler for having called Monica "fat" the previous year. Rachel and Chandler should have remembered this.


28th Dec 2020

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Other mistake: Fireworks use heated metals to produce the various colors seen when they explode - Iron, Nickel, Cryolite, magnesium and copper filings. Flying a jet engine through exploding fireworks would cause serious damage to the engine.

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Suggested correction: Diana had conjured an invisibility shield around the jet that would likely protect it from the fireworks.


Agreed, the spell does obviously do more than just make the plane invisible. When looking at the invisibility of Themyscira, the spell obviously filters out the atmosphere and only can't keep out solid objects like planes and ships.


If the cloak of invisibility "filters out the atmosphere", how is the air needed to run the engines getting in?

It filters the atmosphere, not keep it away. So it keeps the atmosphere that comes in clean.


10th Dec 2015

Home Alone (1990)

Home Alone mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Kevin goes outside the first time and sees the cars in the garage, the light isn't on. When it shows the garage again in the next shot, the light is on. (00:20:25)


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Suggested correction: The light could be motion activated. Either Kevin's movement or passing vehicles could have turned it on, regardless of the time of day. I have motion detector lights in my carport and they constantly go on and off in the daytime if it's low-light and cars pass by fast enough. People walking their dogs can also activate it if they are close enough. They sometimes stay on until I have to manually turn the power off, then on again.


That would explain it only if the light came on when Kevin "activated" it. It stays off during the first scene, and he doesn't make any motion towards the garage when the camera is on him. Nor do we see any vehicles or people pass behind him.


How likely is it that this movie - taken in 1990 - had access to the developed technology that we have today, to make automatic lights turn on?

Infrared motion sensors were around in the 80s.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Tony Curtis and family arrive in a yellow taxi cab because Grant's wife didn't arrive to bring them. He tells the cab to wait and drive his family back. Then Cary Grant's wife comes flying up in her car, slams on her brakes and slides into the rear of the cab and knocks it into the bus. When the bus pulls off, the cab is attached to it...but it's now black.

Correction: That is incorrect. Tony Curtis and his wife and children arrive by taxi, which then leaves. Cary Grant's wife arrives a bit later in her car, and hits the back of Grant's black Admiral's car, which was already parked there, pushing it into the bus which drives away with it attached to the back bumper. Grant's wife even says it is his car, and he tells her not to worry because the guards at the Naval gate will stop it. Curtis did not tell the taxi to wait, but had asked a Navy personnel to drive his family home.


27th Aug 2001

La Confidential (1997)

Revealing mistake: When the body of Miss Lefferts is being viewed, the 'dead' girl blinks slightly. (00:34:35)

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Suggested correction: It's not uncommon for dead bodies to continue moving after death. Many internal parts of the body continue functioning in some fashion for hours after death and nerves and muscles can twitch.


10th Apr 2002

Cast Away (2000)

Corrected entry: It is clear when Tom Hanks is on top of the island, and when he sees the dead body, and also when he walks around the island, that the fringing reef does not extend all the way round the island. There is therefore no need to launch the raft into the breaking waves, it would be much easier to launch the raft at a place on the island where there are no breakers to contend with. (You can also see this in an aerial shot of the island on page 84 of the book "Nomads of the Wind").

Correction: There could be other reasons for other launching sites to be unusable. An inaccessible or particularly rocky beach, for example, or prevailing winds. He couldn't sail the raft into the wind to escape the island.

Correction: He pretty much had to launch the raft from the location where he built it. It was heavy, the island does not appear to be flat or have open spaces, so he could not have lugged it and all the supplies to a different location. Even if he could, it would risk damaging it. He built the raft where he had the best access to the needed materials.


Corrected entry: The red truck is shown to have 1991 license plates, although the film is set in the 1960's. Also near the end, when Meryl Streep is riding in her husband's truck through town, many modern cars are seen in the background through the truck window.

Correction: There's a clear shot of the plate where you can see "65" in the corner for the year. The left side reads "61", but that's the pattern, not the issue year. The plate looks to be "562S7." 1991 used the ABC-123 pattern. Although I don't think 1965 used letters, but I can't be certain.


Correction: I watched the movie online. As far as the scene where Streep is with her husband in their truck, all the vehicles seen in the background are from the 50's to the mid-60's. I didn't see one modern one.


Continuity mistake: When we first see her drive her truck it is dark blue or gray but when she meets him at the bridge it is white.

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Suggested correction: The first time Francesca is driving the truck, it is the white one, when she drives at night to leave the note at the bridge. There's a shot later of a blue truck, but that is Robert Kinkaid's as he is driving to the Roseman bridge the next day. Francesca meets him there, driving the white truck. Also, the Johnsons have multiple vehicles, including at least two pickup trucks and a car.


Continuity mistake: Driving to the bridge the landscape (a farm with a red and a yellow house) in the background (behind Meryl Streep) is seen twice. And many of the houses seen through Meryl's truck window are modern, not old farm houses. (00:21:35 - 00:22:45)


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Suggested correction: The flashback scenes are set in 1965. The houses seen in the background are either older farm houses or more modern ones consistent with mid-20th century architecture. In the Post WWII era, there was significant economic and population growth, along with increased construction (including in rural areas), with new homes being built in among older houses.


5th Jul 2005

Toy Story (1995)

Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: The carpet design used in Sid's house is the same design used in the hotel featured in The Shining (1980). (00:48:55 - 00:50:10)

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Suggested correction: The designs are not the same, only superficially similar.


The design is spot on. The color is just different.


So it is identical, except for how it is different?

No one said it was identical. The trivia is the pattern is the same. Color has no bearing on the trivial fact. The fact that they animated the carpet means the design was intentional. Although, it's possible they copied the design from a 70's carpet pattern that "The Shining" also used, rather than copy the design in "The Shining."


The colours are reversed but other than that they are the same.


Corrected entry: When they are in Antarctica, people are just running around without hats or gloves, and we don't see their breath.

Correction: This is a common fallacy. You don't always see your breath just because it's cold. It also depends on humidity. If it's very dry, you won't see your breath.


Correction: During Antarctica's summer season, temperatures can go up to 50° Fahrenheit.


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