
13th Sep 2021

London Has Fallen (2016)

Character mistake: When the Vice President has worked out Banning's signal he says "All right Manning" instead of Banning. (00:48:50)


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Suggested correction: I hear him say "Banning."


Continuity mistake: When Ms. Heller is talking to the tour guide at the museum, she offers her a $5 bill to take the tour twice. How the bill is folded and held changes. When Ms. Heller says do the tour twice it's pinched between her fingers, then it's folded in half. It keeps switching between folds. (00:35:19)

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Suggested correction: I didn't see it folded at all. The "other half" or part of the $5 bill that you can't see is actually squished/crumbled in the palm of Heller's hand.


The mistake is partially valid, its position changes. You seem to be talking about when she has the $5 and camera in her hand. When she says do the tour twice, it's pinched between her fingers, then in the next shot, it's folded in half, then she's pinching the end and the other end is unfolded, then back to folded in half.


Regarding the "folded in half" - the $5 bill is folded, but VERTICALLY. The differences that are shown appear to be deliberate SLEIGHT OF HAND. Heller is flashing the whole $5 bill at first, then crumbles it (symbolizing it "going away"). By having the $5 folded vertically, Heller was able to quickly fan out the left side (part equivalent to a flat $5 bill), then hold the $5 to resemble a bow tie. Folded vertically, the $5 bill could be manipulated to look different and more or less appealing.


She never crumbles the $5 bill during the part the mistake occurs. The way she's holding the bill changes between shots, meaning no time elapses, so there can be no deliberate sleight of hand.


Or would that be HORIZONTALLY? The $5 bill is folded to be long, not short, if this clarifies what I'm trying to say.


10th Sep 2021

The Serpent (2021)

Episode #1.1 - S1-E1

Factual error: When talking on the balcony about the jewels he just sold. Sobhraj states for an ounce they could be sold for 15,000 Euros. Obviously Euros as a currency didn't exist in the 70's. (00:35:26)

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Suggested correction: He doesn't say "euros", he says "guilders." Guilder was the Dutch currency used in the Netherlands at the time.


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Suggested correction: Decades ago (including the 1980s when this show aired), credit cards were sometimes sent to almost anyone - or "anything", such as a family's dog. People used to joke about actually getting a credit card for their cats, dogs, infant children, etc. Credit card representatives also went on campuses to lure "unemployed" students into getting credit cards by offering a free gift. They hoped college students would buy what they wanted or needed and parents would bail them out (pay the bills).


Suggested correction: It should be pointed out that credit card companies, especially in the past, do send out random cards (and offers). They buy customer information from stores from various sources, like warranty cards. People who have received credit cards for their pets (which has happened) have often filled out warranty cards with their pets' name but the rest of the information is the person's.


And some of the "less than honest" recipients of unsolicited credit cards were able to use the cards practically immediately, so went on shopping sprees and charged thousands of dollars for whatever they wanted with no intention of paying or being identified. And not all college students had parents that would bail them out, resulting in huge losses. It took a while, but the credit card companies learned from their mistakes and made drastic changes to avoid getting ripped-off in the future.


31st Aug 2021

Law & Order (1990)

Absentia - S13-E13

Corrected entry: When Levi March's wife makes it clear that she will testify against him his lawyer protests that she cannot so do under spousal privilege. He should know better. Spousal privilege protects a wife from being compelled to give evidence against her husband (and vice versa). It does not prevent her from volunteering to do so, which is the case here.

Correction: That is incorrect. In New York, the martial communications privilege is codified at CPLR ยง4502 (b), which states: "A husband or wife shall not be required, or, without consent of the other if living, allowed, to disclose a confidential communication made by one to the other during marriage."


There's almost always exceptions to the rules, and the statute applies to "confidential communication." You would have to know the nature of her testimony to ascertain if the privilege will or will not protect him. (I'm not familiar with this episode, so do not know what the case is about - maybe someone could add some details about the case and nature of her testimony?).


While there are exceptions, the episode didn't spend time on her testimony since Levi takes a plea. But the correction is valid because the lawyer's objection is valid, so there is no mistake. Yes, counsel would have to discuss the situation and have the judge make a decision, but the mistake is saying a lawyer would never say the wife couldn't be compelled to testify, which is wrong.


I might not be understanding something and/or don't have enough information to ascertain if the privilege is relevant. A spouse cannot be COMPELLED to testify about confidential communication and the husband can exert the privilege even if the wife wants to volunteer information. Beyond these basic rules, more information is needed.


Actually, if we presume the lawyer was correct when he said spousal privilege applied, there is NO "factual error." The "factual error", as written, is using EXCEPTIONS to support its assertion, but there is no reason to believe exceptions are applicable. (I think I get it!). I think your wording is "off": "the mistake is saying a lawyer would never say the wife couldn't be compelled to testify, which is wrong." A lawyer would say a wife couldn't be compelled to testify, which is correct. (?).


You're overthinking it. You were correct when you said a wife cannot be compelled to testify... Which is why the mistake is wrong.


Maybe... but the last part " which is the case here" leads me to question if the person posting the error knows there was an exception because the testimony wasn't going to be about confidential information (private between spouses).


Since the person posting the "factual error" did not specify what the actual case is, there is enough doubt among others to dispute the "factual error" (as presented).


6th Sep 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Bad Guys - S10-E16

Character mistake: At the end, Vala and Mitchell establish a wormhole and let Teal'c and Jackson know. Almost a minute passes before Teal'c and Jackson get back to the gate and Jackson yells "run" because they need to get through the gate right away. Obviously they're detained, but after being let go, Mitchell says they're sending the iris code now. This is something that should have been done sooner, especially after hearing gunfire, so they could be ready to go through when Teal'c and Jackson arrived.


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Suggested correction: OR... after hearing the gunfire maybe it was smarter to wait until they verified that it was Teal'c and Jackson who prevailed. Otherwise, they risked leaving the gate open to a hostile force.

Perhaps they waited, but they still would have sent it when they saw them, which the didn't. And they've never waited like that before.


6th Sep 2021

Red Dragon (2002)

Corrected entry: Reba opens the door for Francis, but calls him "Ralph". (01:46:05)

Correction: Reba is blind and didn't know it was Francis at the door. Ralph just dropped her off, and she thought it was him.


6th Sep 2021

Gilmore Girls (2000)

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Suggested correction: She calls her "sweetie."


6th Sep 2021

Bob's Burgers (2011)

Correction: They say "bat mitzvah" several times throughout the episode, never "bar mitzvah" (with the exception of a play on words when it's referred to as a "brat" mitzvah).


6th Sep 2021

M*A*S*H (1970)

Factual error: The goal posts in the fifties were at the goal line, in the movie they are in back of the end zone.

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Suggested correction: The goalposts were at the back of the end zone for college football since the 20's. It was only the NFL that had the goal posts on the goal line, so the scene is accurate since it wasn't an NFL game. It should be noted too that the NFL didn't move the goalpost to the back of the end zone until 1974, 4 years after the movie came out.


6th Sep 2021

The Karate Kid (1984)

Other mistake: In the semi final match between Johnny and Duval his name is listed behind them on the board as Vidal. But you can hear him being announced as Duval.

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Suggested correction: He doesn't say "Duval", he says "Darryl Vidal." While the character isn't listed by name in the credits, only listed as "Karate Semi-finalist", he was in fact played by Darryl Vidal, who was an actual black belt at the time of the movie.


Corrected entry: On the hanging bridge, when they were running away from the mandrills, Martha shows her tattoo and reveals that she only has one life left. However, later on, despite having only one life left, she still re-spawns after being bitten by a venomous snake.

Correction: You're mixing up the movies. Martha intentionally has herself bitten by the venomous snake at the end of the first film, "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle." The mandrill scene takes place in the sequel and she's not bitten at the end of this movie.


Corrected entry: In the final escape scene on top of Mt Rushmore 3 of the Presidents are shown, but in the wrong order. They are shown in the movie, left to right, Washington, Roosevelt and then Jefferson. On Mt Rushmore in real life, left to right, it's Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln.

Correction: I watched the scene and never saw them out of order. Before they climb down, we see Mt Rushmore in full and the order is correct. They even climb down between Washington and Jefferson.


6th Sep 2021

A Goofy Movie (1995)

Corrected entry: As Goofy and Max leave for their road trip, Max says "Goodbye hopes, Goodbye dreams, Goodbye Roxanne." Max 'pops' into a realization key pose, without any 'in-betweening' at all.


Correction: After he says "Roxanne" the first time, we see him pop his head up before he says her name again.


6th Sep 2021

Apocalypto (2006)

Corrected entry: The Mayan empire and civilization was abandoned by 900 AD, 600 years before the Spanish ships would have been seen.

Correction: There have been several different periods in Mayan civilization, but they were still around when the Spanish arrived. The collapse of the Classic Period did happen around 900-910 AD, but was followed by the Postclassic Period and the Mayans were still around at the time of Spanish contact with the last independent Mayan city falling around 1697.


Correction: It should also be pointed out that Bowman didn't murder the lady for her jewelry. While his motives were unknown (and irrelevant), he simply used the jewelry to frame Walker.


Correction: A plot hole is when there is a logical inconsistency that benefits a story despite not making any sense. A reason not being given for a character's actions is not a plot hole, nor is it any other kind of mistake.


Not only is it not known why Bowman killed the woman, no explanation is ever given as to why he chose to frame Walker so it still benefits as a plot hole.

No, it doesn't. As I already mentioned, a plot hole is an inconsistency that benefits the story despite not making any sense. Explanations not being provided for character decisions is just that - missing information. Calling it a plot hole is categorically false.


5th Sep 2021

The Terminator (1984)

Continuity mistake: When Reese and later the Terminator go through the phone book to locate Sarah Connor, the second Sarah is listed as Sarah Ann Connor. Later, when Traxler and Vukovich are discussing the death of the second Sarah, Traxler reads the name on the police file as Sarah Louise Connor. (00:14:45 - 00:25:30)

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Suggested correction: A similar mistake was already corrected. When Vukovich says "girl number 2", he says she was killed earlier this afternoon, not that she was the 2nd victim. Sarah Louise Connor was shot first.


While Sarah is having pizza in a pizza place, the reporter confirms that "2 hours earlier" Sarah Ann Connor was the second victim.

Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Plot hole: When Hulk and Banner have been physically separated by the nutrient bath, they are both wearing tattered pants. Given that Hulk and Banner were previously occupying the same body, this should not be possible. Hulk was the one that went into the nutrient bath, so if Banner's body was separated from Hulk, then Banner should be naked.


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Suggested correction: It was done deliberately as a form of censorship. They didn't want to show Bruce's genitals.

Explaining why the mistake occurred doesn't invalidate it. Unless you're suggesting the nutrient bath also was able to duplicate the pants.


I am not. I am just explaining the reason behind this error.

Do you have a source for this explanation? If not, I would call it conjecture and while it doesn't invalidate the mistake, it does change it to a deliberate mistake if true.


You realise a character can be drawn naked without actually showing their genitals (and/or breasts in the case of women), right? The Little Mermaid is a good example of this.


4th Sep 2021

What If...? (2021)

What If... Captain Carter Were the First Avenger? - S1-E1

Other mistake: The premise of the first episode is flawed; "a single choice" should make the difference, the choice being identified as Ms. Carter not leaving the room to get in the observation booth. But in the normal timeline the booth is exactly where all the other characters were. In this reality everyone else is downstairs, with the German spy that inexplicably sets the bomb early. If anything, it's his bizarre, suicidal choice that matters.


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Suggested correction: Except it was her decision to not leave the room that delayed the procedure and gave Heinz Kruger the chance to attack. And with her in the room, she is now given the chance to volunteer to take the serum.


How did her staying delay the procedure? Besides, in OTL the spy only triggered the bomb after he saw the procedure succeed, to know it works before stealing it.


25th Jul 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

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Suggested correction: At no point does Lisa turn over the resume. She takes it, reads it and says it needs padding out.


Suggested correction: Lisa does turn over the resume, but there's nothing typed on the back. She's wasn't turning the resume over to continue reading it, she was just looking to see if there was something more because it was one line, hence her response of needing padding.


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