
15th Nov 2002

Blade II (2002)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Nyssa and Reinhardt are fighting the Reapers after Blade has detonated the UV bomb; Nyssa takes a deep breath before diving under the water, yet vampires don't breathe. (01:18:29)

Correction: The Blade movies deal with vampires being a scientific phenomena, not mythical. It is never stipulated that vampires don't breath in the Blade movies.

Sol Parker

Vampires as depicted in the film are immortal and it is stated that only a few specific things (sunlight, silver garlic) can kill them. It could be argued that, being immortal, they therefore do not "need" to breathe. That said, you could also argue that since they feel pain (albeit it with a very high pain tolerance outside of the above things), it could be very uncomfortable for them to be held underwater and not be able to breath, so they create the same habit as regular humans (taking a breath before diving).


Then again, on the other hand, Nyssa like many vampires was born as one and should never have developed human traits.


Since the movie never states that vampires don't breathe at all, this really can not be considered a mistake.


It's also quite possible that pureblood vampires learn to breathe in order to attempt to seem human in order to fit in.


Correction: It sounded more like a gasp-out of shock-rather than her holding her breath; just look at Dylan in Charlie's Angels when she got shot. Plus, it could be possible that her mouth is closed when she goes underwater.

16th May 2007

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Luke and Ben first see R2D2 and C3po, Ben says he doesn't remember owning or know the droids, but we know he knows them from episodes 1 - 3.

Correction: Obi-Wan never says he doesn't know the droids. Just that he never owned them. R2-D2 claimed to have been owned by Obi-Wan, Luke passed the comment along to him, and Obi-Wan denied it. It's not a mistake. Even if Obi-Wan were lying, it'd still just be a character decision.


Correction: He's not lying. Obi-Wan never owned a droid. Anakin owned R2-D2 and the only other droids Obi-Wan is to use were in ships and presumably owned by the Jedi Order.


7th Feb 2020

Sister Act (1992)

Corrected entry: After Lt. Souther introduces Deloris to the church and she yells at him then goes outside, he tells her that Vince has a contract on her for $100,000. Later Vince is grilled by Lt. Souther for 6 hours and was then told she was never found. At that point he puts out a half million dollar contract for her. He didn't know she was missing until this point and would not have a $100,000 hit out on her.

Correction: Vince and his goons already had tried to kill her. They put out of the initial contract to try and get the job done. Once they couldn't find her and Souther questioned him, he realised that Deloris had gone to the police and upped the contract because of the increased difficulty and danger.


4th Jan 2020

Apollo 13 (1995)

Corrected entry: When the crew are on their way back to Earth, Fido states "Flight. We're still shallowing up a bit in the re-entry corridor. It's almost like they're under weight." After some discussion in Mission Control, the crew is advised "We gotta get the weight right. We were expecting you to be toting a couple of hundred pounds of moonrocks." The amount of propellant in the LEM (since they didn't land, or return to lunar orbit) plus the fact that the LEM still had the descent stage attached, which, if they had landed would have been left on the moon would have more than made up for the weight of the rocks they were supposed to be carrying. But far, far worse than that is the fact that how much they weigh makes no difference at all, as Commander David Scott proved on Apollo 15 when he showed that a hammer and a feather dropped at the same time on the moon land at the same exact instant proving Galileo's law of gravity, that all objects fall at the same speed regardless of mass. (01:53:30)

Correction: That refers solely to things falling by means of gravity without air resistance. An object with a larger mass will require more force to move. Under the principle of F=M*A, it is also true that A=F/M.


Corrected entry: Milo is a linguist and can understand animals but doesn't realise it until hearing a camel. This makes no sense. He should have understood the hippo, ostrich, and mandrill earlier in the movie.

Correction: Unless the animals were just screaming at him, or he didn't realise it was the animals talking.


Correction: They don't come across the Mandrils until after the camels, so he couldn't use that as a basis for discovering his language skills. Plus studying linguistics doesn't mean you know every language, there's the possibility he just didn't understand what they were saying because he didn't speak Hippo or Ostrich.

Corrected entry: When Zula first clashes with Bombatta he breaks her spear into pieces with his mace, but later when the party enters Toth Amon's castle her spear is perfectly intact.

Correction: Given that her spear is merely a sharpened stick, she could easily have acquired another in the meantime.


Corrected entry: The green dress Maria wears when she returns to the von Trapps is the exact same dress as the new postulant is wearing as she enters the Abbey. My guess is that the new postulant was Julie Andrews' understudy and was used in the scene instead of casting another actor or extra. (02:01:02)

Correction: As she said earlier in the film, when women join the convent, they donate all their worldly clothes to the poor. Maria likely did that when she returned from the von Trapp household. As the new girl was joining, she had to give up her worldly clothes. Since Maria was sent back to the von Trapps right after this, she likely grabbed this dress so she could get back there. As this is a film and not a play, Julie Andrews would not have an understudy, as they would have to reshoot the entire film anytime her face is visible.


Corrected entry: Professor Sheldon Oberon has the ability to read maps, therefore you would suppose he knows which way is north. After the ostrich chase sequence when they are in the desert, he points towards the sun and tells the rest of the team that way is north. It is known that the sun comes out on the east, and sets in the west. Following the sun when it is setting can never point north.

Mario De Jesus

Correction: Jumanji is a video game. It doesn't have to follow the rules of the real world.


A game that is now glitching.

15th Nov 2019

Supernatural (2005)

Plush - S11-E7

Character mistake: Sam describes the books as being from "pre-Biblical lore" and then says they are written in Aramaic. Aramaic was a language during New Testament Biblical times and didn't exist in pre-Biblical times i.e. prior to 4000 B.C.E.

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Suggested correction: I believe he meant the book "contained" pre-biblical lore.


Factual error: The scriptwriters revealed that they placed the story in a thirty-year environment set loosely between 1720 and 1750. Port Royal was destroyed by an earthquake on 7 June 1692, which had an accompanying tsunami. An initial attempt at rebuilding was again destroyed in 1703 by fire. Subsequent rebuilding was hampered by several hurricanes in the first half of the 18th century. I don't remember if the movie was set in a big, undestroyed Port Royal. However there was also set a huge fortress in Port Royal, which is definitely a factual error.


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Suggested correction: This is also not the real world. It's set in an alternate reality which doesn't have to exactly match our reality.


Although the film series falls into the fantasy genre, it is set in a real period and place in history. Fictional events taking place in a historical setting is not the same as an "alternate reality." The anachronistic use of a real city as an important locale in the story is not artistic license, it is a historical error.

13th Nov 2019

Mortal Kombat (1995)

Revealing mistake: When Scorpion explodes, if you pay attention, the explosion doesn't really make "sense." The first "burst" looks fine, but then, midway through the shot, some of the debris in the air suddenly vanishes or fades out a few frames before the second "burst" occurs. Additionally, the way the second "burst" happens gives it away as an added effect, as it doesn't really overlap the background properly. (It looks like an explosion that was filmed on a blue-screen and then just added over top of the footage, as it doesn't interact with the environment properly).


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Suggested correction: Scorpion is an undead being fighting in another realm of existence. He doesn't necessarily have to explode in a way that "makes sense."


The mistake is about continuities that happen during the explosion. Not how Scorpion actually explodes.


The mistake pertains to issues with the somewhat shoddy execution of the effects, which are a result of the film's production. I don't think him being an undead fighter from another realm of existence is really a valid way to explain this away.


14th Nov 2019

A Few Good Men (1992)

Corrected entry: Throughout the movie, Caffey is constantly being warned not to accuse Col. Jessup because he could get into trouble. This is totally wrong and the opposite of the aim of the military justice system. Any and all personnel are subject to the law and their rank or connections never come before that. Unless Danny is in contempt in court, he has every right to question and even accuse a ranking officer, especially considering a young man under Jessop's command is dead.

Correction: They weren't telling him not to accuse Jessop because it's illegal, they were doing it to protect him. Col. Jessop is an extremely powerful man with deep connections and if Caffey went after him in court and failed then Jessop would ruin his career. They were telling him not to go after him unless he was sure he could get him.


Correction: He's not being told not to accuse Jessup. He's being told not to accuse Jessup without any basis in fact. He's basically being told not to make unreasonable accusations just to try and get his clients off.


They didn't say don't accuse Jessup. Joanne Galloway told him to only accuse Jessup of ordering the code red if he feels that Colonel Jessup would admit to ordering the code red. In other words he's being told don't accuse Colonel Jessup with a baseless accusation that he ordered the code red, only accuse him if he has facts that substantiate the accusation. No reason Santiago should be transferred off the base if Jessup's orders are always followed and he ordered that Santiago wasn't to be touched, so Santiago being in grave danger doesn't make sense. Colonel Jessup contradicted himself.

Athletic Jason

The Platonic Permutation - S9-E9

Continuity mistake: In episode 16 of season 1, Penny is talking about making a cake for Leonard's birthday and states she knows his birthday because she was checking a horoscope for him. But in this episode she does not know when his birthday is, which leads to Leonard revealing he was secretly reading Penny's diary. (00:40:00)

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Suggested correction: It's certainly possible to forget something you knew eight years ago.


This is perhaps true for two people who rarely have contact, but I would list this as a character mistake. Penny and Leonard are in a serious relationship and are married at this point.


This is also a couple who BOTH forgot it was their anniversary.


I forgot my wife's birthday on a number of occasions. It's one of the reasons she is now my ex-wife.

There's a difference between forgetting and not knowing.


I've been married for seven years and my husband still doesn't know my birthday. It's the 24th but sometimes he thinks it's the 24th or the 4th or the 20th etc. And especially since Leonard doesn't celebrate his birthday, it's not something that's going to remain in the forefront of Penny's mind.

immortal eskimo

10th Aug 2016

Star Wars (1977)

Stupidity: The Death Star comes equipped with a powerful tractor beam capable of capturing a ship the size and agility of the Millennium Falcon. Why don't they use it against the rebel fighters attacking them at the end of the film? Okay, Obi-Wan Kenobi turned it off earlier but I find it hard to believe that someone who has never before visited the largest, most complex space station in the Universe and who was previously unaware of its very existence can disable a fundamental security system but the people who designed, built and run the whole thing can't work out how to switch it back on. They should have no problems with this, considering the fact that Obi-Wan didn't damage it.


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Suggested correction: Obi Wan disrupted the battle at a critical time causing much confusion. We could chalk this oversight up to "Fog of War" - that in the heat of battle it's normal for commanders to overlook obvious things and seem to act stupidly. It would also be reasonable to assume that the fighters were too close for the tractor beam emitter to target them.

This scenario would require every single person on the Death Star who was involved in the maintenance of vital defence systems not noticing that one of them had been switched off! Not ONE person noticed? Obi Wan did not disable the tractor beam during "the heat of battle." There was a considerable time lapse between his switching off the tractor beam and the climactic final battle, during which time it would have been switched back on. When the Millenium Falcon leavs the Death Star Han Solo remarks that he hopes that "old man" succeeded in disabling the tractor beam, implying that those on the Death Star would be trying to use it. Even then, they didn't notice it had been switched off? Not sabotaged, not disabled, switched off.

Good point. This was definitely stupidity on the part of the Death Star crew, but not stupid as a plot point. It does happen in combat regularly. In 1987 the USS Stark was hit by 2 Iraqi Exocet missiles after challenging a single fighter. The ships' Close-in Weapons System should have easily shot the missiles down, but the investigation showed that no-one had noticed that the system had not been turned on.

They didn't use the tractor beam when the gang was escaping in the Falcon because they WANTED them to get away. The Empire placed a tracking beacon onboard so as to be able to find the hidden Rebel Base. As to how the Falcon was snagged originally: yes, they had just exited hyperspace, but they were not relatively fast; they were preoccupied with the TIE fighter (incapable of light speed) and the small moon right up to the point they were trapped in the tractor beam (and realizing "that's no moon!"


Suggested correction: The Falcon was travelling towards the Death Star when it was caught in the tractor beam. The tractor beam was properly turned back on by the time it travelled to Yavin. The rebel fighters are too small and quick to be held in a tractor beam and there are so many of them so it would be near impossible to trap enough to make a difference.

As I have already pointed out, assigning technical limitations to a wholly fictional piece of technology is absurd. As to "flying towards the Death Star" - the X and Y wing fighters are shown doing just that. As for being too quick, the Millenium Falcon is decelerating from superluminal speeds when it is captured in the tractor beam. That's pretty bloody fast in anyone's books.

The key phrase here is "fictional piece of technology", there is no way to understand how it works. Any explanations is pure conjecture.


It's flat out stated by General Dodonna in the battle briefing that the Death Star's defenses are based around repelling attacks by capital ships, not fighters. The targeting may not be exact enough.


Actually, claiming a fictional piece of equipment can't behave the way you think it should is somewhat silly. The previous explanation that the tractor beam's limitations were the reason for not using it during the battle makes perfect sense.

Corrected entry: When Indiana Jones is told about the tablet discovery by Donovan, Indiana says the three knights who find the grail during the first Crusade are French. When Indiana meets the last knight at the end of the movie, he speaks perfect English, and with an English accent.

Mike Lynch

Correction: He's also almost 900 years old and imbued with power by God Himself. I think a simple language would be no big deal at all.


How is he imbued by power from God?


How else do you explain him being almost a thousand years old?


Drinking from the cup. How does that make him speak English?


The Grail is imbued with the power of God because it held the blood of Christ. One would think that since he is essentially the God-appointed guardian of the Grail, he would have any knowledge needed to guard it.


Thats a lot of assumptions. The cup grants immortality, that's it. It doesn't make you a polyglot.


He's the appointed guardian of the Holy Grail, an artifact that grants eternal life and is protected by miraculous and physically impossible traps. The guardian is given whatever power needed to keep the Grail in the chamber.


He doesn't have to do anything to keep the cup in the chamber. The seal does that.


I suppose you can make the case about God giving the knight the ability to speak English, but why in an English accent? I would think he'd speak in a French or American accent.

Mike Lynch

Why? An American dialect is no more neutral than an English one. People who speak with a French accent do so because they are still using rules and habits learned speaking French when trying to speak another language.

Because languages and the people who speak them change over time, especially that long of a period, by the immigration and emigration of people, influence of other languages, etc... What he would have spoken then would have been Old French, not modern French. While they do share a modicum of similarity, they are not mutually intelligible due to changes in grammar, syntax, and word use. Old French, for instance, contains far more influence from the Germanic Frankish language and Celtic Gaulish than modern French.


A French accent from 900 years ago would sound nothing like a modern French accent. In the same way, what we consider to be a modern proper English accent is actually a fairly modern phenomenon designed to distinguish upper from lower class people.


Continuity mistake: After rescuing Walter in the water, they both get out and they're soaked. When Walter enters the camp, his clothes and his hat are 100% completely dry. There is no way he could've been dried off completely that fast.

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Suggested correction: Since we don't know how long Walter was wandering before he found the camp, he could easily have been wandering long enough in the hot Australian sun to dry his clothes completely.


6th Oct 2019

Patriot Games (1992)

Correction: Non-British citizens can receive an honorary knighthood. They can't use "Sir" or "Dame" before their name, but they can put "KBE" after. Examples include Bill Gates, Bono, and Steven Spielberg.


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Suggested correction: It certainly matches their personalities to simply walk around to look at women and try to get attention.


Tortured - S4-E16

Corrected entry: Alex misbehaves in court when the expert's explaining brain injuries. Surely no D.A or A.D.A would act like a smart alec saying "Thank you doctor, what it lacks in facts it makes up for it in pretty colors." or whatever nonsense she spewed. The judge doesn't even correct her.


Correction: Attorneys on both sides make smart ass comments all the time, on the show and in real life. She's basically just mocking the doctor as making things up.


Well one representing the state should be above that behavior. It's like the old expression if someone else jumped off a bridge would you? I think that's how it goes.


"Should" isn't a mistake though. People act like that all the time.

27th Feb 2017

The Last Samurai (2003)

Factual error: In the scene before the Americans are to be introduced to the emperor, they are told that the "Meiji" emperor is reform minded. However, Meiji is a posthumous era name, in other words, given after the emperor's death, which occurred many years later, whereas he is still very young in the period depicted.

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Suggested correction: They are using modern terms and words so that the film and characters are easier to understand.

Greg Dwyer

It doesn't change the fact that this is a factual error, no matter the reason behind it.


Yes it does. Almost nobody outside Japan would have known the name "Mutsuhito." Films often use modern terminology to make things easier for audiences to understand. Like saying "vegetarian" instead of the older term "Pythagorean."


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