
18th Sep 2019

Overboard (2018)

Corrected entry: Why the would cleaning company hold Kate responsible for her equipment? Surely they'd have listened to her story and sent Leonardo the bill since he threw it overboard.


Correction: This is a question, not a plot hole. The company may have loaned the employees the equipment under contract that employees are responsible for any damage or loss. In which case, they can go after the employee (which is much easier for a few reasons). It would then be up to Kate to go after Leo for any costs she sustained because of his actions. She may also have been an independent contractor and bought the equipment, in which case, she would be the party responsible for going after Leo.


12th Sep 2019

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

Corrected entry: Jason looks different here. This takes place after Jason Goes To Hell where he had bloodied hot pink skin, silver welded on hockey mask, dark blue boiler suit. Yet here he's wearing tattered clothes with black gloves, the original looking hockey mask, and is black skinned just like he was in Friday Part 6.


Correction: I think this mistake is dubious at best. The canon of the "Friday the 13th" series is already pretty sloppy with the films contradicting one-another, and this film indeed also contain ideas and notions that contradict both franchises. (Not the least of which being that Jason was literally dragged all the way to hell at the end of "Jason Goes to Hell", but is merely "asleep" just beneath the ground at the beginning of this film.) I don't think it's a stretch to say this film is more of an "alternate universe/what if?" situation, and not really a direct sequel to "Jason Goes to Hell" and "Freddy's Dead," and thus minor cosmetic differences shouldn't really be considered mistakes.


Ah yes, couldn't really put it better myself.

Quantom X

Head - S5-E25

Corrected entry: Stabler slams a female suspect into the barred window which leads to her having a potentially life ending seizure. If he's had problems like this before, it's been mentioned, then this should've gotten him suspended or fired.


Correction: Plenty of cops have done worse and kept their jobs.


30th Aug 2019

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: Doc Ock robs a bank to get funds to rebuild his machine. He seems to take only three or four bank bags, which, given the size of the machine, doesn't seem like enough to buy all the parts to rebuild it.


Correction: Let's say it wasn't enough, perhaps because Spider-Man intervening prevented him from taking more. He could have robbed another bank or an armored truck offscreen. Showing that, however, would just drag the movie down. Since he has all the equipment he needs, we have to accept that he acquired enough money to pay for it all.


Correction: Just because it "doesn't seem" like enough doesn't make it a plot hole.

Yeah you don't really know what is inside and what seems to be inside are golden coins which are probably worth quite a lot more than bank notes would. There could even be jewellry inside.


29th Aug 2019

Clue (1985)

Corrected entry: Yvette the maid is French but when she sneaks into the Billiard Room and is speaking with her killer her French accent briefly disappears.


Correction: This is not a mistake. It is a plot point. She is not the maid. She is working undercover for the killer.

That only works in continuity with the first ending we are shown. For the other two endings, it is still an error.

Corrected entry: Given that the Foot were watching Professor Perry carefully it's highly impossible he could've changed the mutagen up to ensure low intelligence for Tokka and Rahzar without them noticing.


Correction: How so? Even if they were watching every move he made with a microscope, it's not like they would have the knowledge to understand what he's doing to the formula at any given time. If you don't understand computers, and you watch someone working on a program, you'd have no idea if they are coding a word document to have new fonts or making a virus to fry your computer.

Quantom X

29th Aug 2019

Wonder Woman (1976)

Show generally

Corrected entry: It's too ridiculous that nobody, not even Steve Trevor, could recognize Diana Prince as Wonder Woman given they have the same build, sound the same, are never together and she wears those silly glasses.


Correction: The inability to see the resemblance is just a common theme and suspension of disbelief in the such TV shows and movies, so while obviously stupid, really doesn't count as a stupidity as used here (though maybe under common mistakes). Who can't see that Christopher Reeves Clark Kent is also Superman? Or Adam West Bruce Wayne with ward is also Batman and Robin? Or Melissa Benoist Kara Danvers is also Supergirl?


Corrected entry: The previous movie saw Shredder have a lot of Foot ninjas, maybe over a 100 or more. Here it seems to have shrunk to maybe only a dozen such as having only one helping Karai guard the teleportation device.


Correction: And how exactly is this a mistake? He was defeated at the end of the first film and his organization taken down. Not hard to believe that most of the Foot were taken out or arrested and this is just what he has left, or are new recruits.

Quantom X

When? Like most of those Foot the Turtles encountered at Sachs Tower stayed there to be arrested? They weren't locked in by the Turtles.


Even if not all arrested, this is the clan we are talking about. This incarnation of the Foot Clan doesn't exactly work on the honor system. Their leader was gone. This would leave a power vacuum in the ranks. And in fear for themselves, perhaps most of the clan moved on and fled. Many possibilities for this.

Quantom X

Corrected entry: The Lizard finds Peter's camera in the sewer with his name on it but no address or anything. Yet he knows where to find him later for their fight in Midtown High. (00:42:00)


Correction: It's not hard to find someone's address. And Dr. Conner was friends and partners with Peter's parents, and knows Peter's aunt and uncle.

Quantom X

Correction: Kurt worked with Peter and Peter's girlfriend interns with him. It's hardly shocking that he might know where he lives and what school he attends.

27th Aug 2019

Batman Forever (1995)

Corrected entry: Batman convinces Robin not to kill Two Face, but when he throws those duplicate coins later he knew Two Face would try to catch his and fall to his death. (00:56:55)


Correction: Batman convinced Robin not to kill out of revenge to prevent him going down a dark path. This was a situation in which he allowed Two-Face's own compulsions to lead to his death and, as a result, save the lives of others.

Correction: Since this is technically the same Batman that was also played by Michael Keaton in the Tim Burton films, Batman has already killed people before. He knows the heavy price that comes with it, which is why he wants to spare Robin from it.


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