
11th May 2017

Fast & Furious 8 (2017)

Corrected entry: How did "Cipher" get in her car and drive off without replacing the fuel linkage and putting down the hood? (00:13:20)

Correction: You see her replace the fuel linkage and you don't see the car as it drives off so you can't say for definite if the hood was down.


You can hear her jump in the car. But she did not close the hood.

24th Apr 2017

Fast & Furious 8 (2017)

Corrected entry: There is no way that Dom could have organised the meeting with Shaw's mum or contact the guy from Cuba or his two friends from Brazil that were in Fast Five to shoot Shaw, or to organise Shaw and his brother to be kitted out with wing suits and board the plane. Nobody or Hobbs must have been in on it for it to work.

Correction: This entry corrects itself. It's clear that Dom has asked for help off somebody. However it is not shown who.


24th Apr 2017

Fast & Furious 8 (2017)

Corrected entry: Timeline is wrong for the young lad to be Dom's son - he would be older.

Correction: Lana finds out she was pregnant just after Letty returns in Fast and Furious 6 as shows with the line "I found out just after you found out Letty was alive" We then have the events of Furious 7, which happened right after the events of 6. As shown with Owen Shaw in the hospital. We then know that the team retire after the events of 7 until Hobbs makes the call at the start of 8. There is no indication of how long has passed since the previous film. Meaning that baby Brian could easily be the age we see him at in this film.


15th Sep 2014

Game of Thrones (2011)

The Pointy End - S1-E8

Corrected entry: After Khal Drogo is wounded by Mago in the shoulder/chest, Drogo tears out his esophagus, turns around and his large cut is gone. The cut appears again as he sits down.

Correction: The cut is there. Due to the distance of the shot and the size of the wound it is not visible but carefully looking shows the wound.


24th Jan 2017

Breaking Bad (2008)

Over - S2-E10

Corrected entry: When Walt approaches the two dealers in the parking lot of the building supply store, the Jeep pickup parked beside the dealers' RV is much further away when it changes shots.

Correction: This is due to the angle of the cameras. Not a mistake.


2nd Sep 2004

Fawlty Towers (1975)

The Kipper and the Corpse (a.k.a. Death) - S2-E4

Corrected entry: In the scene where Sybil is talking on the phone in the lobby about the short elderly gentleman guest and has tall redhead bimbo, just before the old man and his bimbo come in you can see the bimbo come past the corner of the office wall early, then stop, then start walking again on cue.

Correction: She doesn't stop. She slows down, but doesn't stop.


11th Jan 2005

Fawlty Towers (1975)

Correction: As they leave you can see their reflection in the glass cabinet just outside the lounge and they stop.


Fire and Terror - S1-E2

Corrected entry: When Fowler first meets the Chief Constable he tells him that he cannot remove his hat because he is a Sikh (the hat is really full of vomit), but towards the end of the episode he is not wearing his hat when talking to the Chief Constable, who doesn't seem surprised at this shift in attitude.

Correction: This is just the chief constable's ignorance of other religions. He has not questioned it on the basis he doesn't understand the Sikh religion.


Correction: This is due to the multiple camera angles used in the scene. The straw doesn't change angle.


30th Jan 2017

Fast Five (2011)

Corrected entry: Hobbs asks his agent to run facial recognition against known associates of Dom's, and Tej's and Roman's pics pop up. The problem is they are not known associates of Dom's, they both literally just met him.


Correction: He asks for "known associates of Toretto and O'Connor" so Tej and Rome will show up.


18th Nov 2011

Fast Five (2011)

Corrected entry: Brian says that 49.2 kilo's is a million dollars in twenties. 1.000.000/20=500.000 notes of twenties. But when Reyes checks his vault, there's also a big bunch of fifties. And when Dom gives Vince's share to Rosa, there are also hundred dollar bills in there. This would seriously alter the weight - because the weight to value ratio of a fifty, and most certainly a hundred dollar bill, differs massively of that from a twenty. (00:28:30)


Correction: Depending on how Reyes fences and launders the money, he could be changing up to higher denominations to save space. All we know is that the money is delivered to the cash houses on a weekly basis. So by all means they could be delivered as twenties and fenced through banks or other business' to higher denominations. It's also explained that anything illegal in Rio is to do with Reyes so its entirely plausible he has more than twenties.


Correction: Maybe they went by 20s just to calculate how heavy the load could possibly be. Because if 20s were switched out for bigger bills, that would just make it lighter and easier for them to pull.

12th Feb 2013

Fast Five (2011)

Corrected entry: When Hobbs shoots Reyes, listen closely and you can hear shells falling on the ground - impossible, seeing how Hobbs is using a revolver, which retains the shell casings.


Correction: You hear Hobbs walking on shattered glass that sounds similar to the casing falling.


16th Jul 2012

Fast Five (2011)

Corrected entry: In the montage showing the characters testing the cars to see if they can beat the cameras, after Don Omar crashes, when it shows Mia Torreto and Ludacris, the screen in front of Mia is still green with the blue plus-signs.

Correction: Her screen shows the camera's feed.


15th Nov 2015

Saw VI (2009)

Corrected entry: Someone as high in the police rankings as Hoffman couldn't possibly set up all the elaborate traps as well as kidnap all the victims without noticeably neglecting his law enforcement duties. He rushes the main traps of this film into motion, but the engineering on them alone would take days if not weeks to accomplish.


Correction: Hoffman is following the Jigsaw case on it's own. No other work. There is plenty of time for him to kidnap the victims. As for the engineering part, we know he has been planning this for sometime as, as shown in other films, he's been working with Jigsaw from shortly after the events of Saw. So a few years.


11th Sep 2010

Saw IV (2007)

Corrected entry: When Jill went to get Cecil's jacket, she didn't lock the door behind her, yet, when Cecil forced himself in, he had to unlock the door to get into the same room his jacket was in.

Correction: Watch closely. When Jill goes to get the jacket she has to unlock the door even though she didn't lock it. Therefore we know the door self locks. So Cecil would had to have unlocked it to get in. No mistake.


13th Jun 2013

Saw IV (2007)

Corrected entry: Rigg pulls the red scarf off the blonde woman and we don't see where it goes. Then there are two closeups of the woman where the scarf is nowhere in sight, and she has nothing on her left shoulder. Then in the next shot, suddenly the scarf is covering her and the machine behind her, and part of it is draped over her left shoulder. (00:23:45 - 00:24:15)

Correction: The red cloth is part of the pig mask. He pulls that off and the cloth isn't seen again. All we see is the red mouth gag round her neck.


13th Jun 2013

Saw IV (2007)

Corrected entry: When the guy with the mouth stitched shut has put his legs against the machine to avoid being pulled anymore, a few seconds later you see him with his mouth open, enough for him to easily say something. At the end of the scene you see him being able to open his mouth easily, something he could've then done much earlier. And even if say his tongue was cut out to explain him not being able to say anything with an open mouth, he wouldn't be able to scream at the end either. (00:07:40 - 00:10:45)

Correction: Due to the angle and the lighting it looks like he can open his mouth slightly, however, until he rips his mouth open after the game, he can't open his mouth.


29th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: During Jigsaw's seizure, Lynn runs over to the shelves that have all the bottles of pills and starts looking for a certain type of pill. The first time you see the shelves all of the bottles are knocked over and strewn around. The shot cuts to Amanda holding Jigsaw down, then back to Lynn looking for pills. For some reason most of the pill bottles have now magically been put upright and look fairly organized. (00:39:25)

Nick Bylsma

Correction: What you see are two different sets of bottles. The one lot is still strewn all over the place and and the others are neat and tidy.


17th Oct 2007

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: The trap for Timothy Young was designed to rotate at 180 degrees for each limb (as is also stated in the commentary). However, given that Timothy's arm is facing forward, rotating his arm backwards at 180 degrees wouldn't be enough to break his arm although it would cause a great deal of discomfort on him. Perhaps 360 degrees would make sense.

Correction: No rotating his arm back 180° wouldn't normally break his arms. However, given the device he is strapped to would prevent even the slightest of movements anywhere above the elbow, a break would occur after being twisted backwards 180°.


11th Mar 2007

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: When Lynn is preparing for John's surgery, her hair goes from being tied back, to being out, to being tied back again. (00:59:50)

Correction: This little sequence is a montage of her getting ready. Could easily have tied it up or untied it herself in between the shots we see.


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