
28th Dec 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Character mistake: Facing enemies from the Invaders/Getter ray infected faction, Go has as opening line "You don't under the meaning of evolution", missing a rather important part of the word "understand."


22nd Nov 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Who Are You? - S1-E4

Character mistake: In his drug-induced stupor, Dodgson thinks he is talking to Alice and says that "She" does not know about Mouse, 'She' being Batwoman. Because, again, he is supposed to be talking to Alice. But his last line is that 'She' has big plans for him, and that would be Alice. (00:25:00)


22nd Nov 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Down Down Down - S1-E3

Character mistake: Batwoman does everything she can to rescue the elevator falling down after the villain detonates the bomb, but does nothing for the second one Tommy blows up to make her lose her footing when she is vulnerable. There is no message from Luke telling her anything, and she is not shown having a HUD with thermal readings or something like that, so there is simply no reason why she would risk everything to stop one elevator and completely ignore the fate of the next one which could be full of civilians as well.


22nd Nov 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Character mistake: In the tactical briefing between mission 41 and 42, the heroes discuss what happened and deal with Yurisha. Sanada refers to previous incident that allowed her to manifest as "our enemy's psychological attack", while obviously it was a "psychic" attack.


22nd Nov 2019

Kim Possible (2019)

Character mistake: It's merely training, but her opponents are hostile and want to exclude her from playing, so it's funny then that they don't call Kim out for her actions being egregious fouls; she brings the ball trapping it between her feet in multiple cartwheels (you can't just hold the ball between your feet for prolonged amount of times and 'carry' it). You could also say she kicks the ball at an opponent's face on purpose, which is equally unsporting. (00:24:00)


Character mistake: Amongst the material collected about Cross in Jezzie's computer, there's a big magazine article related to the case of the previous movie "Kiss the Girls." The article writes in a huge font the title "The CASSANOVA killer." Not a very good magazine, misspelling Casanova like that. Incidentally, her notes also get the word "Temperament" wrong, missing the 'a', and she has a folder called "Dimitiri", getting the name of the Russian kid wrong. (01:28:30)


Character mistake: The computer technician sitting at Megan's desk is "scoping" (her software is in "scoping mode"!) the GIFs the kids have been using to exchange information. Telling Cross what the name means, she says it stands for "Graphics Interchange Formats", while it is Graphics Interchange Format, no S. She also talks about "billions of 0s and 1s" making each image, which would mean billions of bits, which would mean the kids are casually exchanging 100 MB gifs, which are not so likely nowadays, and even less in 2001. (00:31:55)


16th Nov 2019

Lupin III (2015)

14th Nov 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Character mistake: One of the quotes by Marida as she attacks aliens is "I can't ignored the threat of invasion!", with an obvious typo on "ignore."


14th Nov 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Character mistake: Facing quick enemies (such as the Blamarg), Jill's custom quote is; "You use speed as your weapon? Well, DO SO I."


Character mistake: During the last class trial (06), Kyoko recapping the vitals of the victim gets them wrong, saying she was 5'6" instead of the correct 5'7" as written everywhere else. Nobody corrects her (and the exact vitals are an important part of the trial, and the mistake happens exactly when they come into play). A wrong number slipped in the script.


Character mistake: Cross knows (for some reason) by memory the last words of the Lindbergh kid kidnapper (and killer) and that Soneji/Mercusio referenced in a book he finds in amazingly oblique ways. He calls him "Richard Bruno Hauptmann", while his name was actually Bruno Richard Hauptmann. (00:42:30)


25th Oct 2019

Giallo (2009)

Character mistake: At the hospital, the inspector manages to get from the nurse the file of the patient with the liver condition. Forgetting the fact that the Turin, Italy hospital is using English for its documents (it's simply a cinematic convention), the problem is that the letterhead of this document says "Department of Chronic Deseases", misspelling the word.


24th Oct 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Character mistake: Daphne's mother is the one who pressed her husband to tell her the truth, but she is cheering when he says about the basketball anecdote that it was 'real', when later he corrects himself saying "real-ly me, disguised as a mascot." (00:17:25)


23rd Oct 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Character mistake: During her Formation Attack, Ryoko says among other things "The two of us can't lose." But the Formation Attack is done with her, Hikaru and Izumi. It's the three of them.


16th Oct 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Character mistake: In a return attack line she uses fighting for instance dragon monsters, Mao says "I'm not one to get scared off my appearances." She means BY appearances (because she is facing big scary monsters).


Character mistake: The banner of the fundraiser event for the Gotham upper class says "Childrens Hospital", no apostrophe. (00:11:55)


The Cornish Mystery - S2-E4

Character mistake: The rude doctor says that Edward Pengelley "wouldn't poison his grandmother's dog", to which Poirot irately blurts out "but it is not the dog of Madame Pengelley's grandmother that has been poisoned." He should have said "of Monsieur Pengelley." (00:12:50)


7th Oct 2019

Escape Plan (2013)

Character mistake: Schwarzenegger welcomes Portos saying "Your name. The fourth Musketeer. It's a good name." Port (h) os was one of the original three musketeers in the eponymous novel. To be "the fourth", his name should have been D'Artagnan. (00:31:55)


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