
2nd Jun 2024

Airport '77 (1977)

Continuity mistake: At the airport newsstand, when the pilot and the bad guy swap suitcases, the bad guy closes his magazine. A shot later, it's open and he closes it again.


1st Jun 2024

Avalanche (1978)

Avalanche mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the avalanche crashes against the cafeteria building, there's a man next to the windows wearing a white shirt. When the shot changes, he's got a brown jacket.


31st May 2024

Avalanche (1978)

Continuity mistake: When the last skier is picking up speed, there's a close-up of the people on the bleachers staring at the sky and moving their heads along. However, he doesn't jump until several seconds later.


31st May 2024

Avalanche (1978)

Avalanche mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The editing of the ski jumping competition is a disaster movie in itself: first we see #35 jumping and wearing a helmet while wearing a red and blue suit. Then comes #6, who starts to ski wearing a helmet and a marine blue suit, but when he jumps it's skier #35 again but now his helmet is gone. Now comes a new skier, #26, wearing a dark blue suit. When he picks up speed he is suddenly no-helmet #35 and -drumroll - when he jumps he's now yet a new skier, #27.


31st May 2024

Avalanche (1978)

Avalanche mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When David arrives to save Caroline who's hanging off the broken bridge railing, in the wide angles her feet are dangling and her arms are stretched, while she is struggling for her life. However when David looks at her, her arms and legs are bent and she seems to be safely sitting. Seemingly some sort of safety chair.


31st May 2024

Avalanche (1978)

Avalanche mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the kid jumps, when his dad is about to jump, he is holding the chairlift's iron bar, but in the immediate close-up he is holding the upper cable.


31st May 2024

Avalanche (1978)

Continuity mistake: When Tina is in her room and the whole place starts to shake, there's a close-up of the stuff on her night table moving. A shot later, the stuff is back to where it was before the avalanche, all neatly set.


31st May 2024

Avalanche (1978)

Continuity mistake: When the old lady hands David her birthday cake, her hands are either on top of the table or away, depending on the shot.


31st May 2024

Avalanche (1978)

Continuity mistake: Before David and Nick sit by the counter, a waitress rushes by. Several seconds later, they stand up and the waitress is now behind them, walking hurriedly again.


29th May 2024

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jaime and Aurelia are in the lake, after she warns about the eels, Jaime's hairstyle changes between one frame and another.


28th May 2024

The Klansman (1974)

Continuity mistake: When Breck is in bed with his lover, her hand is on the duvet. A shot later it's on the sheets. (00:20:31)


28th May 2024

The Klansman (1974)

Continuity mistake: During the fight with Breck, Butt falls inside the ladies' room with both feet inside the place. A shot later, they're outside.


25th May 2024

Live and Let Die (1973)

Continuity mistake: At the UN, when the UK diplomat collapses, his arm lies next to a red notebook. A shot later, it's on top of it.


Continuity mistake: When the cops make a U-turn to chase Bond in Las Vegas, the number of bystanders on both curbs decreases noticeably between the close-up and wide shots.


Continuity mistake: When Bond exits the Las Vegas airport, there is a woman in orange surrounded by cabin crew and a parked taxi next to them. A split second later, it's just her alone and the taxi is away, now driving towards her. (00:52:10)


Diamonds Are Forever mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond raises the man in the mud's head, the mud is smooth. From an immediate new angle, it's rugged.


23rd May 2024

Dr. No (1962)

Continuity mistake: During the dirt road chase, Bond's car is pale blue in color in the wide shots but dark blue in the close-ups, where a rear projection is used. Also, the wipers swap between being fully lowered and slightly covering the windshield. A different car was obviously used.


22nd May 2024

Dr. No (1962)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bond grabs the golf club that Trench is holding and retrieves it towards him. A split second later, from the opposite angle, his hand is away and she's still holding the club firmly.


22nd May 2024

Dr. No (1962)

Continuity mistake: After Bond guns the professor, he puts the light switch on the table above some cards. The amount of cards and their position to the edge of the table changes between shots.


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