
Stupidity: Kasady is the highest profile criminal in California; Eddie's symbiote reaches out for him in a very conspicuous way, tossing him around for the whole length of the cell in a thick tentacle shape, but that has zero consequence, implying that there's no sort of security camera in San Quentin. The guard in the room is not even directly behind Eddie, so he would have seen the large tentacle the moment he looked. (00:27:30)


Stupidity: Venom is sensitive to sounds (the first movie mentioned frequencies from 4,000 to 6,000 hertz, but in this movie both him and Carnage are utterly discombobulated by things like bells and alarms, to the point that if only the prison didn't have literally one alarm siren Carnage would have had a harder time escaping). So naturally he goes to hang a concert. At the end of his soapbox speech he even literally drops the mic, causing a high-pitched Larsen that fails to get any reaction. (00:47:20)


Stupidity: In the first part of the movie, Peter has to deal with the various 'visitors' and bring them too Strange. But the device Strange will use is just going to send them home no matter where they are (conveniently at the push of a button that even complete ignoramus can push) and there are visitors he does not know about, so everything up to that point has been meaningless. Then it becomes a matter of 'curing' every one of those visitors, but if -as it seems - they have been fetched moments before their deaths, 'curing' them is not going to fix anything. They are still going to die or end up in prison for life due to the horrors they committed.


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Suggested correction: Part of the problem we have is that instead of just dealing with the Multiverse, they're also creating parallel or alternate realities in those universes since everyone is pulled from a different point in time in their realities, so any changes besides their death is going to create a new timeline. And I think part of the plan to send them back cured was that from their they could change their course of action or be able to reason with their Spider-Man, which would mean it's better than nothing.


Yes, that's the idea, with all the problems we underlined and the movie ignores entirely. Much like when in Avengers Endgame they don't show you how Cap brings back the stones with the precision required, they elegantly skipped showing us if and how each of them avoids being impaled, drowned, dissolved, or how does it even work for those fetched by the 'same' timeline. We'll see if they deal with these messy timelines at any point in the future.


Suggested correction: With the exception of Doc Ock - who learned Spidey's identity shortly before he died - there's nothing to suggest the other villains were fetched from their realities moments before their deaths, or that they will die upon returning to their realities. Whether or not they end up in prison after returning is irrelevant to the fact that Peter wants to help them. If he doesn't cure them, then they are free to continue causing mayhem regardless of what reality they are occupying.


It's stated in the film that BOTH Otto and Norman died while fighting Spider-Man and that both were pulled from their reality shortly before dying. Max then recounts his fight before being pulled and says "I was about to die." Then Curt asks Max if he died too, but they get interrupted before we find out.


"Shortly" is a relative term. Goblin discovered Spider-Man's identity at Thanksgiving dinner and then died a day or two later. Electro's fate was rather ambiguous, but Jamie Foxx himself implied prior to The Amazing Spider-Man 2's release that he would be appearing in more films, likely including the Sinister Six movie that never came to fruition. We know from The Amazing Spider-Man that Lizard didn't die.


"Shortly before dying" as in pulled during the fight that they died during, not a few days before. It wasn't about being pulled when they found out who Spider-Man was.


Even so, if Green Goblin is pulled from his reality 5 minutes before his death, that would be considered shortly, but it certainly wouldn't be mere moments before he died as the original entry was suggesting. The movie never explicitly states how soon before their deaths they were pulled, therefore we as viewers can reasonably assume that there could have been just enough time for them to alter their course of actions and prevent their deaths.


Also, the reason why Peter wants to 'cure' them is not because they are causing mayhem, but as he explicitly says, because he's not comfortable sending them back when 'some' of them will die - thing is, he can't know that curing their conditions will save them, the whole idea kinda comes out of nowhere. I submitted it as Stupidity because I was sure someone would object it's not a plot hole since it's just stuff the characters 'believe' and there's no proof it's true, however it's funny that 90% of the stuff Peter does in this movie is probably completely pointless.


Saying that he can't know that curing their conditions won't save them is like a doctor saying they won't give a cancer patient chemotherapy because they don't know if it will save them. Their chances of being saved are certainly better if they are cured and cease fighting Spider-Man. If Osborn is returned cured before he attempts to impale Spider-Man with his glider, then that would certainly prevent him from dying in that situation.


I absolutely respect the fact that they want Spidey to be heroic and that the moment he knows that they are going to die he wants to do something about it, that's why I say that it's just funny that there's no indication at all that it would work (by all logic it would not) but it's elegantly glossed over. Let me remind you though that he's not a doctor that wants to cure his sick patient, he's a doctor that wants to cure someone who died 1-2 decades earlier in accidents he doesn't really get into the details of.


There not being an indication that it would work does not make it a stupidity. He can't let the villains remain in his reality, or else it will cause a major multiversal catastrophe. He doesn't want to send them back to their realities and die fighting other Spider-Men, so he does what he thinks is his best option. For this to be a stupidity, there would have to be a rather obvious alternate solution that he overlooked (such as asking Strange to make everyone forget Mysterio's broadcast instead of making everyone forget Peter Parker is Spider-Man).


I don't want to make my own movie in my head, the one we got is more than enjoyable, and I don't want to say that the character is stupid (any movie would be easily solved with afterthought or cynicism, such as "let Strange do his thing"); I merely pointed out that the plot takes you for a ride forcing you to buy premises that are taken as 100% fact and logical (they never ever even imply the fact that what Peter does could be pointless or problematic - in most movies, saving dead people is not a good idea) when they are anything but that. If I know that a crazy person died driving a car into a tree, curing his craziness is one step and not even the most important (would a crazy Norman not survive, if he goes back in time at the right moment and knows what is going to happen? again, the bigger flaw being that if he remembers dying, how can I undo that?) but the movie is surely not going for the "It's most certainly useless, but aww, at least he tried" angle.


Stupidity: Shriek is being taken to a new facility for superbeings, after a medical exam established that her sonic powers that she has been using since she was a kid are too strong to keep her at the correction house. So "naturally" for this transport she is not gagged, sedated, not even bound, and there's just one guy with her, not even wearing earplugs. It couldn't possibly be any more comically unsafe.


Stupidity: The whole movie happens for unbelievably convoluted causes. Despite their friendship and the simple fact that he still runs an occult shop (showing that he's not exactly insensitive to the past), Ray in years never spent a single moment to check on Egon's whereabouts, which he knew, or listen to him. The city has Shandor's name all over and any cursory investigation would have unveiled the connection. Assuming of course that Egon turned into such a lunatic he couldn't do the namedropping himself.


16th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Stupidity: Arishem's plan with the Deviants hardly makes any sense; he sent out biological beasts that he can't control, to kill off the natural predators of every planet. Forgetting the fact that obviously it didn't work (but the movie does not say that) because Earth has always had predators, that's a terrible plan to begin with, since any ecosystem needs predators or the other animals will grow uncontrollably.


15th Nov 2021

Eternals (2021)

Stupidity: In the scene around Tenochtitlan, the Eternals have a device that allow them to locate the Deviants - they know for sure that they have exterminated every breathing one. In the rest of the movie this technology is never brought up again. It also makes it really odd that it took them 6,500 years to kill the Deviants, apparently never actively hunting them.


20th Oct 2021

The Suicide Squad (2021)

Stupidity: When the rebel leader talks to Rick Flag guaranteeing her help, she mentions that she will help to find "this Gaius Grieves", speaking as if it was someone unknown to her. He's been around the island (going to bars and surely not being reclusive) for 30 years; it's pretty difficult to think it would not be one of the most known people on the island, given his role, unique appearance and the small community.


Stupidity: During the Valentine's day event, the bad guys attack "chocolate factories" the day of St. Valentine to spoil the festivity so "there will be no chocolates to buy." That's not a very timely plan; even if they wreck the factories that day, the chocolates have been already delivered to the stores.


Episode #1.2 - S1-E2

Stupidity: The part when the Colonel and the governess pose as journalists does not make sense. It's far-fetched enough that after a lengthy interview about the culprit's fortune the topic of his family never came up, considering it was one of the main goals and an ideal question to lead with, but considering that "mr. Todo" does not want a picture taken and has a tight security, there's no way that a photographer carrying a large 1930 camera would have been allowed into the interview room to begin with.


21st Apr 2021

Flight to Hell (2003)

Stupidity: To face his very human boss in the movie finale, Don pulls a gun from his coat, a gun that somehow he did not deem necessary to carry around when they were hunting dangerous brainsucking aliens, arming himself with blunt instruments instead. (01:11:25)


17th Apr 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

I Can't Play - S2-E7

Stupidity: Furano, Naniwa and Hanawa players are watching the semifinal from the stands. They all wear their team kits - T-shirt and shorts, but they played days before, there's no reason at all why they'd be dressed like that.


8th Apr 2021

Flight to Hell (2003)

Stupidity: Mike's motivations lack any plausibility. He sabotages the depressurization process because he does not want the creatures sucked away, but rather sell them to laboratories. Greed is his sole motive, but (besides the fact that he can easily sell the dead ones as he originally planned) he is willing to blow himself up with the plane lighting a dynamite stick (?), only because he really wanted to make a few extra bucks and wasn't happy with insurance money and the millions promised by the girl.


2nd Apr 2021

Flight to Hell (2003)

Stupidity: If there was a live camera feed right where the eggs were, one wonders how everyone missed the 'small' fact that they hatched. That of course combined with the fact that going for no reason in the nest of the creatures that nearly killed another crewmember is suicidal, and Bob goes with no weapons and with one small plastic fruit crate to fetch eggs that are bigger than an ostrich's. (00:55:25)


27th Mar 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

Stupidity: To save the people from rubble falling on their heads Flash does not move them aside like he did with his future love, but does some strange manoeuvre which takes seconds - since we see people moving normally - and happens in midair (how does he get there?) and that does not take care of a huge chunk of concrete which he does nothing about, shouting just "No!", but Cyborg has all the time he needs to load his Mega Man arm and vaporize it in midair. (02:00:00)


Stupidity: A massive fire of unexplained origin and uncommon persistence kept for hours the fire brigade busy at the Amazon temple, making news all across the world. Of course Diana just waltzes by without any security, media, scientist, and the mysterious arrow which started the fire was clearly not taken in as evidence or anything.


Stupidity: Wonder Woman gets back to confront the single terrorist still standing; he shoots a single bullet which she parries. The guy is stunned realizing what happened, switches to full auto, starts shooting in an arc. WW is quick enough to run and parry effortlessly and with precision every single bullet from an HK416 (over 700r/s), but somehow is too slow to jump him. With such godly speed, it's unfathomable she even gave him the time to react and switch mode. And she nearly gives him time to reload and fire later. (00:23:15)


Stupidity: Aquaman asks Victor "How do we know you're not working for them?", and the question is treated with the utmost seriousness towards the rest of the movie too when it's obviously nonsensical; Victor has the last Mother Box and could have turned it to Steppenwolf anytime.


Stupidity: Wonder Woman is fast and strong enough to utterly murder (you can see blood prints on the wall for each person she knocks away) a dozen of terrorists shooting at her, but then with the fight already won she decides to finish off the last guy. So she summons in the room full of hostages an energy blast powerful enough to hurt a New God and that destroys the front of the building, creating debris that nearly kills the police force outside for massive damage to the municipality. What a hero. (00:24:10)


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