
19th May 2024

The Rookie (2018)

In the Line of Fire - S4-E3

Other mistake: In the morgue, officer Thorsen says that Harper can use his reservation at a certain restaurant that evening, and she texts James to ask him out. But Thorsen never told her the time of the reservation, and yet she manages to tell James that it is at 7 pm. (00:22:40)


13th Mar 2014

The Butler (2013)

Other mistake: When Cecil and Gloria are having their birthday celebration, before they are informed of Charlie's death, Cecil goes to the refrigerator to open a bottle of champagne. We hear the distinct pop of a cork from a bottle of sparkling wine, so we know he chose that bottle, but when he enters the living room a few seconds later, he is holding a glass of non-sparkling wine (no bubbles are visible).


11th Jun 2011

The Stand

Other mistake: In Chapter 59, Stu says that Nick "might have had his hands right on the shoebox", when the bomb inside went off. But Stu had no way of knowing that the bomb was hidden in a shoebox, he ran out of the house before it was even discovered. The only one who got close enough to see it was Nick, who was killed in the explosion.


29th Mar 2009

The Wrestler (2008)

Other mistake: When the setup for the first match is announced, the Ram is said to fight Tommy Rotten "for the strap", which is pro wrestling slang for a belt, meaning it was a title match. But after the match, which he won legitimately, The Ram is not announced as a new champion, nor is he ever referred to as such, and no belt is given to him after the match.


27th Mar 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Other mistake: When fighting Baron or Colonel Mendoza in ship-to-ship combat, they occasionally surrender, if you damage their ship enough. Nonetheless, you still have to fight the duel on deck with them, and your men are fighting it out off-screen despite the Spaniards having surrendered just seconds earlier.


9th Feb 2008

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Other mistake: The "Indian Relic" and "Jesuit Cross" are said to improve your relationship with Indian chiefs and the monasteries, respectively. However, both the Indians and Jesuits are always friendly towards you, and their attitudes can not be changed, rendering these two items completely useless.


26th Oct 2007

Zombie Nightmare (1987)

Other mistake: The coroner examining the bodies in the tennis hall, he says that "lover-boy" is being "fished out of a swimming pool full of blood". But as he himself says later on, Pete was killed when his neck was snapped, there were no wounds he could bleed from. In addition, the zombie dropped him in a hot tub, not a swimming pool.


15th Jul 2007

Transformers (2007)

Other mistake: During the last fight, Megatron and Optimus Prime fly through an office building while locked in combat. It is shown that the interior of this building is filled with both people and furniture, but when they crash through the last wall, only building debris fall to the ground with them. No people, furniture, office supplies, papers or any of the things that the building was full of.


Other mistake: When Tubal meets Shylock outside the brothel after Shylock's "Hath not a Jew eyes?"-speech, a man in a passing gondola spits on Tubal. The spittle hits Tubal's clothes (And as the man is sitting while Tubal stands, he could not have reached any higher in any case). Tubal stills reaches up to his face and wipes it with his fingers, as if the spittle was there.


12th Apr 2007

Future War (1997)

Other mistake: During the Cyborg Master's attack on the police station, the bald cop goes to get a gun out of the gun storage room - which is a regular closet. It's not even locked, he just walks straight in. No police station in the world would be that careless with their weapons.


9th Apr 2007

Future War (1997)

Other mistake: All the boxes at the warehouse and cargo area are empty. Nobody has ever any problems lifting the boxes and tossing them around, or simply nudging them aside. Yet the boxes are sealed and neatly stacked outside in huge rows, waiting to be transported.


Other mistake: When the teens first grew into giants, their clothes did not grow with them, so they had to make improvised clothing out of theater curtains. In the end, when exposed to the shrinking gas, the teens become their regular size, and the improvised clothes also shrink with them. No one else's clothes are affected by the gas in this way.


Other mistake: Toward the end, Genius and Wolf (the dog) are in the lab, Genius suddenly shouts at the dog, "Hey, don't do that. Keep away." The dog wasn't doing anything except wiggle his ears a little. He made no move whatsoever toward the glass jar Genius wants him to stay away from.


2nd Apr 2006

Lost (2004)

The Whole Truth - S2-E16

Other mistake: When the doctor stops Sun on the streets to tell her that Jin is the one who can not have children, at one point the subtitles say "You're husband." The correct spelling would be "Your".


Other mistake: In the scenes that take place in populated areas, there are never any people seen anywhere in the streets. Not even during the "high-speed chase" (where the thugs' car does not quite manage to catch up with Troy on his ten-speed bike) in the town do you see anybody.


17th Jul 2004

Dracula (1931)

Other mistake: In the scene where Renfield enters Dracula's castle, it is past midnight and on the outside, it is dark. But there is a LOT of bright light streaming through the windows into the castle, throwing well-defined shadows. (00:09:10)


8th Jun 2004

Shaolin Soccer (2001)

Other mistake: In the very last scene, we see a poster for Time magazine telling the story of the husband and wife Kung fu athletes. The bottom line reads "Wins World champion Bowling again". It should be "Championship".


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