
11th Jan 2022

Diabolik (2021)

Stupidity: To quietly kill the hotel valet he is replacing, Diabolik throws a knife at him from distance, hits him in the back, and then drags his body in the middle of the street to the nearest manhole, leaving a long streak of blood he does not conceal. If this sounds pretty risky and unsafe especially for a meticulously planned murder, you have also to consider that in the comic book from 1963 this movie otherwise faithfully adapts, Diabolik did nothing this foolish; he quietly killed the guy strangling him next to the spot he'd dump his body into.


Stupidity: The evil corporation (and the FBI too) wants to use Richard Parker's work against his will, but he knows that without him they can't replicate the experiments. So what does Richard do? But of course he escapes making sure to leave his son behind; if the evil corporation didn't kill Richard, they could have easily blackmailed him through his son. That's of course assuming they would never figure out on their own that his DNA is compatible and use it - a risk Richard knows given his choice of words mentioning "my bloodline."


Stupidity: Richard Parker didn't have an escape plan for his family or for erasing his experiments, but on the other hand he had a custom James Bond-like secret laboratory hidden in an elevator of a metro station - something he surely couldn't have built in his spare time, and yet at the same time he seems to be 100% sure that his boss does not know about it because he sent to it a pointless message that gives away the secret he gave his life to protect. The lab has a private satellite feed and stayed powered for the whole 12 years of his absence, too.


Stupidity: Spidey at the beginning of the movie strips out of the costume in literally a second, but when Aunt May is at the door of his room he fumbles around for an eternity and is unable to change just for the sake of a gag. This pairs up with another nonsensical gag; Peter is in a convenience store, dressed normally. In a split moment he wears the costume, and he put the jacket, hat, scarf, backpack on top of it. If the store had a camera, or he uses those clothes normally as Peter, his secret identity is compromised.


Stupidity: Richard Parker needs to upload the video message with his 'confession'. The entire operation requires him mere seconds but instead of taking those extra seconds to do it from home (the bad guys already ransacked his place), he waits to do it when he's on a plane, which in 2002 was not really a great option. It should also be noted that he says he is uploading "all of it", but the only thing uploaded according to the computer is the video.


The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 5 - S1-E14

Stupidity: The plot could work only if everyone part of the trip were completely silent during the day; even walking through the empty corridors to go from one class to the next at the top of the hour would have inevitably tipped the other group that there was someone else nearby. Some even scream or freak out hitting things.


10th Jan 2022

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Stupidity: The Ghostbusters solve their problem with the evil slime by taking their clothes off; even doing so, they bathed in it, their faces and hair are coated in it and so are their boots. They are carrying with them doses larger than anything previously shown in the movie of a substance a mere smear of brought objects to life, but nah, everything is fine.


3rd Jan 2022

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Stupidity: Everyone laughs off any reference to the supernatural and the Ghostbusters being any more than hacks. However, they drilled a hole that unveiled a literal river of pink glowing goo that is even brought up at the trial; nobody investigates its origin or acknowledges the fact, which is exceedingly absurd since it involves heavy pollution of the underground system of a metropolis.


The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 2 - S1-E11

Stupidity: Akechi finds the pieces of chalk but does not investigate the open locker, where the victim left what turns out to be literally the name of the murderer. The plan of the all-knowing Puppeteer works only because the smart investigator does not perform even the most basic crime scene.


The Alchemy Murder Case File 3 - S1-E8

Stupidity: The plot throws in a drawing from a XVII century tome asserting that the building was designed with alchemic purposes by the scientist who built it. Wonderful, but the concept is not carried out coherently; the elements (as in, elements from the periodic table, which does not fit the era already, but let's say it was an original take) are placed with no relation to the basic scheme. For instance, Tin is in the "Moon" position, and its murder was executed with Fire, and some intersections have one room, some two, with no logic.


The Alchemy Murder Case File 1 - S1-E6

Stupidity: Kindaichi is on the set of a reality show, with a film crew. When one person goes missing, he is the one who comes up with the idea to tell those people, a reality show film crew, to check the footage of the cameras, and the TV people are shocked by this brilliant idea.


Reika Hayami and the Uninvited Guest - S1-E5

Stupidity: The plot hinges on the fact that the culprit switched clothes with the guy in the bathroom. It would be unfair to say that they do not address the issue, since both the shoes and the belt buckle are mentioned. However, this can work just in a cartoon, since he could wear without any issue and looking absolutely dapper the jacket and shirt of an obese guy. Anyone trying that in reality wouldn't just have to tighten the belt.


Reika Hayami and the Uninvited Guest - S1-E5

Stupidity: A rather unnecessary part of the plot focuses on the convict trying to learn Reika's last name by ordering something on her behalf to read the name on the bill. That's absurd; he couldn't possibly know if the bill would just have the number of the cabin on it instead, or the production company's, and quite frankly for such a VIP (the cruise itself was a one-evening trip around the bay just so fans could spend time with their idol Reika, and he knew that) the ship wouldn't even charge anything for a drink brought to her room.


Stupidity: Throughout the whole movie, wanton murderer Cletus Kasady and Shriek both spend an inordinate amount of time "almost" killing people, since they take forever to deal with them even having them completely at their mercy. Kasady even grabs Anne, tells Venom "You're gonna watch her die" and...leaves, to go eat her on top of the tower where Venom in theory would never see.


Stupidity: Kasady and Shriek set free Anne's husband, so he'd phone Eddie telling them about the 'wedding'. But they have as hostage Anne and the detective, and both have Eddie's phone number already. Talk about convoluted. Also, Eddie of course has his own phone and the police never thinks to trace him thanks to that. (01:06:35)


Stupidity: Shriek aka Frances Barrison was taken away from the first mental facility when she was a teenager, having grown up there. She then spent the rest of her life, over 20 years, inside what basically was a cubicle of plexiglass. Despite that, the moment she is free she can stick drive like a pro. The way her life was presented, she shouldn't even know how to drive. (00:52:50)


Stupidity: Makes sense that Anne would go to Mrs. Chen's store because Eddie tipped her about it. Less sense that she actually finds Venom there as if the ever impatient starved alien had been manning the counter of the store all that time. (00:59:00)


The Hong Kong Kowloon Treasure Murder Case File 3 - S1-E3

Stupidity: The plan of the murderer involved tying a wire between two different building. To do that, they needed access to the victim's apartment, and to set the trick in advance. The problem is that they tied the wire to a pillar in the middle of the apartment, below eye-level and well in advance; since they spent basically the whole afternoon with Kindaichi (and they met him by chance) the timing of the plan wouldn't work. He'd have literally walked into the trap just coming back home.


Stupidity: Thanks to Carnage, Kasady steals a car and clothes amongst other things. He then talks to his symbiote, acknowledging its existence. But that scene happens the evening after the night of his escape. The fact that he could have been on the run a whole day with no clothes and no getaway vehicle and without addressing the creature that allowed him to escape appears simply impossible (and it's just confusing editing due to Eddie's timeline with an extra day spent fixing his flat).


Stupidity: We know that the two 'special visitors' have been in our universe longer than a day. Despite being capable, smart, heroic figures, they did diddly-squat until the plot says so, since they haven't tracked down the very public (they recognize them) partners of Spiderman, they don't show up for the battle broadcast by JJJ on giant screens, but more importantly, they do not know who the "Avengers" are, showing they didn't look into Peter's history - the name would have popped up in relation to Stark, the blip and much more. Seems that they didn't even try to look for him.


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