
11th May 2009

Sex and the City (1998)

Sex and the City mistake picture

The big journey - S5-E7

Continuity mistake: When Charlotte is signing her divorce papers, there is a close-up of Harry's face leaning over her. It's covered with large drops of sweat, some of which drip onto the paper. But in the next shot of Harry when he is standing up, he isn't nearly as sweaty. Most of the perspiration on his face seems to have disappeared. (00:07:00)

Sex and the City mistake picture

Models and mortals - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: Miranda picks food with the chopsticks, then exactly one second later the food is gone and she is talking. Too fast for her to take it to her mouth, chew it and swallow it, for the scene takes place in real time. (00:06:00)


27th Feb 2007

Sex and the City (1998)

Sex and the City mistake picture

La douleur exquise! - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: In the episode where Big returns from Paris, Carrie meets him at his apartment with a beret and 2 McDonalds bags. She says she got a Big Mac and a Filet O'Fish. She asks him which one he wants, holding the Big Mac in her left hand and the Filet O'Fish in her right. Instantly the sandwiches switch hands in the next shot as Big walks to the right.

Randy DeShong

Sex and the City mistake picture

Models and mortals - S1-E2

Visible crew/equipment: When Stanford and Carrie walk backstage with the models, check the reflection on the glass and you'll see: the boom mic operator, camera and, best of all, a group of technicians crouching on the floor, failing to hide and moving around when Carrie and Stanford walk around.


30th May 2020

Short Circuit (1986)

Short Circuit mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Stephanie runs to the shelf to pick the second volume of the encyclopedia the amount of cats increases/decreases randomly between shots. Also, the amount of books and their position changes.


6th May 2020

Cats (2019)

Honey I Blew Up the Kid mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Mandy is hanging loose by the car's edge and Nick is grabbing her, there's a shot with a bluescreened background where Nick says "but you gotta help" where Mandy and the car are all blurry and faded and the image is doubled. Something went really wrong in that special effects shot.


30th May 2020

Cats (2019)

Cats mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bustopher is pulled away from the trash can his face is close to the side with his arms normally stretched. When the angle swaps to a shot from below, his arms are over-stretched and his face is half a meter away from the side. Then it swaps back to the previous angle.


28th Apr 2020

Cats (2019)

Cats mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the trash falls on Bustopher he throws a lobster up the air. A shot later he's crouched and holding a fish spine and another shot later his arms are raised and he has a chicken in his hands.


Alice in Wonderland mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Alice eats the cookie in the rabbit's place her foot grows huge along the stairs, down to the entrance and out to the garden without knocking a single object except the poor rabbit. When the angle changes to a shot outside the house suddenly all of the furniture has magically appeared out of nowhere next to the shoe.


The Meaning of Life mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the doctor on the right walks in the operating room he puts a glove on. A shot later it's off and he's putting it again.


26th Jun 2013

Ghostbusters (1984)

Back to the Future Part III mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Marty pours the wake-up juice through the funnel into Doc's mouth, in the close-up the funnel is straight, but we can't see Doc. From a different angle where we do see the funnel stuck in his mouth, check the right side of the screen: The funnel is actually skewed (and seemingly it must have a tap) and the liquid is falling out in large amounts to prevent the actor from drinking it. (01:20:04)


Back to the Future Part III mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Clara horseback rides towards the train, when she reaches for the handlebar she is replaced by a very obvious stuntwoman who looks nothing like her.


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