Best fantasy movie mistake pictures of all time

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Continuity mistake: As Arnie runs after Leigh at the drive-in, he arrives under the awning with his hair slightly wet, but still rather full-looking. But in the next close-up, it's soaked flat onto his head. (00:45:40)


More Christine mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Billy and Chris are placing the pigs blood above the stage, Billy spills three drops of blood onto Chris' torch, but in the next shot there is only one drop on it. (00:46:00)


More Carrie mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Fred smashes his arm through the round window of the garage and grabs Shaggy, if you look you can see some kind of clear tape on his arm to protect him from the glass. This is quite noticeable in closeups. (00:47:10)


More Scooby-Doo mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Before the last battle, when the Wendol warlord nears the Norse village he's on horseback and raises his arm swinging his weapon. It cuts to his closeup, and under his right arm there's a visible plastic slider buckle on the strap (looks like nylon) of his bear costume. (01:21:15 - 01:30:55)

More The 13th Warrior mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: At the start, just as Moreau rides up the stone road leading to the monastery up ahead, before he passes the two guards we can see that it's a flipped shot - note the backwards license plate number.

Super Grover

More Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Maurice is tossed out of the tavern we get a nice view of the front with its large hanging sign, but after Gaston whispers his plan to LeFou once again we see the front, which is quite different. The sign is gone, and now there are horns hanging on the awning, etc.

Super Grover

More Beauty and the Beast mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After trying to entice the primitive tribe with flashy clothes and a boom box, Alvin and Simon get tied to a hut. The four ropes around their wrists are initially tied together in one knot right above their heads. But once they notice that Theodore is being pampered like a god, Alvin and Simon's wrist ropes are suddenly knotted separately instead. (00:51:05)


More The Chipmunk Adventure mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Belle says good morning to Jean Potts, when she feeds the apple to the donkey note the rope (crosstie) is tied off at the donkey's throat, but in the next closeup the rope is tied off directly to the halter knot at its cheek.

Super Grover

More Beauty and the Beast mistake pictures
More Creepshow 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Renesmee's birth, there are two smudges of blood on Edward's right cheek. While Edward works to transform Bella, the blood spots appear and disappear between shots.

More The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: As Viktor's tomb is opening there is a shot from above showing Selene looking down the opening tomb. Watch the placement of her feet. In the next shot, her feet have moved closer to the opening. (00:44:40)


More Underworld mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Mac's on the windshield and the car starts to dodge cars, one shot from inside the car shows the alien has disappeared.


More Mac and Me mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Gambit pushes Logan, who smashes through a wall. This hole becomes much, much smaller when Gambit climbs out into the alley. (01:10:00)


More X-Men Origins: Wolverine mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Aquaman coughs up blood after he is stabbed by Wonder Woman. Some blood goes on his chin. Throughout the rest of this scene, the blood on his chin keeps going from the right side to the left side of his chin. (01:10:25)

Casual Person

More Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Satan enters the church demanding to know where Christine York is, one of the priests approaches him with a crucifix. The camera is facing the priest, Satan grabs the crucifix and stabs the priest right in the centre of his forehead (just above the eyebrow line). The camera angle changes to facing Satan and when the priest hits the deck, the crucifix is sticking out of his head higher up and above his left eyebrow. (01:22:30)

More End of Days mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Count Olaf starts walking from the balcony to the stairs, you can see his right hand when he is saying "lovely home" with no writing. Later when he looks at his hand to remember Violet's name, his hand has writing on it. (00:09:20)

More Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Pevensies are playing hide-and-seek, there's a shot of Lucy running up the stairs. If you look closely, she is wearing the dress that she wears in her third time to Narnia, not the dress that she was wearing when she goes through the wardrobe into Narnia for the first time. (00:10:55)

More The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Septimus attacks the redheaded farm boy, the position of his knife changes between shots, from the farm boy's throat to behind his ear, several times. (00:58:05)


More Stardust mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: After Phil drives the truck off the cliff, and it explodes in a burst of flames, there is a shot of Andie MacDowell and Chris Elliot staring in shock at the disaster. The two actors are bathed in an orange glow supposedly coming from the flaming wreckage. But in the lens of the TV camera Elliot is holding, there is a noticeable reflection of the lighting equipment used to create the glow effect on the actors. (01:04:15)

More Groundhog Day mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: As Elsa sings "Let It Go" she pulls her hair into a long braid going down her back. She pulls it with her left hand from behind her to in front, but the end doesn't flip over her shoulder, she just pulls it straight through to the other side without going over the top. (00:34:10)


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