
24th Jul 2020

Hollow Man (2000)

Factual error: When we first see Caine (Bacon) enter the military base, there are Willy's Jeeps used by military personnel. By the year 2000, the Willy's Jeep was long-since replaced in the U.S. Military by the HUMVEE, which we also see in the film.


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Suggested correction: It's not a Willy's jeep. It's a Ford M151 Mutt, which was still in occasional use at the time of filming.


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Suggested correction: That type of sling is the best for preventing movement of the shoulder joint. It is the proper one.


8th Jul 2005

Ever After (1998)

Corrected entry: Several times, Danielle is referred to as a 'Commoner' (non-nobility). She even calls herself this. But her father and mother were nobility thus, so is Danielle.


Correction: Danielle's father, while wealthy, was not of the noble class. This point is shown in Danielle's and servant's excitement of her father bringing home a Baroness and how impressed Danielle was with their table manners. A Baron/Baroness is the lowest noble title, so their excitement of a woman of equal or lower social stature would seem exaggerated. Also, if the de Barbaracs were nobility, Danielle would be known to other nobles as a courtier and as her father's only living descendant and heir. The Baroness would not be able to relegate Danielle to a servant - in her own house no less! And at the ball, Danielle would have corrected the Baroness by mentioning her own noble blood.

Thanks. Makes more sense now. Then why would the Baroness marry someone beneath her station? And since she did, would that not demote/strip her of her Baroness title, then? Making HER a Commoner, also, then? And unable to order Danielle about?


She seems to have married Auguste for his money, as she seems to have no income of her own, demonstrated by her selling the castle's belongings to fund her schemes.


When it comes to nobility it's actually hard to lose titles. She would remain a baroness unless she married someone of higher rank or was stripped by royals.

According to the way it is written about peers titles, if the widow remarried then she forfeits her title and follows her new husband, therefore IF she is currently Baroness then that stands to reason it came from Auguste and that would make Danielle nobility and not a commoner.

While I mostly agree with your take on this you stated "Also, if the de Barbaracs were nobility, Danielle would be known to other nobles as a courtier and as her father's only living descendant and heir." however, I don't believe this to be a valid argument. Her father loved her very much and kept her close since he did not have a wife and Danielle did not have a mother so wouldnt have necessarily been trained in the ways of the court. Also, with the disdain her step-mother had for her, there was no way, she would have trained her. I do however agree that Daniele was from the union of 2 wealthy families but have found no proof that she was of noble blood.

Danielle's mother was a comtesse, fr. Countess, French titles were passed via heredity, if available descendants were present. Only one country in Europe, Poland, stopped this for a time prior to 1,000 AD. Titles can be endowed to a partner in marriage, never stripped that I can find. In the case of a commoner being granted a title, the king or queen could approve the title, money always helped. Dumas gives examples in his books. Stripping property very seldom deleted the title as it was in the blood.

Danielle's mother was not a comtesse. Note that the baroness mocks Danielle's claim that her mother was one.


How could that be though if her mother was a Countess? A Countess is of higher rank than an Baroness.

Correction: Actually, we don't know that Danielle's mother was a comtesse. Danielle uses her mother's name, yes, but she could have just added the comtesse part since she was, at that point, pretending to be a courtier.

At the end, the stepmother says, "after all the insidious jokes, you turned your mother into a comtesse" so that shows that she used her mother's name and turned her into a courtier.

Danielle's father was a merchant, thus a commoner in French society but a wealthy commoner.

Correction: The only thing that stands out to me is at the end the Queen turns to the stepmother and asked did she lie to them and the stepmother does not say no. So that would have to mean Danielle is of some position.

The Baroness lied to the Queen when she, essentially, corroborated the rumor that Danielle was a courtier named Comtesse Nicole de Lancret. She said "why yes, and she's staying with us as a matter of fact."

Actually, the Baroness lied to the Queen about Danielle being engaged to a Belgian.

She also lied when they pretended to find the necklace that the queen dropped. The mother had one of the guards steal it.

16th Jul 2020

Escape From L.A. (1996)

Plot hole: Malloy and the others tell Snake that the Plutoxin 7 virus would cause nervous system shutdown without the antivirus. When he got back, it was revealed that it was just a hard hitting case of the flu. Why then did, at the base, the computer showing his countdown timer over the course of the film say when nervous system shutdown, not the full extent of the flu, would occur. Maybe for sake of the audience to avoid a spoiler, but those who had already seen the movie would notice this.

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Suggested correction: Because the countdown timer was lying to him as well. It was programmed to do so.


Correction: If you look at the time readouts, Marty travels to Nov. 12, 1955 at around 6 am. What time it was at the moment didn't matter.


Correction: DOR-15 is a sentient AI. It could probably figure it out and let him know.


Correction: This is a baseless assertion, and therefore not a valid entry.


12th Jul 2020

Knives Out (2019)

Corrected entry: Being an accomplished mystery writer and assuming that he had been injected with 100 mg of morphine, Harlan should have realised that his suicide would have been suspicious once they did the toxicology analysis.

Correction: Harlan was doing the best he could on extremely short notice.


Correction: If he died of an overdose then they would definitely do a toxicology report. He hoped that with an obvious alternative (suicide) they would not do one. Even with a lethal dose of morphine in his system, Marta would potentially be accused of malpractice, but she would not be directly responsible for his death and would (again, hopefully) be able to keep the inheritance.

He might have realised that once the family found out that he left everything to Marta, they would insist on an autopsy. Once they found the overdose, she would have been suspected of foul play.

Perhaps, but if he did not kill himself, it would be a certainty. He was trying to get the best outcome from a terrible scenario. Either way, it's not a plot hole.

9th Jul 2020

The Mask (1994)

Revealing mistake: Dorian and his men are watching what we're assuming is a live feed from Tina at the bank. At one point the "video" stops as you can see a guard freeze. From that point on the video is a still picture.


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Suggested correction: If you look at the top of the screen showing the bank video, you can see a multicolored distortion. This shows that they paused the video feed.


We don't see them pause the video.


We also don't see their hands, so one of them easily could have paused it.

6th Jul 2020

M*A*S*H (1972)

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Suggested correction: There is no reason he couldn't have gotten another one.


4th Jul 2020

A Few Good Men (1992)

Corrected entry: Tom Cruise has one bar on his right collar on his uniform. He is a Lieutenant. A Lieutenant in the Navy has two bars, as shown on Kevin Bacon's uniform in their first scene.

Correction: Bacon is a captain in the Marine Corps, hence his two bars.

Brian Katcher

Correction: Kaffee is a lieutenant (junior grade), which is one silver bar. A full lieutenant is two silver bars. Both are just called lieutenant.


Continuity mistake: When the girl gives Litwak her phone to show him there is a replacement part on eBay, her phones shows that it is connected to WiFi. Litwak doesn't set up his router until later that evening, he has only plugged it in. (00:09:41)

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Suggested correction: It's possible she's either connected to wifi at another nearby business, using a public wifi signal, or using a friend's phone as a hotspot.


Corrected entry: When the group leaves the ship in the helicopters, Samuel L. Jackson says "see you at the rendezvous, captain" to a guy wearing gold oak leaves, either a major or a commander, but not a captain in anyone's military.

Correction: He doesn't say "captain", he says "Chapman."


29th May 2020

Aladdin (2019)

Corrected entry: When Jasmine lays down the Oud (stringed instrument) on the pillow in Aladdin's home, it's not there when Aladdin returns at the end of the movie. (00:15:00 - 01:33:00)


Correction: It'd be one thing if this was the same scene, but this is literally days later in the film. Anything could have happened.


30th May 2020

Tremors (1990)

Corrected entry: Rhonda has light colored pants on earlier. When she is on the water tower, she appears to have new jeans on.

Correction: That's shown in the film. She gets accidentally rolled up in barbed wire and has to take off her pants and boots to escape. While her wounds are being tended, Miguel hands her a pair of jeans and sneakers.


28th May 2020

Crush Crush

Character mistake: In the phone call from Nova, there is one branch of the conversation that starts with the protagonist asking "Shouldn't you have used this call to contact a lawyer or something?" But the protagonist IS a lawyer (amongst many other things).


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Suggested correction: Even lawyers will almost always hire another lawyer to do criminal defense.


This correction doesn't make sense. Nova is not a lawyer, the player (whom Nova is calling) IS a lawyer. The player isn't saying something like "why are you calling a lawyer", or "shouldn't you have called a criminal defense lawyer." Nova called a lawyer and the lawyer's response was "why didn't you call a lawyer."


11th Oct 2006

Forrest Gump (1994)

Corrected entry: When Forrest starts to play ping-pong, he says how he plays all the time. In one shot, the camera is laying on the table, looking up at him. Just before the shot changes to the next, you can hear the "clunk" of the ball hitting the camera. I saw this in the DVD and on TV. You know it is the camera because it is loud and sudden, not soft, like what you would hear when it hits a ping-pong paddle.

Correction: I'm not sure what you heard, but it could not have been the ball hitting the camera, because in the making of the film documentary, it is shown that the ping-pong ball was computer generated for every scene, so no real ball ever existed.


Maybe the sound is confused with the ball hitting the bedpan earlier.

Correction: It was a sound effect added to make it seem like it hit the camera.


Plot hole: After Manny has agreed to go with Ellie, Crash and Eddie, he says "Ellie can be the mommy." He said Ellie's name, but she had never told him, nor could he have heard it when Eddie was talking to her. (00:22:45)

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Suggested correction: Manny would definitely have been able to overhear Eddie calling out Ellie's name. As Ellie went to have a word with the possums, it's not like they went somewhere else, they just turned away. And Eddie wasn't precisely quiet.


Manny was also having a discussion with Sid and Diego so he wasn't paying attention to the conversation where Eddie said her name.

You don't necessarily have to be paying direct attention to a conversation to be able to pick out words.


I agree. Even if Manny wasn't paying attention, he still could've heard Eddie saying Ellie's name.

20th May 2020

M*A*S*H (1972)

Baby, It's Cold Outside - S7-E9

Factual error: As Hawkeye performs CPR on the hypothermic soldier, he pumps his arms from his ellbows. CPR is done by keeping the arms stiff and pumping with the whole upper body. Hawkeye as a surgeon would know that. Fun Fact: You can perform CPR one-handed in a pinch, but only as long as you keep your arms stiff.


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Suggested correction: True, but doing CPR the real way is going to likely seriously injure the actor it is being performed upon.


Explaining why mistakes occur does not invalidate them.


Chest compressions can definitely be performed by pumping from the elbow, one or two handed. The first documented use was in 1891, so Hawkeye would be aware of it. However, modern CPR standards, including straight arm procedures, were not developed until at least 1960 by the American Heart Association. Using straight arms and bending at the hips uses the larger muscle groups of the core and legs, which provides more control, as well as stamina. This is not an error for the Korean War era.

Additionally, what Lorg said - you don't want to hurt the actor, you can see his shoulders rise as his arms straighten, giving the illusion of compressions. There is another episode where Hawkeye is performing chest compressions similarly, and yells at the unconscious patient that his arms are getting tired, which is what would happen with bent elbow compressions, and one of the reasons modern technique uses straight arms.

I didn't know that, but it makes sense that CPR procedures would evolve. You should submit that as a direct correction to my mistake.


20th May 2020

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie you see the Statue of Liberty looking down from the rooftop, and then you don't see it the next time we see the rooftop. Then it's on the ground. How can it move without them controlling it?

Correction: Because it fell over, which requires only gravity.


Also I think they are not controlling it, the positive slime turned it sentient.


20th May 2020

The Core (2003)

Corrected entry: Beck is an Air Force pilot and an astronaut, Purcell is Army Ranger General. Neither military branch has a say in the actions of the other and Purcell has nothing to do with the space program. So why would he have any say or knowledge about Beck's review board about the shuttle accident?


Correction: Because they are acquainted in life beyond the military. He came to see what happened and to support her.


Correction: Purcell was tasked as a commander of the special mission to restart the core. As such, he would have knowledge and say to Beck's review as she was being assigned to his team. This is also why he would have say even if they aren't in the same branch as he is now her commander officer.

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