
Question: If Doc doesn't want to know what's going to happen in his/the future, then why did he tape the letter Marty gave him in 1955, which he tore up, back together instead of throwing it away? Also why did he have it on him at the end to give to Marty, if he had no idea Marty would show up at Lone Pine Mall after coming back to 1985?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: It's not stated directly in the movie, but it's easy to infer that Doc Brown was subject to the one thing that just about all scientists fall victim to... Curiosity. You can guess that after Marty vanished back to the future, Doc became too curious to resist and assembled the paper back together to read it. In turn, this would give him the information he needed to save himself with a bulletproof jacket, and know the important of why Marty would go back in time when it is 85. And he would have kept the note on him because he DID know Marty would come back to that point. After all, he did send him back off 30 years prior, with the intent of going back to that very day. Doc is intelligent, and would have expected things to turn out that way given the unwritten laws of time travel and paradox.

Quantom X

But after this, it poses a new question. Wouldn't he have found a new power source instead so he won't be shot?

No, he is very careful about changing anything in the timeline. So after reading the letter he came up with the bulletproof vest so he could survive without changing anything about the events that led to Marty being sent back to 1955 in exactly the same way. That way he prevented a paradox.


12th Jun 2020

Ready Player One (2018)

Question: The Leaderboard shows the top 5 gunters. 1) Why would zeroing out cause the board to go blank? They were still the first 5 to get the keys. If zeroing out does it, Aech and Saito (?) should have left the board earlier (dying earlier on Planet Doom). 2) Others had to be collecting keys too, including dozens/hundreds of IOI players, and hundreds of other players. Surely someone on the planet was a gunter and was sleeping during this excitement? Unaffected by the Cataclyst, they should have moved to the top of the board.


Answer: The idea was that anyone who had anything to do with the game was there, in sector 10, certainly all IOI and Gunters. The Cataclyst is specifically meant to zero out anything it reaches, unlike a death on planet doom, which only lets you lose what you currently have on you and not your entire avatar.


12th Jun 2020

The Purge (2013)

Question: Why didn't those purge people just go find someone else? Why waste all their time on one house and why did the girls go around in flimsy dresses and barefoot on a cold night?


Answer: These purgers are pretty crazy. They were hunting this person, a homeless man, and they wanted to kill him specifically. They wanted their prize, the trophy of their hunt. And they won't let anyone stop them as it's their right. So being blocked from their target only increases their desire.


Answer: Shortly after letting the black guy into their house, the gang leader tells James that he (the black man) killed one of their members, and they wanted revenge.

Question: When Bastion asks about the book Mr. Koreander is reading, he responds that the books Bastion reads are safe and to forget about the book he's reading, because it's not for Bastion. As Mr. Koreander takes a phone call in the next room, Bastion takes the book and leaves the store. After noticing that Bastion has left, Mr. Koreander also notices that the book is missing. Was it Mr. Koreander's intention to let Bastion take the book? If so, why?

Answer: He has read the book himself many times, being drawn into the adventure himself, he knows someone like Bastian would really enjoy the book, and knows he would take it regardless of his warnings. He leaves it unattended intentionally. He wants to share the experience of reading that book.


8th Jun 2020

The Mask (1994)

Question: Didn't Charlie notice that Ipkiss isn't with him when he enters the Coco Bongo? He is entering with the girls but didn't seem to notice that he wasn't with him.


Answer: He was too busy with the girls and taking in the scene. He probably simply assumes Ipkiss followed them in and he lost sight of them, he didn't have to suspect he was left outside.


8th Jun 2020

Hannibal (2001)

Question: Why does Clarice not have the handcuffs on when she is found by the police at the end? if Hannibal cut his hand off, then he would slip the cuffs off and she would still be wearing them. Even if she had the key, there was little time to get them or take the cuffs off.

Answer: She had plenty of time to take the bloodied cuffs off, we only see her again when she is outside looking for Hannibal.


8th Jun 2020

Breaking Bad (2008)

Answer: The corpse was old and he was around people he knew. Seeing a severed head walking around on a turtle was just too much for him.


Adding to this, he also hadn't just recently killed a man when an arm was ripped off. He was still going through PTSD after his shootout and killing of Tuco when the head thing happened.

Quantom X

Answer: Hank is very emotionally vulnerable at this point. He'd just had an intense shoot-out with Tuco that affected him more than he is willing to admit.

8th Jun 2020

Alien (1979)

Question: One thing that bugged me from a recent rewatch. When Brett comes across the Alien skin that it has recently shed, it in no way resembles what the creature looks like now, and is completely disproportionate with its size a few minutes later when it kills him. Now I know that its methods of 'growing' we are lead to believe are different to those of Earth creatures in that they are more accelerated etc...but if it is following a similar pattern to Earth animals that shed their skin shouldn't it have shed at least ANOTHER skin or maybe two to achieve its near-adult human size? And also why in 'Aliens' were no shed skins in abundance dotted around the place when it is part of the Aliens' natural life-cycle? They don't strike me as the kind of creature that would worry about leaving their shed skin around to cover up their presence?

Answer: The skin Brett finds is presumably the first skin the creature shed based on its size. There might be other skins that were shed all over the place but we never see every inch of the ship. The alien in this film primarily uses the air ducts to move around, but the film only shows the air ducts in one brief scene. There could be other skins somewhere in those ducts we never see. The same is true in Aliens. We never see every inch of the floors of the colony, they could be anywhere. The floor of the hive does have a considerable amount of debris, some of this debris could conceivably be shed skins.


That's a much more logical answer, thank you.

Answer: They shed their skin once, probably some kind of protective fleece around its immature body it disposes of, not actual skin like with a snake. These are smart creatures, yes they would hide their shed skin.


If that's the case why did the first Alien shed skin get found? If as you say they are 'smart' enough to hide their shed skin why was this one left laying around?

Because in later movies the aliens have a lot more space to shed their skins where it can't be found. Maybe they don't actually hide it, but it's logical they hide themselves as their skin sheds because they are vulnerable. The alien in the first movie simply couldn't find anywhere to hide.


Question: After Buckbeak's execution and Scabbers bites Ron and escapes, why is Ron more shocked and upset about Scabbers biting him instead of running away?


Answer: He is his pet rat, he probably runs away all the time but always comes back.


Answer: Ron is shocked that his beloved pet would bite him, something Scabbers (Pettigrew) had never done before and was out of character.


29th May 2020

The Truman Show (1998)

Question: What happened to the car radio when Truman was going to work and accidentally discovered someone was narrating his whole movements in advance?

Answer: The radio caught the radio chatter of the director giving instructions to the actors. They have to do that constantly as they follow Truman so they can react and improvise in time and prepare the coming situations.


26th May 2020

Joker (2019)

Question: Is it just me or did he fire 8 times with a gun that only holds 5 rounds at a time? I am referring to the subway scene where Joker got his first kills of course.


Answer: I counted 4 shots on the train and 3 shots on the platform. Someone submitted a mistake about this, then someone corrected it saying he could have reloaded, then someone commented it's unlikely. I find it unlikely that he reloaded when on the train because on the platform he shoots 3 times and then dry fires 2 more times because he's out of rounds but doesn't seem to realise. So you'd have to say he had the wherewithal to reload a gun that's not empty, or only had 4 rounds in it for some reason, but reloaded it with only 2 or 3 more rounds, and then forgot how many rounds he just reloaded it with.


He has time to reload so it's plausible, that's all it takes really. Arthur is out of his mind at that moment, having just been beaten up again and working purely on adrenaline and blind rage. I doubt he is counting his shots. Does fit him though that when he saw the 3rd guy run he wanted to kill him too but wasn't sure if his gun was empty so he loaded 2 more bullets before he exited the train.


21st May 2020

General questions

Do any of you know this movie or series? It's about a boy or a girl that goes to other worlds or world and there is a phone cabinet flying, maybe in a tornado. I think there might be an old man too or something. Do you know what it is?

Answer: Well a flying phone cabinet reminds me of 2 things: 1. Doctor Who or 2. Bill and Ted's excellent adventure.


Answer: Yes. The Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp site was a huge area consisting of 3 separate camps, of which Camp II (Birkenau) was the biggest and had the commandant office and SS housing right next to it. The camp commander lived either close to camp II in the small town of Brzezinka or camp I, called the main camp. There were several houses and farms around the area and the town of Oswiecim in between all three camps. There were also several dozen subcamps.


Question: As Harry and Hermione are going back in time, after Ron has left the room, there is a part where it looks as though a number of people are unwrapping someone to the right of the screen. What is happening then?

Answer: Exactly what it looks like - a person is being unwrapped from full body bandages. It's a hospital ward and they are just showing things representative of Harry and Hermione going back in time. It's just supposed to be something that happened earlier that day that they are "passing" by.


I thought it was the cast being put on Ron's leg?

It's the moment someone is covered from head to torso in bandages.


7th May 2020

My Cousin Vinny (1992)

Question: How did the witnesses think that it was Bill and Stan who committed the murder? Didn't they even see the faces of the other killers after them?


Answer: This is actually fairly common in real life. It goes something like this: the witness sees two men in a green car fleeing the scene of the crime. Later they learn two men driving a green car have been arrested for the crime. In their minds, they saw these two men, and as time goes on they subconsciously "see" them in their memory of the event. This is addressed in the film. Vinny even questions one witness about that, asking if it's possible that they just saw "two guys in a green convertible, and not necessarily these two guys."

Answer: The witnesses saw two young men in a very similar car to Bill and Stan's drive off. The prosecutor made a compelling case that they were the murderers, while Vinnie initially bumbled. In cases like this, it's somewhat easy to convince someone to believe they saw what they want to believe, especially if they feel they're doing a civic duty or if it makes them feel important. See the play 'Twelve Angry Men' for an example of this.

Brian Katcher

Answer: They saw hardly anything at all, but they are convinced somehow that they saw these 2 boys and not someone else.


7th May 2020

Constantine (2005)

Question: At the beginning of the movie, when Constantine removes the demon from the girl, why does the guy's hair turn white for looking?

Answer: It's the effect of the demon on him. Somehow the ritual Constantine is performing causes anyone who is a witness to be cursed.


Question: The Emperor tells Grievous to send the separatists to Mustafar so that Anakin can later kill them to quote "end this war" but why? Why not leave them with Grievous and have them be captured by Obi Wan? To add to that wasn't the war already over when Obi Wan killed Grievous? Wasn't that the whole point of sending Obi Wan to kill Grievous? Why bother killing them, the war is over, you'll have control of those systems back anyway.

Answer: His long-term plan still has to make it look like he's playing both sides. He must convince the Separatist leaders that he's trying to protect them and extend the war slightly until he gets Anakin completely on his side.


To add to that Grievous was in control of the armies, so he had to be killed so the armies would be disbanded, better to risk a Jedi for that task. Also the separatist leaders had to be killed eventually because they could disappear and come back with another army or ships. They had served their purpose, they had to go.


7th May 2020

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Question: Marvin, who Vincent accidentally shoots in their car - why was he in the car in the first place? Why didn't they kill him when they killed the other people in the apartment?

Answer: He was their informant. Vincent, before they go in, says "is that counting our guy?" They brought him with them to see Wallace.


Question: The scene where everyone's getting burned and exploding, why didn't the ark burn Marion and Indy too? Is it because they didn't do anything wrong to it?

Answer: They were protected because they did not directly look at the Ark. Indy told Marion to look away. That is what saved them.


Anyone who looks upon what is inside the ark perishes. The ark is used as the wrath of god against anyone who doesn't show respect to it, by not looking at what is inside. Even if what is inside goes outside.


7th May 2020

Jumanji (1995)

Question: How come every shopper at Sir Sav a Lot didn't evacuate when Van Pelt had a gun and was shooting up the place while going after Judy, Peter and Sarah?


Answer: They are probably too invested with their own looting to worry about someone else committing a crime.


I especially like that one woman that is hesitating to take the box or not as everyone is running away when he shoots into the ceiling.


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