
What a Night for a Knight - S1-E1

Plot hole: It seems unlikely that: 1. The curator, who's short and chubby could fit into that suit of armor. 2. How he could be strong enough to lift up the table Scooby and Shaggy are hiding under at one point, 3. That the museum has no security guards who might catch the curator and his thugs during their art forgery scheme and 4. There are eyes shown moving in the suit of armor when the gang's talking to the curator despite the fact he's the Black Knight Ghost.


22nd Jul 2022

The Golden Girls (1985)

It's a Miserable Life - S2-E4

Plot hole: It shouldn't matter if the neighborhood's got a petition. If the tree in question is on Mrs. Claxton's property then they wouldn't have a say in the city removing it.


19th Jul 2022

Spider-Man (1994)

19th Jul 2022

Below the Belt (1980)

Plot hole: It seems hard to believe that a barely five foot tall,100-pound woman with no wrestling experience (Rosa) could face and beat someone who looks like she's got ten years' experience, looks like she's 6-7 inches taller, and outweighs her by 40-50 pounds (Terrible Tommy Dukes).


17th Jul 2022

Rocketeer (1991)

Plot hole: The use of the rocket pack makes no sense. The distance, assuming they started from their homeland of Germany to the United States is 4,882 miles. Surely the Air Force could detect all the flying Nazis and shoot them down.


14th Jul 2022

StageFright (1987)

Plot hole: There's no way Irving Wallace could've snuck out of the asylum without somebody noticing him.


Plot hole: None of the Arkham inmates other than Poison Ivy should've mutated. The stuff only mutates you into a half human half animal creature, etc., if you've recently touched an animal or plant like Ivy did.


15th May 2022

Batman: Arkham Knight

Plot hole: In the DLC side mission In From The Cold there's emphasis put on Mr Freeze detonating the cryogenics generator he's been using in his research to take out militia tanks. Given they and almost all the icebergs explode it's amazing the Batmobile avoids instantly sinking into Gotham's waters.


13th May 2022

Intruder (1989)

Plot hole: Given the store's being bought by a retail chain like Kroger's there's no reason Bill's partner can't sell him his share in it, get half the price they're receiving for it then have Bill make quarterly payments to him. They could've also got the new owners to keep Bill on as manager as well as keep their employees or void the sale.


29th Apr 2022

I Love Lucy (1951)

The Amatuer Hour - S1-E14

Plot hole: Despite the plot, Lucy couldn't be fooled by Jimmy and Timmy Hudson. True, they could be fraternal twins but not even Lucy could mistake them for being identical as one's got a higher voice and the other's shorter.


The Ozark Witch Switch - S2-E6

Plot hole: The witch could surely tell it was the Scooby gang not actual ghosts as they didn't disguise their faces. That and she was still normal sized and able to speak when they dropped a frog costume on her.


The Chiller Diller Movie Theater - S2-E4

Plot hole: Given Jim Moss, the studio chief, is already on the train, it makes no sense for him to have been in the coffin. That and how he managed to slip into it without being seen by the conductor or anyone else.


Plot hole: It seems unlikely an inmate of the asylum where Ricky's being kept would be allowed to carry a cigarette lighter.


2nd Jan 2022

Murphy's Law (1986)

Plot hole: Why Det Murphy stays handcuffed to Arabelle when they escape, considering he's got the keys, is never explained.


28th Dec 2021

Murphy's Law (1986)

Plot hole: It makes no sense for Murphy to remain handcuffed to Arabella once he's got hold of the keys.


Plot hole: It seems unlikely that not even one state official of the Philippines would get suspicious at the high number of deaths in their state women's prison and have Warden Dietrich and her head guard Lucian investigated.


Twenty Thousand Screams Under the Sea - S1-E9

Plot hole: During the diving contest Tiger Morris, who's posing as the sea monster, fakes his cries of terror and flees off to the left of the ocean. Then, seconds later he's suddenly back as the sea monster. Impossible for him to get into disguise that quickly.


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