
Other mistake: When Jill orders a sweep of the corridor with the laser grid, the lasers almost catch Alice, and the camera changes and the grid is much further back giving her time to escape into Tokyo. (00:18:00)


Resident Evil: Retribution mistake picture

Revealing mistake: At the start during the rewinding segment we see a net return to an Umbrella soldier's gun, and a guy get up on the screen left with a bullet wound in the back. (This whole part is in reverse at this point of the film) The guy that gets up you can see the outline of the squib pack that was used for the effect. (00:03:18)


Resident Evil: Retribution mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the car comes to a stop after killing the licker, the front wheels are straight and flush with the body of the car. When the camera changes the wheels are turned over to the left and sticking out. (00:52:20)


Resident Evil: Retribution mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When we see the Kremlin in the Rolls Royce chase, there is an overhead shot of the car skidding with tyre marks in front of the car from previous takes. (00:51:10)


Revealing mistake: When we see the Axeman slice the roof off the police car, the lights on top spark and break before the axe reaches them. (00:36:20)


Other mistake: Throughout Claire and Chris' gun fight with Weskers, not a single shell casing is dropping to the floor and despite every single bullet missing, no marks appear in the walls. (01:20:00)


Character mistake: Chris explains about the APV being behind the door and specifically states it has 16 wheels. When we see the APV it has 4 wheels on each side. Meaning 8 in total. For it to have 16 wheels as stated, all the wheels will have to be doubled up. However its clear that at least 2 separate wheels are single. Since Chris is right with everything else he has said in regards to the prison, there's no reason he would be wrong about this one thing. (00:56:00)


Resident Evil: Afterlife mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Crystal is emerging from the water, she is almost out of the water completely in the long shot. As the camera changes to a close up, she's much further back into the water. (00:54:40)


Visible crew/equipment: When Chris is released, he stands in the doorway and says "I wondered how long it would take." When he does a boom arm can be seen moving in the glass to screen left. (00:49:20)


Resident Evil: Afterlife mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Alice does her pass of the prison and Kim-Yong can be seen hitting the deck away from the white lines of the help us sign. However in the wide shot he is on a white line. (00:30:50)


Resident Evil: Afterlife mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Wesker shoots the supervisor in the head for questioning an order, The guard falls to floor and his position changes several times depending on the shot. Note his head and pool of blood in relation to the lines on the floor. (00:10:30)


Resident Evil: Afterlife mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Wesker arrives at the command post to get a report. Note where he is stood however as his position in relation to the black lines on the floor is constantly changing. (00:06:20)


Revealing mistake: When ripping the cables up on the roof to make an improvised brake for the plane, he tugs the cables so hard they actually hit the camera resulting in it wobbling before cutting away. (00:31:00)


Resident Evil: Afterlife mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When inspecting the plane for damage, the propeller changes position without being touched. The side by Alice goes from the 8 o'clock position to the 10 o'clock position. (00:34:30)


Continuity mistake: In Extinction, we see Kmart be handed the Alaska book and say "You're not coming?" to which Alice replies "Take care of the others." In the flashback seen here however, Alice replies "Take care of the others, Kmart".


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