
21st Jan 2015

Rocky (1976)

Question: In the movie Rocky, porno actress Jean Jennings is listed in the credits on numerous websites, but I can't place or recall her in the film. According to information and bio info on her, she was married to Joe Spinell, who played Rocky's friend and employer in the film. Was she in Rocky? If so, in what scene?

Answer: If she was in Rocky, she would have been a minor extra because I've never seen her listed in any credits for Rocky on any websites, including Jean Jennings' IMDB page.


21st Jan 2015

The Prestige (2006)

Question: This is more of a "what if" question, but I have to ask: theoretically, wouldn't the audience have been more impressed by a cloning machine than a disappear-reappear illusion? Couldn't Angier have vastly outsold Borden by showing the audience he can make a copy of himself (of course, pretending it's only an illusion, and only to kill the clone backstage at a later date)?

Answer: There have been twin magicians in real life who use their secret to do this kind of trick. Audiences would tend to be more impressed by this just based on bewilderment of "how did he do it" because the magician could "reappear" faster than expected. However, once you put the twins side by side, even pretending it's a clone, it starts to break down the illusion because people would believe it's twins rather than a clone. In fact, when twins "reappear" too fast (say a hypothetical teleporting trick), people tend to suspect a twin or look-a-like rather than "magic".


25th Mar 2013

The Night Flier (1997)

Question: Probably a dumb question, but is this the only film in which Miguel Ferrer has ever received top billing? Usually in everything I have seen him in, he is in a supporting role, so I was just wondering.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: He's received top billing at least 6 times, most notably "Hard Ride to Hell" and "The Harvest", but he's also shared in top billing another half dozen times or so.


22nd Mar 2014

Lone Wolf McQuade (1983)

Question: Why didn't Kayo get any credit at the end for his help? Mcquade and Jackson got a rousing public celebration for their work...but Kayo got nothing. I never understood that.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Part of it could be because more people in the crowd know McQuade or Jackson personally. We know McQuade's daughter and ex-wife are there. However, Kayo is also given the Texas Award of Valor, same as McQuade and Jackson.


9th Jan 2015

Scrubs (2001)

My Old Lady - S1-E4

Question: In this episode JD, Elliot and Turk all have a patient that dies at the end. JD's dies from old age/refuses treatment. Elliot's dies due to the risky nature of the treatment given, if I remember correctly, however I never understood why Turk's patient dies. He's there for surgery, during surgery the surgeons find something, but they never say what it is. The young man is prepped for surgery again in a late scene and Turk tells him what is happening but we don't hear it. He then dies on the operating table. What was it they found inside the patient? And why did he die so quickly when undergoing surgery for it?


Chosen answer: When they were in the operating room the first time, they saw a black mass that wasn't the hernia. At that point they don't say anything, but when Turk is on the phone he's talking to David's dad and says it was a lymphoma. Which is basically a cancerous tumor. They don't mention in the show, but lymphomas can go undetected and spread and the longer they remain, the less chance of survival. Given the way the rest of the Turk/David scenes play out, David's cancer just went unchecked too long and spread too much where there was nothing the doctors could do.


Answer: There's no indication they were meeting for the first time, in fact they seem to know each other as Sgt. Carter addresses Andy only as "Sheriff". Gomer Pyle just says his two favorite people are "meeting face to face", and obviously in the pilot episode Sgt. Carter wasn't one of Pyle's favorite people yet.


Answer: Mr. Scrooge is a moneylender and Bob is his clerk. Moneylendering is different than something like a bank loan because interest rates are much steeper and usually the last resort for poor people who can't get bank loans. In essence he's a loan shark.


29th Dec 2014

Clueless (1995)

Question: What is the name of the song that's playing when Josh is dropping the his girlfriend home? I tried using shazam but I got nothing.

Answer: It's Counting Crows' cover of "The Ghost In You".


Question: What is the first carol sung in the car?

Answer: If you're referring to the opening scene, they're finishing up "Oh Come All Ye Faithful"


24th Dec 2014

Lockout (2012)

Question: About what time frame is this movie supposed to take place? I know the future, but about when?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The movie takes place in 2079, with flashbacks revealing what happened a short time prior to Snow being in custody.


12th Dec 2014

Family Guy (1999)

Brian Sings & Swings - S4-E19

Question: In this episode Meg pretends to be a lesbian, when she calls herself a 'mega lesbian' it shows four other 'mega lesbians' singing something on deep voices. What song are they singing? Is it a real song?


Chosen answer: It's a real song called "Elvira". Originally by Dallas Fraizer in '66, however, this version seems to be the Oak Ridge Boys cover version. However, the mega lesbians skip the verse and just sing the chorus after the opening line.


3rd Dec 2014

General questions

I'm looking for an older movie similar to Miracle on 34th Street where some guy picks up a trash bag and it becomes Santa's bag. When anyone else picks up the bag it is just a trash bag. It might even have been a Twilight Zone episode. Thank you in advance for any help.


Chosen answer: It was an old Twilight Zone episode, The Night of the Meek (s02e11).


Question: Could someone please tell me where all the other walking apes/chimpanzees/orangutans came from? Caesar was the only surviving ape from the last film, so where did all the rest come from?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Caesar wasn't the only surviving ape, just the only surviving talking ape. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes is set roughly 20 years after Escape from the Planet of the Apes, and in that time man began to keep apes as pets (disease wiped out dogs and cats) and (most likely through breeding), the apes evolved into what we see in the film.


Question: How does Ben Hildebrand die? Only his skeleton is shown in while Billie removes the parasail. He would not have been killed and eaten by a dinosaur because his skeletal remains are still there, and he wouldn't have been strangulated as he was talking to Eric as per the video.

Answer: While the movie doesn't explain this, it most certainly wasn't a dinosaur (since a carnivorous dinosaur would eat him). However, in Jurassic Park Adventures: Survivor, he dies from internal injuries due to the rough "landing".


Answer: Raptors.

Answer: Compisigthus or compies would have done the trick.

Question: When Taylor investigated the rocks, he aims the butt of his rifle at the rocks and then he fades through the rocks and he vanishes. What exactly was the cliff he fell through? Was it a hologram or a mirage or something?

Casual Person

Chosen answer: The mutated humans (the ones with the bomb) have telekinetic powers and projected the image into Taylor's mind, the same way they did with the fire with the apes.


13th Dec 2012

General questions

I am looking for the title of a movie about a group of about six 20-ish year old friends who become stuck in a Cessna that they are unable to land after a pin (or something like that) becomes dislodged and gets stuck on another part, preventing that from moving so the plane can descend. They end up having to toss as much as they can out of the plane in an attempt to lessen the amount of weight in the plane to conserve fuel. The film starts with a somewhat flashback to when the female pilot was a child and the Cessna she was in (I think) with her parents and it has a mid-air collision with another plane. I believe this film is a Canadian-made film made in about 2009.


Chosen answer: The movie is called "Altitude". It was a direct-to-video film.


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