Sex and the City

Sex and the City (1998)

117 mistakes in season 1

(23 votes)

Sex and the City mistake picture

Secret sex - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: Samantha and Carrie are hanging Carrie's poster in her apartment. In one shot, the whole poster is pinned to the wall and in the next shot, the bottom left part of the poster is curling up. After another shot of Samantha, the poster is pinned perfectly to the wall again.

Sex and the city - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: When Carrie bumps into Mr. Big and her purse falls, watch the people in the background carefully. Many of them are watching the couple talk and interact with each other. On a busy New York street nobody is going to pay attention to two people having a conversation. Apparently all these people were watching the shooting of the scene.

Secret sex - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: Carrie and her friends are in the City, waiting for the bus with her photo on it to drive by. When it does, there is a shocking hand-drawn image of a sexual nature near her head on the poster. In the next shot of this image, which is more of a close-up; it's a different drawing. Very similar, but obviously not the same drawing as shown the first time. (00:19:00)

The power of female sex - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: Carrie is in the hotel bed from her night with the French Architect, who is just leaving for the Airport. There is a shot of the small table by the bed, with the phone sitting on it. You cannot see any envelope at all resting against the phone, or visible at all. But with the next close-up, suddenly there is a large business-size envelope with her name on it resting prominently against the front of the phone. This envelope was not there previously. (00:14:45)

Models and mortals - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Carrie arrives backstage at the fashion show, she's wearing a black dress with a long jewelled necklace that is wrapped once around her neck and hanging down on both sides of her chest, like a scarf. When the fashion show starts, the necklace strands are tied together in a big knot/wrapped around her neck more. Then, when she's about to get in a cab home, they are untied/hanging down again.

Sex and the City mistake picture

The power of female sex - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: After Amelita buys Carrie the shoes and Carrie turns to walk out, Amelita is standing right behind her still talking yet when the shot changes to Carrie walking out the door, although we can still hear Amelita chattering, she's no longer standing there or anywhere in sight.

Sex and the City mistake picture

Valley of the twenty-something guys - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: During the scene when Carrie and Sam are in the changing booth at the clothing store, Carrie starts helping Sam take his shirt off. She pulls the outer plaid shirt down quite a bit, revealing his white undershirt. But in the next shot of him, Sam suddenly has the plaid shirt back up around his neck. Then in his next shot, it's back down and the white undershirt is showing again.

Models and mortals - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Big arrives at the party Carrie is eating a snack, with a remaining one on her hand. Big sees her and she's eating another snack, which leaves her with zero food. Half a second later there's a wide shot and not only is she not chewing the previous bite, but 2 snacks have suddenly appeared on her hand.


Sex and the City mistake picture

Models and mortals - S1-E2

Visible crew/equipment: When Stanford and Carrie walk backstage with the models, check the reflection on the glass and you'll see: the boom mic operator, camera and, best of all, a group of technicians crouching on the floor, failing to hide and moving around when Carrie and Stanford walk around.


Samantha: There isn't enough wall space in New York City to hang all of my exes. Let me tell you, a lot of them were hung.

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Twenty-something girls vs. thirty-something women - S2-E17

Question: I have a somewhat odd question for everyone that watches Sex and the city. I got into the show about 2 or 3 years after it started running but I remember watching the episode "Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women" which was the episode about Carrie and the girls going to the Hamptons and renting a house. Charlotte dates a younger guy that gives her crabs. There is commentary about comparing 20 year girls to 30 year old women and when I watched this episode originally I swear there was a different ending then what is what is shown now. I want to know if anyone else has seen this or am I absolutely insane. In the episode there is a girl that pukes on the beach - her friend holds her hair back and Carrie makes a commentary about "counting on 20 year old girls to hold your hair back." Later when Carrie sees Big with Natasha she runs to the beach and Miranda runs after her. Carrie throws up because she is upset and Miranda holds her hair back, but the version I saw changes the commentary/narration and says that you can "always count on a 30 something year old friend to hold your hair back." I haven't seen that version again. Has anyone else seen it or did I just dream this, because I swear I remember watching this when it first came out?

Weeny Post

Answer: I'm a long-time fan of the show, having re-watched it many times, and I definitely remember slightly different dialogue at the end of that episode than what's on my DVD. I'm afraid I have no idea why this change might have been made or any other info, but you're not insane.


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