
Corrected entry: Officer Barbrady is dressed in his police uniform when the town gathers for the reprise of, "Quiet Mountain Town", but as the camera pulls away, he is again dressed as a soldier. When the final group shot is shown, he's in his police uniform again. (01:15:10 - 01:16:20)


Correction: When the camera pulls away you can't see Barbrady. So we don't know what he is wearing.


Corrected entry: When Cartman is being put to bed by his mum, his yellow back pack is in between his chest of drawers and his bed. When his mum is leaving the room, it has moved to in front of the chest of drawers, beside the door. (00:41:00)


Correction: The bag stays in the same place throughout the scene.


Corrected entry: In the first classroom sequence after everyone sees the Terrence & Phillip film, we see some of the class wearing brown t-shirts. A few seconds later they all turn white. After Clyde volunteers to answer the sum, the t-shirts return to their normal colours.


Correction: All the shirts stay the same colour throughout.


Corrected entry: When the kids pay the homeless guy to get them into the Asses of Fire movie, the guy leans down to tell Stan "it might not be appropriate." Initially the homeless guy leans down in front of Stan to talk, but in the next shot he is behind Stan. (00:04:45)

Correction: He is behind Stan in both shots. No mistake.


Block Buster - S2-E14

Corrected entry: When Carrie fixes this super-huge sandwich for Doug's football buddies, she tells him to stay away from one end, because she used bad meat there. However, the episode ends with Carrie and Doug eating the sandwich from either end.

Correction: They could easily have taken the bad meat out.


They didn't have any more meat, that's why she used the bad meat.

Correction: They are probably just eating the "bad" meat. I don't think it was actually spoiled enough that it would make someone seriously ill, or else, Carrie would not have served it.

7th Apr 2009

Fast & Furious (2009)

Corrected entry: The Dodge Charger R/T explodes inside the tunnels with Letty's cross. But at the end, Bryan is driving it to rescue Toretto. The car is in pristine condition and even has Letty's cross in the rear view mirror.

Correction: The car is also wrecked at the end of The Fast and the Furious. There is nothing to say they couldn't have restored it as we don't know how long after the explosion it is that Dom is being driven to the prison. We see him reach for something before getting out of the car - most likely the cross.


How did they even get the charger back after the end of the fast and furious. I assume the police would take it as evidence.

Only thing is that when it was wrecked in the fast and furious it was in the Main Street and it was rebuilt over years by Letty. Dom's charger literally blew up underneath a mountain and also BTW wasn't that mountain caving in? I really don't see it being possible for that to be the same chassis as the original car as that would've been a pain in the ass and a $100,000 9 month job.

4th Apr 2009

Fast & Furious (2009)

Corrected entry: When they leave the mountain after crossing the border, they leave driving between mountains to escape the helicopter. When Paul Walker is driving towards it at the end of the movie, the escape route mountain cover isn't there. Mountain disappears.

Correction: As the drug lord Arturo Braga says himself, there is more than 1 tunnel. So they could have used a second tunnel not by the mountain.


24th Jul 2005

Freaky Friday (2003)

Corrected entry: When Lindsay Lohan walks into the garage she picks up her guitar, plugs it in, and immediately starts playing.However, if the amp was already on, it would have made a loud buzzing noise when the plug touched the metal, and we never see anyone else turn it on. (00:10:10)

Correction: While it's hard to do, it is possible to plug your guitar in without the buzzing noise. I just did it 3 times with my set up.


12th Mar 2009

School of Rock (2003)

Corrected entry: When Dewey is all dressed to go to the school, as he says, "I got a hot date," a crew member is reflected on the TV.


Correction: Just watched the film and no member is reflected.


14th Nov 2008

Saw V (2008)

Corrected entry: When Detective Hoffman was shown captured by Jigsaw to be recruited into his 'game', Jigsaw introduces the notion of not liking being given credit for work that's not his. It appears as if he is speaking based on jaw movement but no sound comes out.

Correction: Throughout this scene his mouth movement and speech match up perfectly.


4th Nov 2008

Saw V (2008)

Corrected entry: After Ashley is decapitated in the collar trap, we see her body later on from the view of the hidden cameras. But by the time we see her corpse, the nail bombs have already gone off and should have caused some damage to it or the room, yet neither is visible or present.

Correction: You can't see any of the damage because the cameras are grainy and not very clear at all.


Corrected entry: Right after the Simpsons escape through the sinkhole, the EPA commander throws his binoculars at the jeep and they bounce back at him. The binoculars never hit the windshield. They "hit" above it.

Correction: He throws the binoculars at the dome. Not the jeep.


9th Dec 2008

Mamma Mia! (2008)

Corrected entry: Harry is playing Donna's guitar on the boat. Harry is left-handed, the guitar is strung left-handed, but Donna is right-handed. Has the guitar been wrongly strung for 20 years? Didn't Donna notice?

Correction: It doesn't take long to restring a guitar. Takes me 10 minutes. Harry could restring it. Not a mistake.


6th Dec 2008

Wild Hogs (2007)

Corrected entry: When the guys throw away their cell phones, Dudley's hits the window of a truck with a minivan following it. In the next scene it is not there.

Correction: What is not there? The phone? The minivan? The truck? Also, there is a big difference between "scene" and "shot", and everything can change between scenes.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie after the Rangers revived Zordon, Kimberly says to Zordon "We thought you." following with Zordon saying to Kimberly "I am glad to see you too." but he is not looking at Kimberly when he says this.

Correction: This is not a mistake. He doesn't actually have to be looking at her in order to say that.


21st Nov 2008

The Truman Show (1998)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Truman sees the wedding picture and he realizes Meryl has her fingers crossed, her wedding ring is on her right hand, not her left. In other scenes, she wears her wedding ring on her left hand.

Correction: She changed the hand it is on between the time of the picture and when we see her.


Corrected entry: When Stifler is watching Elise get into the shower she is walking towards the center cubicle. When it cuts to another angle as he closes the laptop you can see on the screen that she's in the left cubicle. (01:02:00)

Correction: All the footage you see of her in the shower shows her in the central cubical or not in any.


8th Jul 2008

Camp Rock (2008)

Corrected entry: When the Jonas Brothers are playing on stage, you can see that when they play their electric guitars, they are not even plugged in, yet they still work. . .

Correction: When playing live many people use wireless technology to give them a greater roam of the stage.


30th Jun 2004

Friends (1994)

Correction: There is a fairly long shot of Monica between the actions. So she could pick it up in that time.


3rd Feb 2005

Friends (1994)

Correction: This is a bit vauge. Most of the episode is set in Monica's apartent so what part of the episode.


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