
Earth vs. the Spider mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the spider is being electrocuted and falls off the cave wall, you can easily see the string that was holding it.


Revealing mistake: In the sheriff's office, just after the phone lines have gone down, Mr. Kingman and Sheriff Cagle see the giant spider outside the office. However, as they move their heads (supposedly following the spider's movement) they are going too fast, and move their gazes past the spider, even away from the window.


Earth vs. the Spider mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Joe is much too old to be in high school. He appears to be in his thirties (the actor playing him was 35 at the time).


14th Jan 2008


Factual error: In chapter 18, when the Losers are in the kitchen of 29 Neibolt Street, Bill mentions that the FBI has a training range consisting of a false street with pop-up targets at Quantico. However, the scene is set in 1958, and the infamous "Hogan's Alley" at Quantico was not established until 1987.


6th Jan 2008

Futurama (1999)

Obsoletely Fabulous - S5-E14

Continuity mistake: When Bender and the other obsolete robots are watching a snail crawl across the beach, the snail is shown to be in the center of the screen with the robots standing around. Cut to Bender inserting a CD in his mouth, it then goes back to showing the original angle, but the snail has suddenly disappeared, and not enough time has passed for it to have crawled all the way out of the shot. (00:12:10)


30th Oct 2007

Jericho (2006)

Heart of Winter - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: After the robbers has taken the supplies from the overturned truck, there are several shots of Jake lying on the ground. In these shots the hood of his sweatshirt keeps changing position on his head, even if he is not moving. In the long shot where the black truck takes off, the hood has even gone from his head completely, and all of his hair is exposed. In the next close-up, the hood is pulled up again.


30th Oct 2007

Jericho (2006)

Heart of Winter - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: Just before the robbery, Jake throws some water bottles and a flashlight over a small mound into the bushes, to hide them from the thieves. But when Mimi later picks them up, they are much closer to the truck, and on the other side of the mound. In fact, the bottles and flashlight would have been in plain sight for the robbers where she picks them up.


30th Oct 2007

Jericho (2006)

Heart of Winter - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: The second time Stanley puts straw under Jake's head, the hood of Jake's sweatshirt gets pulled back, almost off his head. Cut to a close-up of Jake, and the hood is suddenly pulled all the way up, covering his forehead.


28th Oct 2007

Jericho (2006)

Black Jack - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: When the truck smashes through the building to escape Black Jack Fairground, a big part of the roof falls down over the car that is following directly behind the truck. As the angle changes, there is suddenly no sign of the fallen roof, neither on the car, inside the building or on the ground next to it.


26th Oct 2007

Zombie Nightmare (1987)

Other mistake: The coroner examining the bodies in the tennis hall, he says that "lover-boy" is being "fished out of a swimming pool full of blood". But as he himself says later on, Pete was killed when his neck was snapped, there were no wounds he could bleed from. In addition, the zombie dropped him in a hot tub, not a swimming pool.


26th Oct 2007

Zombie Nightmare (1987)

Revealing mistake: When Tony stops the robbery at the grocery store, he punches the guy holding the gun. You can see that his fist does not connect on this punch, but the robber reacts as though he had been hit.


25th Oct 2007

Zombie Nightmare (1987)

Revealing mistake: When Pete is lying dead in the hot tub, he is also visibly moving his arms and legs, treading water.


Revealing mistake: During the pirate attack, Rosencrantz sits up in bed, narrowly avoiding a sword that's thrust through the wall next to him. Just before the sword appears, the film jumps a little. It also jumps again just after the sword has been withdrawn and he lies back down. Clearly these two motions (him sitting up and down in bed and the sword appearing/disappearing) are two separate takes that were spliced together.


15th Jul 2007

Transformers (2007)

Other mistake: During the last fight, Megatron and Optimus Prime fly through an office building while locked in combat. It is shown that the interior of this building is filled with both people and furniture, but when they crash through the last wall, only building debris fall to the ground with them. No people, furniture, office supplies, papers or any of the things that the building was full of.


11th Jul 2007

American Samurai (1992)

Continuity mistake: During the final battle between Kenjiro and Collins, Collins starts out wearing a black kimono with white trim, similar to the one Kenjiro is wearing. However, several times during the fight, he is seen wearing the simple blue kimono (without trim) he has used in his earlier fights. His outfit keeps changing back and forth during the entire fight, sometimes black and white, sometimes blue. The absence/presence of white trim makes this very easy to see.


10th Jul 2007

Jericho (2006)

Rogue River - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Gray and Jimmy are questioning the Hawkins family, Jimmy is wearing his brown uniform jacket. But in the scene where Gray is asking if Jimmy can search the house, Jimmy's jacket disappears for an instant, just after Gray has said "Just a question of being thorough". Allison Hawkins makes a remark about this being Kansas, not Soviet Russia, and as the camera comes back to Jimmy, his jacket is back on.


Continuity mistake: While Kenjiro and Collins are talking under the arena, a fight goes on between the blond Australian and a swordsman dressed as Conan, which the Australian wins, killing Conan. Later, while Collins is in the Fighter's Room, Conan can be seen in the background, and the Australian is missing the wounds he received during the earlier fight.


Continuity mistake: During Collins' first fight with Lars the Swede, Collins is pressed back against a wall while holding his sword with the edge upwards. Cut to a close-up, and he is now holding the sword edge-down, and turns it over again.


28th Jun 2007

American Samurai (1992)

Revealing mistake: During Kenjiro's fight with Phan Xu, Kenjiro cuts Xu's face. This cut goes across Xu's headband, but the headband is still in one piece. The cut is visible above and below the band, but the band itself is untouched. As Kenjiros sword is capable of cutting a steel chain, a piece of cloth should not pose any difficulty.


Continuity mistake: In 8th Stanza, part 2, Eddie, Roland and John are throwing a baseball between them while talking. At one point, Roland tosses it to John, before going to the fireplace and dropping his cigarette butt. John never throws the ball back, but Roland all of a sudden has it again and has been tossing it from hand to hand for some time. As every other pass of the ball is mentioned, there would be no need to omit it if John actually had returned the ball to Roland.


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