Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did Rae initially want nothing to do with her brother, Mal?

Answer: First, he left her and their father, to run the farm on their own. Then McKendrick was hounding and bullying them to sell their land. She had enough and wanted to enjoy life, not suffer for it.

Answer: In addition to lionhead's answer, there are also rumors that Norton wanted more creative control over the character and franchise, as evidenced by the fact he did frequent uncredited rewrites on the set of "The Incredible Hulk" and also even ghost-directed a few scenes while director Louis Letterier was tied up with other obligations. Given the complexity of the MCU, the producers and studio didn't necessarily want cast-members to exercise more creative control over the films early on because it could undermine their long-term plans.


Answer: There were disagreements between him and Marvel about the contract. It's said Norton didn't want to be clung to a single character.


Question: Why does Forbes try to convince Robert to stop the flogging?

Answer: Forbes feels that a flogging was way too drastic of a punishment. At this point in the movie, Forbes doesn't think that the higher-ups are going to allow the 54th into battle, and as such, he feels Robert's methods are a bit excessive.


Answer: A contract dispute. Glover wanted more money, especially for two movies, but producers thought why pay more for what were essentially cameos.

Question: What book does Kyle Gass pick up at the end?

Answer: Gale (the writer and producer) characterized Stoltz as "a good actor in the wrong role" with Stoltz displaying the character too seriously and heavy, also utilizing method acting that annoyed the crew. He was fired when they found a replacement. Stoltz himself later said he was not a comedian and did not know why he was cast.


Answer: Michael J. Fox was the first choice to play Marty but due to his filming schedule with Family Ties, he was unable to take the role at first. When production on BTTF started, it was seen that Stoltz just wasn't working out, so they renegotiated with Family Ties to allow Fox's schedule to accommodate both and he was hired.

Answer: Because he is a Looney Tune and they like to do the unexpected and be overtly familiar and affectionate.


Question: Who was Didi cheating with in the movie?

Question: How did Bourne find Abbott?

Answer: Because she wanted to protect herself from trouble. She had no qualms about betraying Tracy in order to protect herself. I believe that Evie "uses" friends. She drifts from one current best friend to another. Eventually her best friends, and their families, stop tolerating her behavior. At this point, she knew that Tracy and Tracy's mother were "done" with her. She was prepared to betray Tracy, then move on to her next best friend.

Question: The events of Scream VI take place around Halloween, but it doesn't specify what year. A news reporter said that the Woodsboro killings took place in 2022 as if they happened a year ago, and Scream VI was released in March of 2023. So, do the events of Scream VI take place on Halloween of 2022 or 7 months in the future after the film's release date?

Answer: I think this is more "trivia" than mistake. There's no error in a film taking place a bit further ahead in time than in its release date.


Answer: Using some conjecture, if the film states the last killings took place in 2022 and treats it like "last year," you can assume it takes place around Halloween 2023. Films are allowed to take place in the future. They don't have to be set around their release date. So how is this a mistake?


Question: How come at the end, in the department of mysteries, there was blood at the end of Luna's mouth?

Answer: After the kids use the Stupefying Spell in unison on Lucius and the other Death Eaters, a few shots later Lucius apparates and holds out his hand. Three shots later (01:51:00) there's a closeup of Luna as she turns to face the masked Death Eater, then at the start of the next shot Luna is hit in the face and she falls backward onto the floor. It's here we see the bit of blood at the corner of Luna's mouth.

Super Grover

Answer: Probably from the glass shards that were flying through the air when all the glass orbs were broken.


Terra - S2-E3

Question: Why did Terra betray the Titans even though they were good to her?

Answer: Her powers were out of control and the only one who knew about this was Beast Boy, and he promised to keep it a secret. Robin wanted her to join them and learn to control her powers and this upset her because she believed that Beast Boy broke his promise and told the other Titans about her powers.

Question: Closely connected questions relating to Kong's massive size and weight: How did the crew "lift" him from the raft into the ship? Where did they keep him in the ship? (there doesn't seem to be a hold big enough) How did they feed him for the several weeks it took to get to New York? And lastly, how did they get him from the ship to the theater?

Answer: It's never shown or explained, and the film uses a broad "suspension of disbelief" premise. The audience just accepts the characters were able to somehow transport a huge ape to New York City.


Question: When Ace imitates Scotty from Star Trek after Melissa tells him to leave the tank, did he say he didn't have the time or he didn't have the power?

Answer: He says, "I just can't do it, Captain. I don't have the power!"

Question: They find the thing trying to escape the initial crash but it froze. In the 1982 version, they find another thing in a similar manner. Does this mean Kate was infected but didn't know it but turned as she walked off into the night?

Answer: In the 1982 version they never find another thing in a similar manner. It's just the one creature. Whether Kate was or was not infected is irrelevant, she was not found in the 1982 plot.


Question: Why does the queen, when she's an old hag, walk all the way to the dwarves' cottage? Why doesn't she have her servants transport her there?

Answer: Probably because she is doing everything in secret. Servants have a tendency to talk to others.


Question: What type of "power" does Nell have that prevents Crain from harming the child ghosts while she's in the house?

Answer: She has faith and the courage to face him without fear. After years of bring used and abused, she finally had enough. The only way to conquer your fears is to face them.

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