Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

What Lies Below - S2-E13

Question: Does Dr. Bishop mistakenly refer to Astrid by her actual name "Jasika" when they are in his lab with the CDC technician?

Question: Why doesn't Fatso dress like Amelia when he pretends to be her?

Answer: The Ghostly Trio were, at the time, playfully teasing James, so Fatso wearing something else instead of what Amelia was seen wearing in the photo, was just a way for them to have some fun at James' expense. At the end of the movie however, they did keep their promise and let James have one final chance to speak to his wife.

Why that specific outfit, though?

Again, to playfully tease James.

Answer: You remembered that episode incorrectly. Stan asks the guys who Sally Struthers is, as they watch her in a TV commercial. Kyle tells him "Sally Struthers, dude. She used to be on Full House." I think it's a joke about her no longer being successful and popular - the kids are totally unfamiliar with her work.

Answer: No she wasn't. Either it was a joke or a mistake. If it was a joke, I never figured it out or read an explanation about it.


It's a joke about how Sally Struthers isn't popular anymore.

It's probably the show's private "in-joke" rather than one the audience is supposed to understand.


Question: How come Ron needed a walking stick when he was out of the hospital wing at the end if Madam Pomfrey can mend bones in a heartbeat?

Answer: Madam Pomfrey may be able to mend bones, but that doesn't mean there isn't some residual healing and treatment needed for a full recovery. The fact that there is a school infirmary and also St. Mungo's Hospital shows that witches and wizards are not always instantly healed. From a filmmaking perspective, Ron using a cane reminds the audience his injuries were serious, so it's partly for dramatic effect.


Yes, it's like Harry needing to wear glasses. Wizards have many abilities that Muggles do not, but they are not all-powerful.

Another example from the book, after George lost his ear during the attack on Harry, it could never be fully healed because it was injured with dark magic.


Question: When Frank and Will first came face-to-face with the runaway train, they moved their train onto a side track. Their last 1 or 2 cars did not clear the main track, and the other train hit them. But the end of the last car that was not knocked away must have incurred some damage. When Frank and Will later reversed their train to catch up to the runaway train, how could they connect to a bent coupler?

Answer: Will and Frank disconnect all the cars from their locomotive to allow them to go faster and catch up with 777. As a result, the coupler at both the rear of their locomotive and the rear couple of the grain car on 777 were undamaged.

Question: Near the end, when Ned drives his truck alongside the train, why have Will (with an injured foot) jump to the truck and then carry him to jump back to the runaway train? No town has such a long stretch of parallel road. Why not save time and carry some other railroad worker directly to the engine of the runaway train?

Answer: Ned was already moving. He wouldn't have time to stop his truck, wait for someone to get in then gun it back up to speed to get in front of 777.

Question: What did Philby mean when he told George to destroy his time machine before it destroyed him?

Answer: He was worried about George's obsession with it and where he could end up and the unknown dangers in the future that could possibly be fatal.


Answer: I've never seen a scene with Jack and Danny in the real world at a video rental store. The video rental store scene takes places in the Jack Slater movie world. Since Slater is Schwarzenegger, Schwarzenegger doesn't exist in the movie world. So the Terminator is played by Stallone, who does exist in the movie world.


Answer: It's not the real world. Danny's in Slater's world and trying to find evidence of Arnold Schwarzenegger existing, but instead finds that Stallone has taken that role in this version of reality.

The Disease - S5-E17

Question: Why would Kim be in trouble for being in a relationship with Derran Tal? In many episodes of other Star Trek series, Starfleet officers have been in relationships with species of other planets but are never reprimanded for it.

Answer: Voyager is in a completely unknown region of space and they have little contact with or knowledge of other alien species and their cultures, potentially leading to deadly conflicts. There were particular diplomatic concerns with the Varro race because they were extremely xenophobic. Janeway ordered the crew to have minimal personal contact with them as a safety precaution, which Harry Kim inevitably ignored.


Question: Why is the Princess called Peach instead of Toadstool and why is the main villain called Bowser instead of King Koopa?

Answer: "Princess Toadstool" was used in the original English-language manual, but she was Peach in the original Japanese, and that name continued in later versions, being combined with Toadstool. Bowser was originally called "Kuppa", but presumably the English-language version resonated more with people, plus removed any confusion of "Kuppa, King of the Koopas", so the English version stuck.

Answer: As Reacher had arrived in town just after the murder occurred and being a stranger, he became a suspect (or at least a person of interest) and taken into custody for questioning by the police. He was released fairly quickly. It was coincidental timing of an outsider arriving at the same time as the crime occurred.


Question: When Harry and Hermione go to rescue Sirius from the tower, why did Hermione cast Bombarda instead of Alohamora? Using Bombarda caused a very loud sound to erupt and destroyed the door which could have got all three caught. Using Alohamora would have been easier since there's hardly any sound and the door would have simply been unlocked instead of being blown practically to pieces.

Answer: For one, Sirius is being held in an isolated area, high up in the tower, so any sound would be muted or not heard at all. Also, he is not in an ordinary room, but a cell with fortified locks. Hermione used a powerful charm to blast open the iron gate. Alohamora simply unlocks ordinary doors. Bombarda blows things up. It also made the scene more dramatic and climatic.


Question: The fang of the basilisk has been shown in the other movies to be able to destroy a horcrux. Since Harry was a horcrux himself, when the basilisk bit him, why didn't it kill him or at the least destroy the piece of Voldemort's soul that was inside of him?

Answer: Because he is alive and the piece of Voldemort inside him is too. He had to die to kill the horcrux inside him, but Fawkes the phoenix healed him before that could happen.


Good answer. Would add that if Fawkes had not healed Harry with his tears when he did, then the basilisk venom would have quickly killed Harry and the horcrux.


Answer: As the other answer says, Harry has to die for that part to be killed. Since he doesn't die, that part of Voldemort doesn't die and so is still inside him.


Question: Kind of a silly question, but why do the rebels kidnap children and train them to fight in the war? Wouldn't it make more sense to take the adults since they are stronger and more skilled?

Answer: Adults may be physically stronger and more skilled, but that makes them harder to capture and more dangerous to their captors as they would resist and attempt to escape. Children can be indoctrinated to their cause and are more easily intimidated into being compliant. If they're killed, it's easier to kidnap more.


Question: If Carl is so terrified of being killed by the drug dealers after losing their money, why can't he simply leave the city?

Answer: Large sums of laundered money were involved, and the drug dealers are not "small-time crooks." They would relentlessly hunt Carl, eventually finding him. It would be, "he can run, but he can't hide."


Question: How could Fred and George fly into the Great Hall to set off fireworks when they were in the Great Hall taking their OWLs?

Answer: Fred and George were not in the Great Hall during the O.W.L. exam (specifically the Theory of Charms exam), which is only for 5th years. Fred and George are in their 7th year (they've already sat their own O.W.L.s, 2 years prior). Note at the start of this scene there's a closeup of the board, and it reads, "O.W.L. examinations -Year 5" (time code 01:35:45).

Super Grover

Answer: Mortgage interest on a second home was a tax deduction allowed by the IRS in 1997. Because this deduction primarily benefited high income individuals, Bobby's statement might have been meant to imply that he had a large income and might benefit from such a tax scheme.

Rolling Dark - S1-E9

Question: So they get the scientist on a four-seater, single-prop plane, and then send them from Siberia to Afghanistan. That's by the route from the briefing about 1800 miles. They fly with gear down. Is that possible? (00:06:47)

Answer: Yes. They would have to land 3-4 times for refuelling. The plane could fly with the wheels down, but the additional drag slows the plane and increases fuel consumption.

The One Where Rosita Dies - S7-E13

Question: When Phoebe meets Earl she says that her mothers name was "Pearl", but every other time Phoebe's mothers name is mentioned her name is "Lilly". Is Phoebe trying to relate her life more to Earl's? Or is this just a mistake?

Answer: Phoebe rushed to Earl's office to talk him out of killing himself. She told him about her own mother's suicide and deliberately lied that Lily's name was "Pearl" (rhyming with Earl) hoping to establish a personal connection with him. She stumbles a bit on the name, saying P-earl, as she makes it up "on the fly."


Show generally

Question: Why was Toad's color palette sometimes way different, primarily in the first couple of episodes? Why didn't they bother changing this with the final results? It's relatively inconsistent on what palette is used in each episode, despite the fact the more recognizable of the two (white mushroom with red spots along with a variety of coloring in clothes) is shown much more often than the other (red mushroom with white spots along with the majority of his clothes being red and white).


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