
31st Mar 2008

Amistad (1997)

Audio problem: When Baldwin writes to John Quincy Adams begging for help, Adams crumples up the letter and drops it to the floor. As it comes to rest, you can see the word "threatened" written above the words "need you". But in the voice-over reading the letter out loud, the word "threatened" is never spoken.


27th Mar 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Continuity mistake: When you attack a city with overwhelming force, you are allowed to skip the land battle and go directly to dueling the Captain of the Guard on the ramparts. When you win this fight, by forcing the Captain into the gunpowder depot, he falls backwards through the door with his sword in his hand. Cut to an inside view of the Captain lying on the ground, and his sword is nowhere near or on him.


27th Mar 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Continuity mistake: When you are romancing a governor's daughter, and the city she lives in is captured by another nation, a new governor with his daughter is installed. This new girl looks completely different from your old romance (and her father is a completely different person), but she nonetheless remembers you. You are still at the same stage in your relationship, even if the girl has never met you before. You can even (for instance) rescue a blonde Dutch woman from her captors, and end up returning with a black-haired Spanish girl.


27th Mar 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Other mistake: When fighting Baron or Colonel Mendoza in ship-to-ship combat, they occasionally surrender, if you damage their ship enough. Nonetheless, you still have to fight the duel on deck with them, and your men are fighting it out off-screen despite the Spaniards having surrendered just seconds earlier.


24th Mar 2008

Family Guy (1999)

2nd Mar 2008

The Sleeping Doll

Factual error: In chapter 11, when different types of liars are described, one of those listed is High Machiavellians, and it is said this name comes from "the ruthless Italian prince". But Niccolo Machiavelli was never a prince, but a diplomat and politician. His most famous book is called "Il Principe" (the Prince), but he himself did not hold that title.


18th Feb 2008

Lost (2004)

Confirmed Dead - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the episode, when Locke is preparing to shoot Ben, Ben starts talking about Charlotte and her team. Locke is then holding his gun in his right hand, and holding Ben with his left. As Ben is saying "Because I know what they're doing here", there is an angle change, and Locke is suddenly holding his gun with both hands.


11th Feb 2008

L'Uomo puma (1980)

Revealing mistake: Every time Puma Man flies he is obviously just hanging from a wire, flailing his arms and legs about, while the (slightly out-of-focus) background images roll by.


11th Feb 2008

L'Uomo puma (1980)

Continuity mistake: While Puma Man is flying away from the mansion and Kobras tries to take over his mind, Vadinho is in the grounds surrounding the mansion, quite a bit outside the city limits. However, when Puma Man crash lands downtown, Vadinho is in the same building, with no time to get there.


11th Feb 2008

L'Uomo puma (1980)

Revealing mistake: When Puma Man picks up a gangster and flies him over the construction site, he drops the man to intimidate him. The gangster does not fall straight down, but slides downward at an approximately 45 degree angle to the ground. Either the actor was attached to a wire, or someone flipped the background shot, or a combination of the two. Either way, the downward "fall" looks completely wrong.


11th Feb 2008

L'Uomo puma (1980)

11th Feb 2008

L'Uomo puma (1980)

Revealing mistake: When Tony is having his first fight in the embassy, it is obvious that most of his punches do not connect at all. The people he supposedly hit still react as though being hit, and the sound effects of a fist hitting a jaw are still there, even if Tony misses by several inches.


9th Feb 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Trivia: Artillery is listed in the Pirate-o-pedia as the most powerful resistance you can meet when attacking a city. But you will never encounter artillery in-game, since it was taken out in the final stages of game development.


9th Feb 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Bug: After a tavern fight, whenever the main character sheathes his sword, the sword can be seen to pass through a portion of his leg.


9th Feb 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Other mistake: The "Indian Relic" and "Jesuit Cross" are said to improve your relationship with Indian chiefs and the monasteries, respectively. However, both the Indians and Jesuits are always friendly towards you, and their attitudes can not be changed, rendering these two items completely useless.


9th Feb 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Bug: When walking on land, if there are no game objectives (buried treasure, lost relatives, Indian cities) nearby, you can pass through solid objects such as cabins, totems and stone heads. These are only solid when they are to be used as landmarks to find the hidden objectives.


Question: Lando mentions that he is made a general due to what he did at the battle of Tanaab. Does anyone know anything more about this battle, or more specifically, what Lando did that was so outstanding?


Chosen answer: The Battle of Taanab occured about five months after the destruction of the first Death Star when a group of pirates attacked the relatively undefended agricultural world of Taanab. With the planet's small defence fleet massively outnumbered, Calrissian, who was on-planet visiting a casino, bet his fellow patrons that he could defeat the pirates and took his freighter into the fight. Hiding his ship in an ice ring surrounding Taanab's moon, he waited until the pirate fleet was in range, then ejected his cargo, a large number of Conner nets, large electrified nets designed by the military to immobilise ships. With much of the pirate fleet incapacitated, Lando rallied the Taanab defence fleet and eliminated the remaining pirate ships with very few losses. The impressed Taanab government offered him a commission in their armed forces, which he turned down, but he became a hero to the population, a reputation which apparently led to his commission as a General by the Rebel Alliance.


Continuity mistake: When the old man who left town sees the spider return to the cave, it is dark outside. He returns to town to report, and it is daylight outside. The sheriff and his men leave immediately, but when they get to the cave it is dark outside once more. The cave is not so far from town that it takes a day to travel the distance.


Continuity mistake: The size of the spider keeps changing throughout the movie. For instance, at one point the spider is small enough to be dragged into the school auditorium, later it is as big as the Kingmans' house. A minute later it is chasing Kingman, and is only slightly bigger than his car.


Revealing mistake: When first talking to the sheriff on the phone, the biology professor several times refer to spiders as "insects". A real biology teacher would know that spiders are arachnids, not insects.


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