
Answer: She had been dancing for a long time and her foot hurt, so she took her shoe off to rub her foot.

Answer: Because she had been standing on them for hours and her foot hurt.


Answer: Her foot was hurting. She had her shoes on for a long time. Or maybe Krum stepped on her toes a lot and it hurt.

Answer: Because her feet hurt after dancing in her shoes for hours. Even though some pairs may hurt their feet, many women will tolerate the pain and getting blisters in order to wear them for as long as they can.


Answer: It is also possible that her foot cramped up.

Answer: Because she was angry and her leg hurt.

9th Oct 2017

Seven (1995)

Question: How did Doe manage to kill Mills' wife? He says "this morning" in the last scene, but that morning he was already in jail.

Answer: He had a busy morning. It is a bit far-fetched, but Somerset did express appreciation for how "methodical, exacting" John Doe was. So it's not totally unbelievable that, 1) Mills leaves for work - maybe even earlier bc he picks up Somerset, 2) John Doe arrives at Mills', maybe he even bought a box the night before to save time, 3) He finds a delivery guy, gives him the box plus $500 - good chunk of $ in 1995 (even more in 1986), 4) Hails a cab, to the police station. My question is...what was the cabbie thinking? Guy is covered in blood and asks for a ride to the police station.

Well, the guy wanted to go to the police station. He probably told the cabbie he'd been the victim of or witnessed a crime he needed to report immediately.

Brian Katcher

Answer: The events of John Doe arriving at the police station and the last scene where Mills kills him takes place on the same day.


What about the 7:01 am time?

When? where do you see that? What is the significance? Would be nice if you could give that info so I won't have to search myself.


It was 07.01pm. You will remember at the end of the film Mills was in the police car at night. If it was 07.01am more than 12 hours would elapse before Mills was picked up. Highly unlikely.


Answer: It's probably the photo they took at her house of them going to the prom.


Question: Do we ever see the wraiths in their true forms?

Answer: Technically what you see is their true form after being corrupted by the rings and turned into wraiths. Before that they were simply men, you can see what is left of that when Frodo puts on the ring at Weather Top.


I thought those white ugly faces you see, when Frodo puts the ring on at weather top, were their true forms.

Yes, that's exactly right. The rings turned them into wraiths, meaning their spirits moved on to the shadow realm and their real bodies pretty much destroyed. All that's left of them under the cloaks is invisible (in the books) and only seen in the shadow realm, where Frodo enters when he puts on the ring. The danger is too that Frodo would pass into the shadow realm too if he puts on the ring too often, becoming like them.


6th Oct 2017

Seven (1995)

Question: What symptoms would Victor experience whilst being tied to his bed?


Answer: Symptoms from being tied to a bed for a year are most notably bedsores (decubitus) and muscle athropy. As a result someone's body will become weaker and less resistant to infection.


Question: Why did Upham tell the soldiers to drop their weapons instead of shooting them? Why did they surrender instead of shooting him? And why did he then let them go?


Answer: Upham was not a hardened war vet like the men in his squad. He seen Steam boat Willie shoot Miller which made him furious because of how desperately he tried to save Willies life at the Radar tower so he felt betrayed and guilty for not listening to his squad so he finished the job he didn't have the heart to do before by killing Willie. He let the others go because he didn't have a problem with them. The surrendering Germans knew the Americans were inbound after tank was destroyed so they gave up immediately.

Chosen answer: He was alone and probably couldn't have shot them all before being shot himself. However, he was in a perfect position to make them surrender as none of them wanted to be the one to get shot for aiming their rifle at him. He didn't let them go, he told them to start walking in one direction as his prisoners.


Question: Why didn't they just shoot Steamboat Willie on sight? And once they decided not to kill him, why couldn't they call a chopper to come take him? Also, why were they so intent on committing a war crime by killing him once he'd surrendered? I know he killed Wade, but that's just what happens in war.


Chosen answer: Rules of war are when someone surrenders you take him prisoner and are not allowed to kill him, they followed the rules of war. They are all very emotional from the battle and losing a friend and fellow soldier though and they wanted a scapegoat. They were behind enemy lines so nobody could come to pick up the prisoner, as the lieutenant explained, and helicopters weren't really around in WW2.


Question: Did the clones really know that Palpatine was Darth Sidious all this time, considering they easily agreed to the Sith Lord's orders (Separatist ally), and respond with "Yes, my lord"? If so, how hard was this to keep from the rest of the Republic (Jedi, senators, etc.) for all this time that they were really under control of a Sith Lord, they were his right-hand men, took orders from him, and would turn on the Jedi when the time is right? Also, why would they even take orders from a Sith Lord (even if it was Palpatine, which the Jedi didn't know, it seems they wouldn't do this)? They didn't seem to like Dooku or Grievous, who were also a part of the Separatists? It just all seems quite confusing.

Answer: The clone troops weren't loyal to the Jedi, they were loyal to the republic and its leader Palpatine. Darth Sidious and Palpatine are one and the same person, to the clone troops there is no difference between the 2. Order 66 changed the viewpoint of the clones as seeing the Jedi as traitors that need to be eliminated and they executed the order immediately. The clone troops were not aware of the double play by Sidious and the separatists but by the time order 66 was executed the separatists were pretty much beaten already. Palpatine wasn't a Separatist ally, he used them to excuse the use of the clone army to take control of the galaxy and eliminate the Jedi at the same time.


Chosen answer: By this point the witch king is indeed stronger than Saruman. However Saruman's power had been declining ever since he chose to follow Sauron.


Question: At the end Dumbledore says that Harry's power of love allowed him to escape from Voldemort 4 times but is it not 5 times? when he was a baby, in book 1, book 2, book 4 and this book.


Chosen answer: In book 2 it wasn't love that allowed him to escape.


7th Sep 2017

The Shining (1980)

Question: Did the Grady girls also possess the shining? Did they die for the same reasons the hotel tries to get Jack to kill his family?

Answer: It is possible that one of the daughters may have had a "shine" to her. If you'll remember the exchange in the bathroom between Jack and Grady, Grady says that one of his daughters stole some matches and tried to burn the Overlook down. It's possible she did this because she could sense the evil in the hotel and attempted to end it. It's possible, also, that she realised what the hotel was doing to her father and tried to end that.

In addition to the above response, the hotel is depicted in the book as a somewhat sentient being. Its influence is behind many of the murders that took place there. It's possible the hotel wanted Grady to kill his family since one of the daughters was attempting to burn it down, therefore it was trying to protect itself.

Answer: The Grady girls did not possess the shining. They were murdered by their father, because the hotel drove him crazy, just like what happened to Jack.


Chosen answer: He needed Anakin totally on his side before ordering the assassination of the Jedi order. If Anakin wasn't fully committed he might refuse to join him after executing order 66.


Question: Did Darth Tyranus know that Sidious was going to betray him?


Chosen answer: Nope, you can see the surprise on his face when Palpatine orders Anakin to kill him. He then realises Anakin is Sidious' new apprentice. He fully expected to defeat Anakin.


I read that Palpatine/Sidious had given Dooku/Tyrannus a fake plan: Tyrannus thought they would kill Obi-wan, then convince Anakin to join the two of them.

I think that is partially right. Though I would sooner think the plan was to incapacitate Obi-Wan, which Dooku did and then focus on Anakin to get him to the dark side. Dooku had a chance to kill Obi-Wan but didn't. Besides, if Dooku did kill Obi-Wan it is almost sure Anakin will kill Dooku for it.


If I remember correctly, at the moment, the plan was described in the book "Labyrinth of Evil" by James Luceno. Although, I don't know how many books are canon now.

12th Aug 2017

Starship Troopers (1997)

Question: Is there any reason the humans can't simply use nukes, chemical weapons, fuel-air bombs, or bioweapons,, any kind of especially powerful, destructive bomb, shot from long distance, dropped from a plane, or better still, orbit, to fight the bugs? Yes, of course there are big downsides to any such action, but this does not strike me as a society restrained, patient, enlightened or with sufficient foresight to care about those.


Chosen answer: They do use nukes (to clear out bug caves) and fuel-air bombs (like they do before landing troops). It's possible biological and chemical weapons don't work on the bugs because of their physiology. Only nukes and Thermobaric weapons work.


Answer: Nukes, chemical, and bio weapons would render the planets uninhabitable. Not a goal when they want to colonize.


I have already stated these people are not that far-thinking.


7th Aug 2017

Watchmen (2009)

Question: Did the Comedian know that he was the biological father of Laurie/Silk Spectre II? His interaction with her during a flashback doesn't seem to indicate so, but since Sally knew the truth of the matter, wouldn't the Comedian have at least some suspicion that he was Laurie's father?


Chosen answer: Yes he knew, when he first meets Laurie and Sally scolds him for talking to her he is distraught and asks why he can't talk to his own... he cuts off there but he is saying he knows she's his daughter.


1st Aug 2017

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Question: How was Sandman capable of surviving the massive water purge down in the sewer? Can he not die?

Answer: Sandman's powers make him pretty much immortal. If he falls apart like that and parts of his sand-like body makes contact with other sand he can regenerate. Even 1 grain will do. Even as mud he could still survive.


Question: How come Bilbo never told the dwarves that Gandalf had lied about him being a burglar? When Bilbo found out he was shocked so why didn't he say something like, "I'm afraid Gandalf lied to you. I'm not nor have I ever been a burglar"?

Answer: Gandalf has already convinced the dwarves Bilbo is a burglar and Bilbo realised he needs a lot to convince them otherwise. Bilbo is also intimidated by Gandlaf and confused about his claims so he is not sure how to handle the situation.


Question: From the end subplot, it seems that while the primary motivation for Jack Sparrow was the capture of Black Pearl, he did have a favourable view of Will (his father has tacitly supported Jack) and Elizabeth. Also, it seems that his aim was also to take revenge from Barbossa. In light of the above fact, I don't understand what was his plan when he first went to Barbossa and the pirates, with Will (when he was made unconscious by Will). And when he tries bargaining with Barbossa about leaving him on an island, while taking the Black Pearl with him. Did he really plan to turn Will in, at those points? If not, and if he is a good guy in support of Will, then what was his plan all along?

Chosen answer: His initial plan was to use Will as a bargaining chip in exchange for the Pearl since Will could lift the curse of the pirates. He needed that curse lifted as he wanted to kill Barbossa. That failed when Will found out and knocked him unconscious and he was captured. Having lost his bargaining chip he is just out to stay alive again and try a different way of getting the pearl and his revenge. Yes he really did plan to turn Will in, Jack is not a good person.


13th Jun 2017

Alien: Covenant (2017)

Question: Why does David use his real name at the end instead of Walter's to gain access to the colonists and embryos? Wouldn't that been noticed in the log or something? He is pretending to be Walter in the first place and with the last log entry he uses the name Walter.

Answer: It doesn't matter anymore at that point. He has full control of the ship and can change anything he wants. Including the logs, if it's necessary.


Question: Does a letter of marque absolve one person only or anyone who signs on it (for example Will, Jack and Elizabeth) can be absolved by just one letter? I don't understand how many letters are there or why Will agreed to find the compass if the governor said the letter(s) would only save Jack.


Chosen answer: The letters of marque need to be signed by the person being absolved and by the king. It can't be signed for more than 1 person. But, more letters can of course be given by the king if need be. BTW, in real life a letter of marque would make a ship property of the crown, not a person.


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