
Continuity mistake: When Michelangelo's horse is about to stop galloping, the wide shot shows his right hand lowered and his body bent downwards, but in the close-up his hand is raised. This swaps back and forth. Seemingly, the wide shots were of a puppet of some sort used for security reasons.


Continuity mistake: When the soldiers smash April's Walkman, pieces get scattered all over the place. In the close-up they're very close together.


Continuity mistake: The pattern of the fabric below the sceptre changes between the first and second shot. (00:09:41 - 00:10:07)


Continuity mistake: When the scroll falls downwards, it is smooth, but from the immediate next angle it's got a big wrinkle. (00:09:54)


Continuity mistake: At Norinaga castle, Kenshin walks towards the Lord and kneels down. The number of people around them change between shots. Also, the horse on the far right that started walking away is suddenly next to the soldier.


Continuity mistake: When the turtles jump over the table, the tablecloth suddenly becomes way shorter between shots. (00:04:01)


21st Sep 2020

Knight & Day (2010)

Continuity mistake: On the island, June's strap goes under the collar of her shirt, but a shot later it's on top of the collar. (00:52:21)


21st Sep 2020

Knight & Day (2010)

Knight & Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Naomi asks "What's your price?" her hand swaps from being away from her face to being over Roy's hand-.


21st Sep 2020

Knight & Day (2010)

Knight & Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Roy has dinner with Naomi. She bends her hand backwards, then shot changes, and she caresses his face. Shot changes again and her hand is suddenly bent backwards. Like it was in the first shot. (01:07:31)


21st Sep 2020

Knight & Day (2010)

Knight & Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the little kid hands Roy his sunglasses, the way he holds them changes between the first and second shot. (00:26:28)


21st Sep 2020

Knight & Day (2010)

Knight & Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Roy places the Hall & Oates button on Simon's shirt, right on top of a stripe. A shot later the button is below the stripe. His hands also change position / repeat the actions.


21st Sep 2020

Knight & Day (2010)

Knight & Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When June bumps into Roy for the second time, a magazine falls on the floor. When the CCTV scene is played, the magazine is gone and it has been replaced with two leaflets.


21st Sep 2020

Knight & Day (2010)

Never Say Never Again mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Domino grabs the pendant with her hand positioned sideways. In the close-up, the palm of her hand is face up. Then it swaps to the previous position.


Never Say Never Again mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Nigel falls in the water, his hairstyle changes between shots. Sure there's a two seconds shot in between, but that would mean that Nigel had that short lapse to let go his suitcase, bend his head backwards, comb his hair and grab onto his suitcase again... Impossible.


Continuity mistake: When Bond exits the tunnel 2 workmen gather on the right side. A shot later one of them is now on the opposite side.


Continuity mistake: During the massage, Bond and Domino talk about Mr. Largo. Behind them is a woman who stands up and leaves, leaving the place empty. Shot changes and the place is suddenly packed with women. (01:02:07)


Continuity mistake: When Bond is about to massage Domino he says he's never seen her before. Both of her arms are extended and fall down over the stretcher, but when the shot changes the left arm is bent below her head.


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