
1st Aug 2004

Cobra (1986)

Other mistake: In the scene where Stallone is at the shooting range, after he leaves the morgue, when he pulls out his gun, you can see a target's reflection in a glass pane in front of Stallone. He points the gun at the target and shoots, but the glass is in the way.

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Suggested correction: There's no glass in front of him. The glass you're referring to is part of the partitions on the sides. You can see the first one when he and Gonzales walk in and Gonzales is asking what they can do. The reflection is in the 2nd partition that is to Cobra's left. The camera angle just makes it look like it could be in front of him.


28th Feb 2007

Hey Arnold! (1996)

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Suggested correction: I don't believe it is ever established whether Arnold is left or right-handed in the series. Without confirmation; he may very well be part of the ambidextrous population that uses both. I used to write with both hands myself in school.

Except the mistake is saying he switches hands in between shots during the test. Not that one episode he's left handed and the next he's right handed. Yes, the teacher was shown for about 1-2 seconds before the switch happened. But these mistakes should be considered valid as an actual mistake in animation rather than to suggest to the audience that for no reason whatsoever, Arnold switches hands to finish the test, and only does so when not seen.


I'm ambidextrous myself, and I often switched hands when taking tests. It was very useful for preventing hand cramps. It only takes a couple of seconds to switch the pencil to the other hand, so I don't see why Arnold can't do it within that span of time too.

I do believe he is ambidextrous. In "The longest Monday" he is using chop sticks with his right hand. Many other episodes he uses his left hand to write.

26th Feb 2023

We're the Millers (2013)

Corrected entry: Brad says he'll pay David $100K for the job but they say $500K when discussing how much they'll each receive outside the RV. (00:12:50 - 01:26:34)

Correction: Then you missed the scene where David calls Brad outside the hospital and asks for "hazard pay" and asks for $500K, which Brad agrees to.


Wow looks like I missed that one. Thanks for catching it.

Corrected entry: When Maureen came out of the house she was humming the song "Danny Boy" That song wasn't written until 1913.

Correction: "Danny Boy" was written in 1910. In 1913 the song was set to the tune of "Londonderry Air." Maureen was humming "Londonderry Air", which was published in 1855.


Other mistake: The first time Kit is up to bat in the opening, she gets two strikes but holds on the third. Which is technically a ball that should have saved her. Yet gets called on a third strike.


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Suggested correction: The 3rd pitch wasn't technically a ball. It was called a strike by the ump, so it was technically a strike. Not to mention it was down the middle and not even a missed call.


Guess the rules differed then for baseball, because technically Kit did a ball NOT a strike. Which I realise the ump or ref could have called either way. But fairly should have been a legal ball. And just because an ump or ref calls something, doesn't make it bank nor fair. They've made calls in games before, that were not what they claim. And her bat barely moved an inch. So, yes, it should have been a ball.


Balls and strikes do not depend on if the batter swings at the ball, it depends on where the baseball crosses home plate. The pitch Kit did not swing at was in what is known as the "strike zone" meaning whether she swung or not, it was technically a strike.

I'm just curious what makes you think it was a ball?


11th Jun 2003

Scream 3 (2000)

Other mistake: On the back cover of Scream 3 in the Scream trilogy on DVD, the town of the original killings is referred to as Greensboro twice. The correct name of the town is Woodsboro, of course.

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Suggested correction: I'm not "correcting" this per se, but I'm wondering if there should be either a separate type of mistake for things like DVD/Blu-Ray cases or posters (Ex. "Multimedia and Marketing Mistakes" or something like that), or if these things would be better classified as trivia? Especially since it's not something everyone can necessarily observe watching the movie itself. (Ex. My Blu-Ray and 4K releases don't have this mistake.) If not, feel free to downvote/delete this. I've just seen a few of these mistakes over the years here, and it always seems a little off to me since it's not something wrong with the film itself.


I agree these aren't valid movie mistake if the studio wasn't involved in the mistake. It could be trivia if only certain home releases had them. These mistakes are like when episodes are aired out of order creating continuity issues,, streaming services make changes, or closed captioning (not subtitles) gets something wrong. It can't be considered a mistake of the film or TV series.


It's tricky - largely, if I'm honest, because adding new types to the site is incredibly fiddly. :-) There's also room for endless debate about what's a "mistake", whether it's about assigning specific blame or just looking for interesting stuff. Likewise things that can only be seen in slow motion, which arguably warrant a category to themselves because there are plenty of them, but then the "mistakes" section gets cluttered. Becomes a user interface issue as much as anything! Will think.

Jon Sandys

I'm not disagreeing with this post, it's the only way I can reply. But yes, for the first run of the VHS and the DVD of Scream 3, there is that typo on the back cover. Now knowing that, is that version worth more money?

Probably not, the chances of there being a collector's market for it is slim.


While misprints can sometimes add to something's value, I don't think this would necessarily make this release more valuable. Perhaps the VHS version just because there is something of a collector's market for VHS tapes now. But the movies have been released on DVD, Blu-Ray and 4K so many times, I don't see the DVD version being worth significantly more. (Unless you find a really weird collector who would specifically want THAT version.)


Yes, there is that typo. They were the first run of the VHS.

I didn't say there wasn't a typo. I was questioning whether a typo on the cover would technically qualify as a movie mistake, since it's not part of the actual film.


6th May 2013

Oblivion (2013)

Factual error: When Jack retreats to the cabin for the first time in the film, he puts a Led Zeppelin record - Led Zeppelin II - and plays the first song on that side of the record, which turns out to be 'Ramble On'. Any Zeppelin fan would know that 'Ramble On' is song number 7 on side B, therefore the needle should have been placed somewhere in the middle of the disc. The first song on that side of the album would be Heartbreaker. (00:33:55)

Allister Cooper, 2011

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Suggested correction: Not "any Zeppelin fan" would know this, only those that know the song order on this album.

This isn't a valid correction. You're just nitpicking at the wording of what a Zeppelin fan would know.


22nd Feb 2023

The Brady Bunch (1969)

The Dropout - S2-E1

Character mistake: When Greg was in his room talking to his parents, he said that Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra never went to college. Joe DiMaggio attended Yale University, Mickey Mantle attended the University of Oklahoma and Yogi Berra attended Montclair State University.

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Suggested correction: DiMaggio dropped out of high school and worked odd jobs before playing semi-pro ball. His son, Joe DiMaggio Jr attended Yale for one year. Mantle was offered a scholarship to Oklahoma to play football, but he never went. He started playing semi-pro ball at the age of 17. Berra dropped out of school after the 8th grade and then signed with the Yankees when he was 18 (but served in the military before playing). Montclair State University gave Berra an honorary degree in 1996.


Other mistake: When Cinna is attacked before Katniss is lifted into the arena, she screams out "Peeta!" two separate times, instead of "Cinna!"

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Suggested correction: No, she says "Cinna", I can hear it.


Suggested correction: If you listen carefully it is Cinna she screams.


14th Dec 2015

Home Alone (1990)

Continuity mistake: When Kevin is hiding in the nativity set, you can see him on the right, just covered in the green robe. When it changes to the close up shot, he's now holding a shepherd's staff, which would have been visible in the previous shot.


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Suggested correction: There is a staff but it's hard to see. If you squint a little, you will see it.


Then you're seeing something else because it would be easy to spot and there's nothing there.


Kevin is definitely holding the staff in all shots, you can see the curved head of the staff against the background.

17th Feb 2023

Shutter (2008)

Other mistake: In the beginning of the movie, they're driving a red car and they crash. Then the police come and they drive away in a black car. There was no scene with a visible towing truck or anything. Did they forget to include them switching the cars or did they make an error of switching the car from red to black?

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Suggested correction: You literally see the red car on a flatbed being towed away. When the shot changes from Jane in the Jeep to the wide shot of the street, the tow truck is pulling away on the right side of the screen.


Character mistake: After Fleming has murdered his wife, he warns his girlfriend not to touch anything in the apartment, but he hands her a drink which he already prepared for her. At his direction she also makes a telephone call, holding the receiver with a cloth he hands her, but dialling the number with her bare fingers. On top of that, he hands her a pair of gloves after she has made the call - she would have touched or handled all sorts of things in the room by then. Why didn't he hand her the gloves as soon as she stepped in the room?

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Suggested correction: This is a subtle hint that Fleming is preparing to frame his girlfriend for the murder. He would admit to having an affair with her (not a crime) but is going to deny any involvement in his wife's murder. (SPOLER ALERT!) Later he makes it clear that his girlfriend meant nothing to him and he didn't care that she had committed suicide (or so he thought).

Nowhere in the episode is this sub-plot explored or even mentioned.

Not only that, but the idea he was going to subtly frame his girlfriend doesn't make sense because he used her to establish his alibi. He tried to make it look like she was killed by an random intruder.


12th Feb 2023

Lucifer (2015)

Sweet Kicks - S1-E5

Character mistake: Benny tells Lucifer he's an ex-marine. I beleive it's the case that US Marines never refer to themselves as an ex-marine, with the quote often used as being "once a marine, always a marine" (00:09:20)


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Suggested correction: First off, it was Hector who said he was an ex-Marine, not Benny. But just because someone goes against the cultural norm doesn't make it a mistake. There are a lot of Marines who refer to themselves as former or ex - Marines for various reasons.


29th Jun 2008

Tommy Boy (1995)

Corrected entry: When Tommy Boy is on the phone with Michelle, Michelle says that his dad has never sold 1,000 brake pads in Oshkosh. Big Tom could have never sold that much because he died before they started to sell the brake pads.

richard dryja

Correction: So, there's no mistake then. If Big Tom had sold 1,000 brake pads in Oshkosh before they started selling them, there would be a mistake. But in this instance, Michelle is just stating the obvious in an effort to encourage Tommy.

Correction: It should also be noted the bank loan was to build a new brake pad division and the these were new and revolutionary brake pads. The company always sold brake pads. Big Tom gives Tommy a whole catalog labelled "Brake Pads" to look over, indicating the sale a wide variety of them and at the meeting after Big Tom's death, Tommy says Richard knows more about brake pads than anyone in the room. Again, indicating they've sold brake pads when Big Tom was alive.


7th Feb 2023

The Terminator (1984)

Corrected entry: Reese relays a message to Connor from her son, supposedly verbatim - Reese says John made him memorize it: Thank you, Sarah, for your courage..." John wanted Reese to give the message verbatim - that's why he made Reese memorize it - so John would have said, "Thank you, mom", not "Sarah."


Correction: Not necessarily. He was an adult, in a ravaged future with the survival of the human species at stake. It's not improbable that he used the more formal/cold "Sarah", rather than "Mom."


Correction: This is an assumption of how a character should act and not a mistake. Not all people address their mother as "mom." Many address them by their name. I personally have used my parents' names when talking about them to another person. Not to mention Sarah had raised John to be a warrior and the resistance leader, which could have changed the mother/son relationship.


7th Jun 2017

NewsRadio (1995)

Presence - S2-E19

Character mistake: When talking about poker Jimmy asks Dave "What are the chances of getting five of a kind of the same suit?" The most you can get is four of a kind and they would be all different suits.


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Suggested correction: Jimmy says "in the same suit" which is slightly different than "of the same suit." It was just a weird way of saying the odds of getting a flush. Lisa replies with 504.8 (the odds of getting a flush). In poker lingo, 3 or 4 of a kind is taken to mean same value since 3 or 4 cards in the same suit isn't anything.


Suggested correction: Five of a kind is possible when using one or more wild cards, such as Jokers.

3rd Feb 2023

The Hangover (2009)

Corrected entry: When the guys are in the police station Phil calls Tracy to tell her they got comped an extra night at the hotel but it's never explained how they actually managed to get the room for another night. They're never kicked out and housekeeping never comes to clean the room. So how did they manage to stay another night if they didn't pay for it?


Correction: Your mistake contradicts itself. You ask how they managed to stay another night if they didn't pay for it but you already acknowledge they got comped an extra night. "Comped" means the hotel gave them a an extra night for free.


27th Aug 2001

Valentine (2001)

Corrected entry: In the beginning, Katherine Heigl is working on a cadaver and has surgical gloves on. When she thinks someone is after her, in the close up of her squeezing the surgical knife, the gloves are gone.

Correction: When she has both gloves on and hears something, she takes both gloves off. When she returns to the cadaver, she only puts one glove back on and it remains that way until end of the scene.

I agree, there is no mistake in the scene. Either the person didn't recognize the glove was on or missed her switching the scalpel to the non-gloved hand. Incidentally, this mistake is listed on IMDB and was possibly copied from there without verifying the scene.



With or Without You - S8-E6

Character mistake: When Sav asks Ali if she wants people to think she's not good enough for their family, Ali accidentally calls Sav "Ray" when she responds: "Yes, Ray, that's exactly what I want." Raymond "Ray" Ablack is the name of the actor who plays Sav. (00:17:31)


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Suggested correction: Actually she says: "Yes. Right, that's exactly what I want." Not "yes Ray."

I know the subtitle says "right", but I hear "Ray" as well. Plus, it fits better in the line for her to use someone's name. Usually when someone is sarcastically agreeing they'll say "yeah, right" or "yes, [person's name]."


Yeah, it doesn't really make sense for her to say, "Yes, right" like that, and neither the intonation of her voice nor movement of her mouth match it either. The subtitles most likely said "right" to cover up the mistake.


25th Jan 2023

Night Court (1984)

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Suggested correction: That's because the episodes were aired out of order and not a mistake in the show. Episode 14 (production code 18741) was produced before episode 13 (production code 18744).


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