Best fantasy movie mistake pictures of all time

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Continuity mistake: When Delia spray paints the word “mauve” on the wall, between shots it is apparent that the script of the word changes. One example would be that in the first shot the tops of the letter “M” are pointed, like triangle tips, but in the next they are more rounder. The writing also moves lower on the wall. (00:15:50)


More Beetlejuice mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the pilots are driving the plane and a spaceship pass them you can see a shadow of a microphone. (00:04:40)

More Plan 9 From Outer Space mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Alex is watching the TV on how the plane exploded, look at the illustration shown. Then compare it with the illustration that appears on Alex's computer screen. The positions of the explosions shown are different. (00:50:42)

More Final Destination mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Devil is a teacher in the classroom she is erasing homework assignments off the board. In the close up shots (and maybe 1 or 2 of the far away ones) the board's partially erased. In most of the far away shots however, the board isn't erased. (01:01:50)

More Bedazzled mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Ardeth, Rick and Evie arrive at the first city where Imhotep took their son, Evie is walking through the hall where she had the vision of fighting with Anuk-Sun-Amun in her previous life. As she's walking past/behind a column, you can see someone's head and shoulder poking out from the back side of the column. (01:14:57)

More The Mummy Returns mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Kim is watching Edward cut the roses, in closeups she's quite close to the curtain, and it's hanging straight down. In the wide shot she's slightly further away, and the curtain is angled outwards because she's holding it back with her hand.

Jon Sandys

More Edward Scissorhands mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the camera shows the coffee cup in the cop's car, you can see the ignition is in the off position. (00:09:16)

More Final Destination 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the lagoon, after Price and Brown win the cup and the hook falls, Paul is suddenly replaced with a completely different kid, older and much taller.


More Bedknobs And Broomsticks mistake pictures
More Fantastic Four mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Near the beginning when Lois and Clark are walking out of the Daily Planet, Clark gets stuck in the revolving doors. But, look closely at the glass door, and you can see Richard Donner (confirmed in Superman expanded commentary) holding the door so that Christopher Reeve can get stuck.

More Superman mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the Headless Horseman is about to kiss Catrina's stepmother, you can see his actual teeth behind the filed ones. Christopher Walken's teeth are blacked out and their outline is visible against his tongue during the closeup of his face. (01:37:20)

More Sleepy Hollow mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Greta is packing her belongings away in a box, objects like rubber bands keep appearing in front of it, without her putting them there. The angle of the box changes as well. (00:44:15)


More Liar Liar mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: The Gremlin who throws the beaker full of acid has his arm operated by a stick, which is visible as he chucks the beaker. (01:08:05)

More Gremlins 2: The New Batch mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Before the wreath of garlic falls down on Lucy's bedside table, it can be seen hanging on the lamp, but in the previous shot, as well as earlier in the scene, there was no garlic on the lamp. When Lucy grabs the vase from the bedside table a couple of shots later, the garlic that fell down on the table has mysteriously disappeared. (01:09:35)


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Other mistake: Wolverine shields Yashida from the blast, burning off all his hair. Somehow his pants manage to remain unaffected by this, as seen later when they are climbing from the pit.

More The Wolverine mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Trevor gets home from work and sits down in his lounge, between shots the sheets hanging over the chair he is sitting on change and items (such as a stack of books, newspaper, etc) suddenly appear on the radiator behind him. (00:03:15)


More Journey to the Center of the Earth mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Coraline is in bed in the other world for the first time, she's holding the picture frame showing her friends face down. When the shot changes to her again, the frame is facing up. (00:21:35)

More Coraline mistake pictures

Factual error: Casey arrives at the desert landing in a jeep that is flagged with 4 stars (for a 4 star general) although he is only a 3 star general (as evident by the 3 stars on his shoulder boards). (00:33:30 - 00:35:25)


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Continuity mistake: After the car crash, as Rose walks down the road calling for Sharon, the cut above her left eyebrows disappears for one shot.


More Silent Hill mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Tiana wears a pair of gold earrings during Charlotte's ball. They disappear when she's watching Charlotte dance with the prince and reappear later. (00:23:55)


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